
class prism.Pipeline(modellink_obj, root_dir=None, working_dir=None, prefix=None, prism_file=None, emul_type=None, comm=None)[source]

Defines the Pipeline class of the PRISM package.

The Pipeline class is the main user class of the PRISM package and provides a user-friendly environment that gives access to all operations within the package.


Analyzes an emulator projection hypercube hcube.

Parameters:hcube (1D array_like of int of length {1, 2}) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection hypercube.
  • impl_min_hcube (1D ndarray object) – List containing the lowest implausibility value that can be reached in every single grid point on the given hypercube.
  • impl_los_hcube (1D ndarray object) – List containing the fraction of the total amount of evaluated samples in every single grid point on the given hypercube, that still satisfied the implausibility cut-off criterion.
_Projection__draw_2D_proj_fig(hcube, impl_min, impl_los, proj_res)

Draws the 2D projection figure for the provided hcube, given the impl_min and impl_los values.

  • hcube (1D array_like of int of length 1) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection figure.
  • impl_min (1D ndarray object) – List containing the lowest implausibility value that can be reached in every single grid point on the given hypercube.
  • impl_los (1D ndarray object) – List containing the fraction of the total amount of evaluated samples in every single grid point on the given hypercube, that still satisfied the implausibility cut-off criterion.
  • proj_res (int) – Number of emulator evaluations used to generate the grid for the given hypercube.
_Projection__draw_3D_proj_fig(hcube, impl_min, impl_los, proj_res)

Draws the 3D projection figure for the provided hcube, given the impl_min and impl_los values.

  • hcube (1D array_like of int of length 2) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection figure.
  • impl_min (1D ndarray object) – List containing the lowest implausibility value that can be reached in every single grid point on the given hypercube.
  • impl_los (1D ndarray object) – List containing the fraction of the total amount of evaluated samples in every single grid point on the given hypercube, that still satisfied the implausibility cut-off criterion.
  • proj_res (int) – Number of emulator evaluations used to generate the grid for the given hypercube.

Generates a dict containing default values for all input arguments.

Returns:kwargs_dict (dict) – Dict containing all default input argument values.

Generates a dict containing default values for all projection parameters.

Returns:par_dict (dict) – Dict containing all default projection parameter values.
_Projection__get_fig_path(hcube, emul_i=None)

Determines the absolute path of a projection figure corresponding to a provided projection hypercube hcube in emulator iteration emul_i and returns it.

Parameters:hcube (1D array_like of int of length {1, 2} or str) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection hypercube. If str, the name of hcube instead (_Projection__get_hcube_name()).
Other Parameters:
 emul_i (int or None. Default: None) – If int, number indicating the requested emulator iteration. If None, the last iteration of the emulator will be used.
  • fig_path (str) – The absolute path to the requested projection figure.
  • fig_path_s (str) – The absolute path to the smoothed version.

Determines the name of a provided projection hypercube hcube and returns it.

Parameters:hcube (1D array_like of int of length {1, 2}) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection hypercube.
Returns:hcube_name (str) – The name of this projection hypercube.

Returns the projection data belonging to the provided hypercube hcube.

Parameters:hcube (1D array_like of int of length {1, 2}) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection hypercube.
  • impl_min_hcube (1D ndarray object) – List containing the lowest implausibility value that can be reached in every single grid point on the given hypercube.
  • impl_los_hcube (1D ndarray object) – List containing the fraction of the total amount of evaluated samples in every single grid point on the given hypercube, that still satisfied the implausibility cut-off criterion.
  • proj_res (int) – Number of emulator evaluations used to generate the grid for the given hypercube.
  • proj_depth (int) – Number of emulator evaluations used to generate the samples in every grid point for the given hypercube.

Generates a projection hypercube hcube containing emulator evaluation samples The output of this function depends on the requested projection type.

Parameters:hcube (1D array_like of int of length {1, 2}) – Array containing the internal integer identifiers of the main model parameters that require a projection hypercube.
Returns:proj_hcube (3D ndarray object) – 3D projection hypercube of emulator evaluation samples. For 3D projections, the grid uses matrix indexing (second parameter varies the fastest).

Determines which projection hypercubes have been requested by the user. Also checks if these projection hypercubes have been calculated before, and depending on the value of force, either skips them or recreates them.

Parameters:proj_par (1D array_like of {int, str} or None) – For which model parameters to construct the projection figures. If 1D array_like, construct projection figures for all combinations of provided model parameters that are active, with a string referring to the name of the model parameter and an integer referring to the position in which the model parameter is shown in the details() method. If None, projection figures are made for all active model parameters.


hcubes : list of lists
List containing the parameter indices of the requested projection hypercubes.
create_hcubes : list of lists
List containing the parameter indices of the requested projection hypercubes that need to be created first.
_Projection__prepare_projections(emul_i, proj_par, **kwargs)

Prepares the pipeline for the creation of the requested projections.

  • emul_i (int or None) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • proj_par (1D array_like of {int, str} or None) – For which model parameters to construct the projection figures. If 1D array_like, construct projection figures for all combinations of provided model parameters that are active, with a string referring to the name of the model parameter and an integer referring to the position in which the model parameter is shown in the details() method. If None, projection figures are made for all active model parameters.
  • kwargs (dict) – Dict of keyword arguments that were provided to project().
_Projection__process_input_arguments(emul_i, **kwargs)

Processes the input arguments given to the project() method.

  • emul_i (int or None) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • kwargs (dict) – Dict of keyword arguments that were provided to project().


All default and provided arguments are saved to their respective properties.


Reads in the Projection parameters from the provided PRISM parameter file and saves them in the current Projection instance.


Saves a given data dict {keyword: data} at the emulator iteration this class was initialized for, to the HDF5-file.


data_dict (dict) – Dict containing the data that needs to be saved to the HDF5-file.

Keyword Arguments:
  • keyword ({‘nD_proj_hcube’}) – String specifying the type of data that needs to be saved.
  • data ({int, float, str, array_like} or dict) – The actual data that needs to be saved at data keyword keyword. If dict, save every item individually.


The specified data is saved to the HDF5-file.

__init__(modellink_obj, root_dir=None, working_dir=None, prefix=None, prism_file=None, emul_type=None, comm=None)[source]

Initialize an instance of the Pipeline class.


modellink_obj (ModelLink object) – Instance of the ModelLink subclass that links the emulated model to this Pipeline instance.

Other Parameters:
  • root_dir (str or None. Default: None) – String containing the absolute path of the root directory where all working directories are stored. If None, root directory will be set to the directory this class was initialized in.
  • working_dir (str, int or None. Default: None) – String containing the name of the working directory of the emulator in root_dir. If int, a new working directory will be created in root_dir. If None, working directory is set to the last one that was created in root_dir that starts with the given prefix. If no directories are found, one will be created.
  • prefix (str or None. Default: None) – String containing a prefix that is used for naming new working directories or scan for existing ones. If None, all directories in root_dir are considered working directories and ‘prism_’ will be used as a prefix for new ones.
  • prism_file (str or None. Default: None) – String containing the absolute or relative path to the TXT-file containing the PRISM parameters that need to be changed from their default values. If a relative path is given, its path must be relative to root_dir or the current directory. If None, no changes will be made to the default parameters.
  • emul_type (Emulator subclass or None. Default: None) – The type of Emulator to use in this Pipeline instance. If None, use the default emulator instead.
  • comm (Intracomm object or None. Default: None) – The MPI intra-communicator to use in this Pipeline instance or MPI.COMM_WORLD if comm is None. If mpi4py is not installed, _dummyMPI is used instead.
_call_model(emul_i, par_set, data_idx)[source]

Obtain the output corresponding to the provided data_idx that is generated by the model for a given model parameter sample par_set. The current emulator iteration emul_i is also provided in case it is required by the ModelLink subclass.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • par_set (1D array_like) – Model parameter sample to calculate the model output for.
  • data_idx (list of tuples) – The list of data identifiers for which the model is requested to return the corresponding data values.

mod_out (1D ndarray object) – Model output corresponding to given par_set.


Compiles all pre-defined built-in code snippets to code objects and saves them to code_objects. These code objects are used for performing standard operations in the _evaluate_sam_set() method.

_do_impl_check(emul_i, uni_impl_val)[source]

Performs an implausibility cut-off check on the provided implausibility values uni_impl_val at emulator iteration emul_i.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • uni_impl_val (1D array_like) – Array containing all univariate implausibility values corresponding to a certain parameter set for all data points.

  • result (bool) – 1 if check was successful, 0 if it was not.
  • impl_cut_val (float) – Implausibility value at the first real implausibility cut-off.

_evaluate_model(emul_i, sam_set, data_idx)[source]

Evaluates the model for provided evaluation sample set sam_set at given data points data_idx.

This method automatically distributes the samples according to the various flags set in the ModelLink subclass.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • sam_set (1D or 2D array_like) – Parameter/sample set to evaluate in the model.
  • data_idx (list of tuples) – The list of data identifiers for which the model is requested to return the corresponding data values.

mod_set (2D ndarray object of shape (n_sam, n_data)) – Array containing the data values corresponding to the requested data points.

_evaluate_sam_set(emul_i, sam_set, exec_code)[source]

Evaluates a provided set of emulator evaluation samples sam_set at a given emulator iteration emul_i. The provided tuple of code snippets exec_code are executed using Python’s exec() function at specific points during the analysis.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • sam_set (2D ndarray object) – Array containing model parameter value sets to be evaluated in all emulator systems in emulator iteration emul_i.
  • exec_code ({‘analyze’, ‘evaluate’, ‘hybrid’, ‘project’} or tuple) – Tuple of five code snippets (pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code) to be executed at specific points during the analysis. If string, use one of the built-in tuples in code_objects instead.
Other Parameters:
  • pre_code (str or code object) – Code snippet to be executed before the evaluation of sam_set starts.
  • eval_code (str or code object) – Code snippet to be executed after the evaluation of each sample in sam_set.
  • anal_code (str or code object) – Code snippet to be executed after the analysis of each sample in sam_set. This code snippet is only executed by the controller.
  • post_code (str or code object) – Code snippet to be executed after the evaluation of sam_set ends.
  • exit_code (str or code object) – Code snippet to be executed before returning the results of the evaluation of sam_set. This code snippet is only executed by the controller.

results (object) – The object that is assigned to results, which is defaulted to None if no code snippet changes it. Preferably, the execution of post_code and/or exit_code modifies results. All MPI ranks return it.


If any of the code snippets is provided as a string, it will be compiled into a code object before starting the evaluation.


Generates a dict containing default values for all pipeline parameters.

Returns:par_dict (dict) – Dict containing all default pipeline parameter values.

Generates an emulator evaluation sample set to be used for analyzing an emulator iteration. Currently uses the lhd() function.

Parameters:emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
Returns:eval_sam_set (2D ndarray object) – Array containing the evaluation samples.

Processes an externally provided model realization set ext_real_set, containing the used sample set and the corresponding data value set.

Parameters:ext_real_set (list, dict or None) – List of arrays containing an externally calculated set of model evaluation samples and its data values, a dict with keys ['sam_set', 'mod_set'] containing these arrays or None if no external set needs to be used.
  • ext_sam_set (1D or 2D ndarray object) – Array containing the externally provided model evaluation samples.
  • ext_mod_set (1D or 2D ndarray object) – Array containing the model outputs of all specified externally provided model evaluation samples.
_get_impl_cut(impl_cut, temp)[source]

Generates the full list of impl_cut-offs from the incomplete, shortened impl_cut list.

  • impl_cut (1D list) – Incomplete, shortened impl_cut-offs list provided during class initialization.
  • temp (bool) – Whether the implausibility parameters should only be stored in memory (True) or should also be saved to HDF5 (False).


impl_cut : 1D ndarray object
Full list containing the impl_cut-offs for all data points provided to the emulator.
cut_idx : int
Index of the first impl_cut-off in impl_cut that is not a wildcard.

Reads in the impl_cut list and other parameters for implausibility evaluations from the PRISM parameters file and saves them in the last emulator iteration.

Parameters:temp (bool) – Whether the implausibility parameters should only be stored in memory (True) or should also be saved to HDF5 (False).


impl_cut : 1D ndarray object
Full list containing the impl_cut-offs for all data points provided to the emulator.
cut_idx : int
Index of the first impl_cut-off in the impl_cut list that is not 0.
_get_iteration_data(emul_i, sam_set, ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set)[source]

Obtains the model realization data for given emulator iteration emul_i by evaluating the provided sam_set in the model and distributing model outputs to the correct emulator systems.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • sam_set (2D ndarray object) – Array containing the model evaluation samples.
  • ext_sam_set (1D or 2D ndarray object) – Array containing the externally provided model evaluation samples.
  • ext_mod_set (1D or 2D ndarray object) – Array containing the model outputs of all specified externally provided model evaluation samples.


sam_set : 2D ndarray object
Array containing the model evaluation samples for emulator iteration emul_i.
mod_set : 2D ndarray object
Array containing the model outputs of all specified model evaluation samples for emulator iteration emul_i.
_get_md_var(emul_i, par_set)[source]

Retrieves the model discrepancy variances, which includes all variances that are created by the model provided by the ModelLink instance. This method tries to call the get_md_var() method, and assumes a default model discrepancy variance of 1/6th the data value if it cannot be called. If the data value space is not linear, then this default value is calculated such to reflect that.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • par_set (1D ndarray object) – Model parameter value set to calculate the model discrepancy variances for.

var_md (2D ndarray object) – Variance of the model discrepancy.


Generates mock data and loads it into the ModelLink object that was provided during class initialization. This function overwrites the ModelLink properties holding the parameter estimates, data values and data errors.


Overwrites the corresponding ModelLink class properties with the generated values.


This function calculates the total number of emulator evaluation samples at a given emulator iteration emul_i from base_eval_sam.

Parameters:emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
Returns:n_eval_sam (int) – Total number of emulator evaluation samples.
_get_paths(root_dir, working_dir, prefix, prism_file)[source]

Obtains the path for the root directory, working directory and parameters file for PRISM.

  • root_dir (str or None) – String containing the absolute path of the root directory where all working directories are stored. If None, root directory will be set to the directory this class was initialized in.
  • working_dir (str, int or None) – String containing the name of the working directory of the emulator in root_dir. If int, a new working directory will be created in root_dir. If None, working directory is set to the last one that was created in root_dir that starts with the given prefix. If no directories are found, one will be created.
  • prefix (str or None) – String containing a prefix that is used for naming new working directories or scan for existing ones. If None, all directories in root_dir are considered working directories and ‘prism_’ will be used as a prefix for new ones.
  • prism_file (str or None) – String containing the absolute or relative path to the TXT-file containing the PRISM parameters that need to be changed from their default values. If a relative path is given, its path must be relative to root_dir or the current directory. If None, no changes will be made to the default parameters.


The absolute paths to the root directory, working directory, emulator master HDF5-file and PRISM parameters file.

_get_uni_impl(emul_i, emul_s_seq, par_set, adj_exp_val, adj_var_val)[source]

Calculates the univariate implausibility values at a given emulator iteration emul_i for specified expectation and variance values adj_exp_val and adj_var_val, corresponding to given par_set.

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • emul_s_seq (list of int) – List of numbers indicating the requested emulator systems.
  • par_set (1D ndarray object) – Model parameter value set to calculate the univariate implausibility values for. Only used to pass to the get_md_var() method.
  • adj_exp_val, adj_var_val (1D array_like) – The adjusted expectation and variance values to calculate the univariate implausibility for.

uni_impl_val (1D ndarray object) – Univariate implausibility value for all requested emulator systems.


All worker ranks in the comm communicator start listening for calls from the corresponding controller rank and will attempt to execute the received message. Listening for calls continues until _worker_mode is set to False.

This method is automatically initialized and finalized when using the worker_mode.


Loads in all the important pipeline data into memory for the controller rank. If it is detected that the last emulator iteration has not been analyzed yet, the implausibility analysis parameters are read in from the PRISM parameters file and temporarily stored in memory.


All relevant pipeline data up to the last emulator iteration is loaded into memory.

_make_call(exec_fn, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Send the provided exec_fn to all worker ranks, if they are listening for calls, and tell them to execute it using the provided args and kwargs. All ranks that call this function will execute exec_fn as well.

If used within the worker_mode context manager, this function should only be called by the controller. If not, it should be called by all ranks that must execute exec_fn.

  • exec_fn (str, callable or None) – If string, a callable attribute of this Pipeline instance or a callable object that the workers should execute if not. If None, the workers stop listening for calls instead (disables worker mode).
  • args (tuple) – Positional arguments that need to be provided to exec_fn.
  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments that need to be provided to exec_fn.
_multi_call_model(emul_i, sam_set, data_idx)[source]

Obtain the output set corresponding to the provided data_idx that is generated by the model for a given model parameter sample set sam_set. The current emulator iteration emul_i is also provided in case it is required by the ModelLink subclass.

This is a multi-version of _call_model().

  • emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.
  • sam_set (2D array_like) – Model parameter sample set to calculate the model output for.
  • data_idx (list of tuples) – The list of data identifiers for which the model is requested to return the corresponding data values.

mod_set (2D ndarray object) – Model output set corresponding to given sam_set.


Reads in the Pipeline parameters from the provided PRISM parameter file and saves them in the current Pipeline instance.


Saves a given data dict {keyword: data} at the last emulator iteration to the HDF5-file and as an data attribute to the current Pipeline instance.


data_dict (dict) – Dict containing the data that needs to be saved to the HDF5-file.

Keyword Arguments:
  • keyword ({‘impl_par’, ‘impl_sam’, ‘n_eval_sam’}) – String specifying the type of data that needs to be saved.
  • data ({int, float, str, array_like} or dict) – The actual data that needs to be saved at data keyword keyword. If dict, save every item individually.


The specified data is saved to the HDF5-file.

_save_statistics(emul_i, stat_dict)[source]

Saves a given statistics dict {keyword: [value, unit]} at emulator iteration emul_i to the HDF5-file. The provided values are always saved as strings.


emul_i (int) – Number indicating the requested emulator iteration.

Keyword Arguments:
  • keyword (str) – String containing the name/keyword of the statistic that is being saved.
  • value (int, float or str) – The value of the statistic.
  • unit (str) – The unit of the statistic.

Analyzes the emulator at the last emulator iteration for a large number of emulator evaluation samples. All samples that survive the implausibility checks, are used in the construction of the next emulator iteration.


impl_sam : 2D ndarray object
Array containing all emulator evaluation samples that survived the implausibility checks.
construct(emul_i=None, analyze=True, ext_real_set=None, force=False)[source]

Constructs the emulator at the specified emulator iteration emul_i, and performs an implausibility analysis on the emulator iteration right afterward if requested (analyze()).

Other Parameters:
  • emul_i (int or None. Default: None) – If int, number indicating the requested emulator iteration. If None, the next iteration of the emulator will be constructed.
  • analyze (bool. Default: True) – Bool indicating whether or not to perform an analysis after the specified emulator iteration has been successfully constructed, which is required for constructing the next iteration.
  • ext_real_set (list, dict or None. Default: None) – List of arrays containing an externally calculated set of model evaluation samples and its data values, a dict with keys ['sam_set', 'mod_set'] containing these arrays or None if no external set needs to be used.
  • force (bool. Default: False) – Controls what to do if the specified emulator iteration emul_i already (partly) exists. If False, finish construction of the specified iteration or skip it if already finished. If True, reconstruct the specified iteration entirely.


A new HDF5-group with the emulator iteration as its name, in the loaded emulator master file, containing emulator data required for this emulator iteration.


Using an emulator iteration that has been (partly) constructed before, will finish construction or skip it if already finished when force is False; or it will delete that and all following iterations, and reconstruct the specified iteration when force is True. Using emul_i = 1 and force is True is equivalent to reconstructing the entire emulator.

If no implausibility analysis is requested, then the implausibility parameters are read in from the PRISM parameters file and temporarily stored in memory in order to enable the usage of the evaluate() and project() methods.


Prints the details/properties of the currently loaded Pipeline instance at given emulator iteration emul_i. See Props for detailed descriptions of all printed properties.

Other Parameters:
 emul_i (int or None. Default: None) – If int, number indicating the requested emulator iteration. If None, the last iteration of the emulator will be used.


Working directory
The relative path to the working directory of the emulator starting at the current working directory.
Emulator type
The type of this emulator, corresponding to the emul_type of the provided emul_type during Pipeline initialization. If no emulator type was provided during initialization, this is ‘default’.
ModelLink subclass
Name of the ModelLink subclass used to construct this emulator.
Emulation method
Indicates the combination of regression and Gaussian emulation methods that have been used for this emulator.
Mock data used?
Whether or not mock data has been used to construct this emulator. If so, the printed estimates for all model parameters are the parameter values used to create the mock data.
Emulator iteration
The iteration of the emulator this details overview is about. By default, this is the last (partly) constructed iteration.
Construction completed?
Whether or not the construction of this emulator iteration is completed. If not, the missing components for each emulator system are listed and the remaining information of this iteration is not printed.
Plausible regions?
Whether or not plausible regions have been found during the analysis of this emulator iteration. If no analysis has been done yet, “N/A” will be printed.
Projections available?
Whether or not projections have been created for this emulator iteration. If projections are available and analysis has been done, but with different implausibility cut-offs, a “desync” note is added. Also prints number of available projections versus maximum number of projections in parentheses.
# of model evaluation samples
The total number of model evaluation samples used to construct all emulator iterations up to this iteration, with the number for every individual iteration in parentheses.
# of plausible/analyzed samples
The number of emulator evaluation samples that passed the implausibility check out of the total number of analyzed samples in this emulator iteration. This is the number of model evaluation samples that was/will be used for the construction of the next emulator iteration. If no analysis has been done, the numbers show up as “-“.
% of parameter space remaining
The percentage of the total number of analyzed samples that passed the implausibility check in this emulator iteration. If no analysis has been done, the number shows up as “-“.
# of active/total parameters
The number of model parameters that was considered active during the construction of this emulator iteration, compared to the total number of model parameters defined in the used ModelLink subclass.
# of emulated data points
The number of data points that have been emulated in this emulator iteration.
# of emulator systems
The total number of emulator systems that are required in this emulator. The number of active emulator systems is equal to the number of data points.
Parameter space
Lists the name, lower and upper value boundaries and estimate (if provided) of all model parameters defined in the used ModelLink subclass. An asterisk is printed in front of the parameter name if this model parameter was considered active during the construction of this emulator iteration. A question mark is used instead if the construction of this emulator iteration is not finished.
evaluate(sam_set, emul_i=None)[source]

Evaluates the given model parameter sample set sam_set up to given emulator iteration emul_i. The output of this function depends on the number of dimensions in sam_set. The output is always provided on the controller rank.

Parameters:sam_set (1D or 2D array_like or dict) – Array containing model parameter value sets to be evaluated in the emulator up to emulator iteration emul_i.
Other Parameters:
 emul_i (int or None. Default: None) – If int, number indicating the requested emulator iteration. If None, the last iteration of the emulator will be used.
  • impl_check (list of bool) – List of bool indicating whether or not the given samples passed the implausibility check at the given emulator iteration emul_i.
  • emul_i_stop (list of int) – List containing the last emulator iterations at which the given samples are still within the plausible region of the emulator.
  • adj_exp_val (2D ndarray object) – Array containing the adjusted expectation values for all given samples.
  • adj_var_val (2D ndarray object) – Array containing the adjusted variance values for all given samples.
  • uni_impl_val (2D ndarray object) – Array containing the univariate implausibility values for all given samples.

Prints (if ndim(sam_set) == 1)

impl_check : bool
Bool indicating whether or not the given sample passed the implausibility check at the given emulator iteration emul_i.
emul_i_stop : int
Last emulator iteration at which the given sample is still within the plausible region of the emulator.
adj_exp_val : 1D ndarray object
The adjusted expectation values for the given sample.
adj_var_val : 1D ndarray object
The adjusted variance values for the given sample.
sigma_val : 1D ndarray object
The corresponding sigma value for the given sample.
uni_impl_val : 1D ndarray object
The univariate implausibility values for the given sample.


If given emulator iteration emul_i has been analyzed before, the implausibility parameters of the last analysis are used. If not, then the values are used that were read in when the emulator was loaded.

project(emul_i=None, proj_par=None, **kwargs)

Analyzes the emulator iteration emul_i and constructs a series of projection figures detailing the behavior of the model parameters corresponding to the given proj_par. The input and output depend on the number of model parameters n_par.

  • emul_i (int or None. Default: None) – If int, number indicating the requested emulator iteration. If None, the last iteration of the emulator will be used.
  • proj_par (1D array_like of {int, str} or None. Default: None) – For which model parameters to construct the projection figures. If 1D array_like, construct projection figures for all combinations of provided model parameters that are active, with a string referring to the name of the model parameter and an integer referring to the position in which the model parameter is shown in the details() method. If None, projection figures are made for all active model parameters.
Keyword Arguments:
  • proj_type ({‘2D’, ‘3D’, ‘both’}. Default: ‘2D’ (2D), ‘both’ (nD)) – String indicating which projection type to create for all supplied active parameters. If n_par == 2, this is always ‘2D’ (and cannot be modified).
  • figure (bool. Default: True) – Whether or not to create the projection figures. If True, the figures are calculated, drawn and saved. If False, the figures are calculated and their data is returned in a dict.
  • align ({‘row’/’horizontal’, ‘col’/’column’/’vertical’}. Default: ‘col’) – If figure is True, string indicating how to position the two subplots. If ‘row’/’horizontal’, the subplots are positioned on a single row. If ‘col’/’column’/’vertical’, the subplots are positioned on a single column.
  • smooth (bool. Default: False) – Controls what to do if a grid point contains no plausible samples, but does contain a minimum implausibility value below the first non-wildcard cut-off. If False, these values are kept, which can show up as artifact-like features in the projection figure. If True, these values are set to the first cut-off, removing them from the projection figure. Doing this may also remove interesting features. This does not affect the projection data saved to HDF5. Smoothed figures have an ‘_s’ string appended to their filenames.
  • force (bool. Default: False) – Controls what to do if a projection hypercube has been calculated at the emulator iteration emul_i before. If False, it will use the previously acquired projection data to create the projection figure. If True, it will recalculate all the data required to create the projection figure. Note that this will also delete all associated projection figures.
  • fig_kwargs (dict. Default: {‘figsize’: (6.4, 4.8), ‘dpi’: 100}) – Dict of keyword arguments to be used when creating the subplots figure. It takes all arguments that can be provided to the figure() function.
  • impl_kwargs_2D (dict. Default: {}) – Dict of keyword arguments to be used for making the minimum implausibility (top/left) plot in the 2D projection figures. It takes all arguments that can be provided to the plot() function.
  • impl_kwargs_3D (dict. Default: {‘cmap’: ‘rainforest_r’}) – Dict of keyword arguments to be used for making the minimum implausibility (top/left) plot in the 3D projection figures. It takes all arguments that can be provided to the hexbin() function.
  • los_kwargs_2D (dict. Default: {}) – Dict of keyword arguments to be used for making the line-of-sight (bottom/right) plot in the 2D projection figures. It takes all arguments that can be provided to the plot() function.
  • los_kwargs_3D (dict. Default: {‘cmap’: ‘blaze’}) – Dict of keyword arguments to be used for making the line-of-sight (bottom/right) plot in the 3D projection figures. It takes all arguments that can be provided to the hexbin() function.
  • line_kwargs (dict. Default: {‘linestyle’: ‘–’, ‘color’: ‘grey’}) – Dict of keyword arguments to be used for drawing the parameter estimate lines in both plots. It takes all arguments that can be provided to the draw() function.

fig_data (dict of dicts) – Dict containing the data for every requested projection figure, split up into the ‘impl_min’ and ‘impl_los’ dicts. For 2D projections, every dict contains a list with the x and y values. For 3D projections, it contains the x, y and z values. Note that due to the figures being interpolations, the y/z values can be below zero or the line-of-sight values being above unity.

Generates (if figure is True)

A series of projection figures detailing the behavior of the model. The lay-out and output of the projection figures depend on the type of figure:

2D projection figure: The output will feature a figure with two subplots for every active model parameter (n_par). Every figure gives details about the behavior of the corresponding model parameter, by showing the minimum implausibility value (top/left) and the line-of-sight depth (bottom/right) obtained at the specified parameter value, independent of the values of the other parameters.

3D projection figure (only if n_par > 2): The output will feature a figure with two subplots for every combination of two active model parameters that can be made (n_par*(n_par-1)/2). Every figure gives details about the behavior of the corresponding model parameters, as well as their dependency on each other. This is done by showing the minimum implausibility (top/left) and the line-of-sight depth (bottom/right) obtained at the specified parameter values, independent of the values of the remaining model parameters.


If given emulator iteration emul_i has been analyzed before, the implausibility parameters of the last analysis are used. If not, then the values are used that were read in when the emulator was loaded.

run(emul_i=None, force=False)[source]

Calls the construct() method to start the construction of the given iteration of the emulator and creates the projection figures right afterward if this construction was successful.

Other Parameters:
  • emul_i (int or None. Default: None) – If int, number indicating the requested emulator iteration. If None, the next iteration of the emulator will be constructed.
  • force (bool. Default: False) – Controls what to do if the specified emulator iteration emul_i already (partly) exists. If False, finish construction of the specified iteration or skip it if already finished. If True, reconstruct the specified iteration entirely.

Custom File class that has added logging and automatically uses hdf5_file as the HDF5-file to open.


Base number of emulator evaluations used to analyze the emulator systems. This number is scaled up by the number of model parameters and the current emulator iteration to generate the true number of emulator evaluations (n_eval_sam).


Collection of pre-compiled built-in code snippets that are used in the _evaluate_sam_set() method.

Type:dict of code objects

The global MPI intra-communicator to use in this Pipeline instance. By default, this is MPI.COMM_WORLD.


Value indicating which criterion to use in the lhd() function.

Type:str, float or None

The index of the first non-wildcard in a list of implausibility values. This is equivalent to the number of wildcards leading the cut-off values in impl_cut.


Whether or not to do an active parameters analysis during the construction of the emulator systems.


Whether or not to save all logging messages. If False, all logging messages of level INFO and below are ignored. It also enables/disables the progress bar for making projections.


The Emulator instance created during Pipeline initialization.


Whether or not previously active parameters always stay active if possible.


Absolute path to the loaded master HDF5-file.


The non-wildcard univariate implausibility cut-off values for an emulator iteration.

Type:list of int

The model evaluation samples that will be added to the next emulator iteration.


Whether or not this MPI process is a controller rank. If no MPI is used, this is always True.


Whether or not this MPI process is a worker rank. If no MPI is used, this is always False.


The ModelLink instance provided during Pipeline initialization.


The number of evaluation samples used to analyze an emulator iteration of the emulator systems. The number of plausible evaluation samples is stored in n_impl_sam. It is zero if the specified iteration has not been analyzed yet.


Number of model evaluation samples that passed the implausibility checks during the analysis of an emulator iteration. It is zero if the specified iteration has not been analyzed yet or has no plausible samples.


Number of evaluation samples used to construct the first iteration of the emulator systems.


The potentially active parameters. Only parameters from this list can become active during the active parameters analysis. If do_active_anal is False, all parameters in this list will be active.

Type:list of str

Absolute path to the PRISM parameters file or None if no file was provided.


Number of emulator evaluations used to generate the samples in every grid point for the last created projection figures. Note that when making 2D projections of nD models, the used depth was this number multiplied by proj_res.


Number of emulator evaluations used to generate the grid for the last created projection figures.


The rank of this MPI process in comm. If no MPI is used, this is always 0.


Absolute path to the root directory.


The number of MPI processes in comm. If no MPI is used, this is always 1.


Special context manager within which all code is executed in worker mode. In worker mode, all worker ranks are continuously listening for calls from the controller rank made with _make_call().

Note that all code within the context manager is executed by all ranks, with the worker ranks executing it after the controller rank exited. It is therefore advised to use an if-statement inside to make sure only the controller rank executes the code.

Using this context manager allows for easier use of PRISM in combination with serial/OpenMP codes (like MCMC methods).


Absolute path to the working directory.
