Source code for prism._pipeline

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Provides the definition of the main class of the *PRISM* package, the
:class:`~Pipeline` class.


# Built-in imports
from ast import literal_eval
from inspect import isclass
import logging
import os
from os import path
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
from time import time

# Package imports
from e13tools import InputError, ShapeError
from e13tools.math import nCr, sort2D
from e13tools.sampling import lhd
from e13tools.utils import (
    delist, docstring_append, docstring_copy, docstring_substitute,
    get_outer_frame, raise_error, raise_warning, split_seq)
from mpi4pyd import MPI
from mpi4pyd.MPI import get_HybridComm_obj
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import normal, randint, random
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict as sdict

# PRISM imports
from prism._docstrings import (
    call_emul_i_doc, call_model_doc_s, call_model_doc_m, def_par_doc,
    ext_mod_set_doc, ext_real_set_doc_d, ext_real_set_doc_s, ext_sam_set_doc,
    impl_cut_doc, make_call_doc_a, make_call_doc_aw, make_call_doc_w,
    make_call_doc_ww, make_call_pipeline_doc, paths_doc_d, paths_doc_s,
    save_data_doc_p, set_par_doc, std_emul_i_doc, user_emul_i_doc)
from prism._internal import (
    RequestError, RequestWarning, check_vals, getCLogger, get_PRISM_File,
    getRLogger, move_logger, np_array, set_base_logger)
from prism._projection import Projection
from prism.emulator import Emulator

# All declaration
__all__ = ['Pipeline']

# TODO: Allow user to switch between emulation and modelling
# TODO: Implement multivariate implausibilities
# TODO: Think of a way to allow no ModelLink instance to be provided.
# This could be done with a DummyLink, but md_var is then uncallable.
# OPTIMIZE: Use the Numba package to speed up certain calculations?
# TODO: Figure out how to do log-values properly for parameters as well.
[docs]class Pipeline(Projection, object): """ Defines the :class:`~Pipeline` class of the *PRISM* package. The :class:`~Pipeline` class is the main user class of the *PRISM* package and provides a user-friendly environment that gives access to all operations within the pipeline. """
[docs] @docstring_substitute(paths=paths_doc_d) def __init__(self, modellink_obj, *, root_dir=None, working_dir=None, prefix=None, prism_par=None, emul_type=None, comm=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~Pipeline` class. Parameters ---------- modellink_obj : :obj:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` object Instance of the :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` subclass that links the emulated model to this :obj:`~Pipeline` instance. Optional -------- %(paths)s prism_par : array_like, dict, str or None. Default: None A dict containing the values for the *PRISM* parameters that need to be changed from their default values. If array_like, dict(`prism_par`) must generate a dict with the correct lay-out. If str, the string is the absolute or relative path to the file that contains the keys in the first column and the dict values in the second column. If a relative path is given, its path must be relative to `root_dir` or the current directory. If *None*, no changes will be made to the default parameters. emul_type : :class:`~prism.emulator.Emulator` subclass or None.\ Default: None The type of :class:`~prism.emulator.Emulator` to use in this :obj:`~Pipeline` instance. If *None*, use the default emulator instead. comm : :obj:`~mpi4pyd.MPI.Intracomm` object or None. Default: None The MPI intra-communicator to use in this :obj:`~Pipeline` instance or :obj:`MPI.COMM_WORLD` if `comm` is *None*. """ # Obtain MPI communicator, ranks and sizes self._comm = get_HybridComm_obj(comm) self._rank = self._comm.Get_rank() self._size = self._comm.Get_size() # Set statuses self._is_controller = 1 if not self._rank else 0 self._is_worker = 1 if self._rank else 0 self._worker_mode = 0 self._do_logging = 1 # Controller obtaining paths and preparing logging system if self._is_controller: # Start logging set_base_logger() logger = getCLogger('PIPELINE')"") # Initialize class logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Initializing Pipeline class.") # Obtain paths self._get_paths(root_dir, working_dir, prefix) # Move logger to working directory and restart it move_logger(self._working_dir) # Remaining workers obtain paths from controller else: # Obtain paths logger = getCLogger('INIT') self._get_paths(root_dir, working_dir, prefix) # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier() # Start logger for workers as well if self._is_worker: set_base_logger(path.join(self._working_dir, 'prism_log.log')) # Read in the provided parameter dict/file self._read_parameters(prism_par) # Initialize Emulator class # If emul_type is None, use default emulator if emul_type is None: Emulator(self, modellink_obj) # Else if emul_type is a subclass of Emulator, try to initialize it elif isclass(emul_type) and issubclass(emul_type, Emulator): try: emul_type(self, modellink_obj) self._emulator self._modellink except Exception as error: err_msg = ("Input argument 'emul_type' is invalid! (%s)" % (error)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # If anything else is given, it is invalid else: err_msg = ("Input argument 'emul_type' is invalid (%r)!" % (emul_type)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # Let everybody set the pipeline parameters self._set_parameters() # Compile pre-defined code snippets self._compile_code_snippets() # Let controller load in the data if self._is_controller: self._load_data() # Print out the details of the current state of the pipeline self.details()
# Allows one to call one full loop of the PRISM pipeline @docstring_substitute(emul_i=call_emul_i_doc) def __call__(self, emul_i=None, *, force=False): """ Calls the :meth:`~construct` method to start the construction of the given iteration of the emulator and creates the projection figures right afterward if this construction was successful. Optional -------- %(emul_i)s force : bool. Default: False Controls what to do if the specified emulator iteration `emul_i` already (partly) exists. If *False*, finish construction of the specified iteration or skip it if already finished. If *True*, reconstruct the specified iteration entirely. """ # Perform construction self.construct(emul_i, force=force) # Perform projection self.project(emul_i) # Define the representation of a Pipeline object # TODO: Find out if there is a way to represent an MPI intra-communicator def __repr__(self): # Get path to current working directory, make all paths relative to it pwd = os.getcwd() # Make empty list holding representations of all input arguments str_repr = [] # Add the ModelLink representation str_repr.append(repr(self._modellink)) # Add the root_dir representation if it is not default if(path.splitdrive(self._root_dir)[0].lower() != path.splitdrive(pwd)[0].lower()): # pragma: no cover rel_root_path = self._root_dir else: rel_root_path = path.relpath(self._root_dir, pwd) if(rel_root_path != '.'): str_repr.append("root_dir=%r" % (rel_root_path)) # Add the working_dir representation str_repr.append("working_dir=%r" % (path.relpath(self._working_dir, self._root_dir))) # Add the prism_par representation if it is not default if self._prism_dict: # Make empty default dict default_dict = sdict() # Make empty list of prism_par representations par_repr = [] # Add the default parameter dicts to it default_dict.update(self._get_default_parameters()) default_dict.update(self._emulator._get_default_parameters()) default_dict.update(self._Projection__get_default_parameters()) # Loop over all items in prism_dict and check if it is default for key, val in self._prism_dict.items(): # Convert key to lowercase and val to string key = key.lower() val = str(val) # Check if this key exists in default_dict if key in default_dict.keys(): # Check if the corresponding values are not the same if(val != default_dict[key]): # Add this parameter to the prism_par_repr list par_repr.append("%r: %r" % (key, val)) # Convert par_repr from list to dict and add it to str_repr str_repr.append("prism_par={%s}" % (", ".join(map(str, par_repr)))) # Add the emul_type representation if it is not default emul_repr = "%s.%s" % (self._emulator.__class__.__module__, self._emulator.__class__.__name__) if(emul_repr != 'prism.emulator._emulator.Emulator'): str_repr.append("emul_type=%s" % (emul_repr)) # Return representation return("%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, ", ".join(str_repr))) # %% CLASS PROPERTIES # MPI properties @property def comm(self): """ :obj:`~mpi4pyd.MPI.Intracomm`: The MPI intra-communicator that is used in this :obj:`~Pipeline` instance. By default, this is :obj:`MPI.COMM_WORLD`. """ return(self._comm) @property def rank(self): """ int: The rank of this MPI process in :attr:`~comm`. If no MPI is used, this is always 0. """ return(self._rank) @property def size(self): """ int: The number of MPI processes in :attr:`~comm`. If no MPI is used, this is always 1. """ return(self._size) @property def is_controller(self): """ bool: Whether or not this MPI process is a controller rank. If no MPI is used, this is always *True*. """ return(bool(self._is_controller)) @property def is_worker(self): """ bool: Whether or not this MPI process is a worker rank. If no MPI is used, this is always *False*. """ return(bool(self._is_worker)) @property def worker_mode(self): """ :obj:`~prism._pipeline.WorkerMode`: Special context manager within which all code is executed in worker mode. In worker mode, all worker ranks are continuously listening for calls from the controller rank made with :meth:`~_make_call` or :meth:`~_make_call_workers`. Note that all code within the context manager is executed by all ranks, with the worker ranks executing it after the controller rank exits. It is therefore advised to use an if-statement inside to make sure only the controller rank executes the code. Using this context manager allows for easier use of *PRISM* in combination with serial/OpenMP codes (like MCMC methods). It also makes it easier to write long complex code that is mostly executed on the controller rank (but the worker ranks sometimes need to execute something). All worker modes are independent of each other and can be created in a nested fashion. """ # Initialize WorkerMode object and return it return(WorkerMode(self)) # Pipeline details @property def do_logging(self): """ bool: Whether or not to save all logging messages. If *False*, all logging messages of level :attr:`~logging.INFO` and below are ignored. It also enables/disables the progress bar for making projections. """ return(bool(self._do_logging)) @do_logging.setter def do_logging(self, flag): # Make logger logger = getRLogger('DO_LOGGING') # Check if provided value is a bool flag = check_vals(flag, 'do_logging', 'bool') # If flag and do_logging are the same, skip if flag is self._do_logging: pass # If logging is turned on, log this and turn off logging elif not flag: logging.root.manager.loggerDict['prism'].setLevel(logging.INFO+1) logger.warning("Logging messages of level %i (INFO) and below are " "now ignored." % (logging.INFO)) # If logging is turned off, turn it on and log this else: logging.root.manager.loggerDict['prism'].setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.warning("Logging messages are no longer ignored.") self._do_logging = flag @property def root_dir(self): """ str: Absolute path to the root directory. """ return(self._root_dir) @property def working_dir(self): """ str: Absolute path to the working directory. """ return(self._working_dir) @property def hdf5_file(self): """ str: Absolute path to the loaded master HDF5-file. """ return(self._hdf5_file) @property def prism_dict(self): """ dict: Dictionary containing all *PRISM* parameters that were provided during :class:`~Pipeline` initialization. """ return(self._prism_dict) @property def File(self): """ :class:`~h5py.File`: Custom :class:`~h5py.File` class that has added logging and automatically uses :attr:`~hdf5_file` as the HDF5-file to open. """ return(self._File) @property def modellink(self): """ :obj:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink`: The :obj:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` instance provided during :class:`~Pipeline` initialization. """ return(self._modellink) @property def emulator(self): """ :obj:`~prism.emulator.Emulator`: The :obj:`~prism.emulator.Emulator` instance created during :class:`~Pipeline` initialization. """ return(self._emulator) @property def code_objects(self): """ dict of code objects: Collection of pre-compiled built-in code snippets that are used in the :meth:`~_evaluate_sam_set` method. """ return(self._code_objects) # Pipeline settings @property def criterion(self): """ str, float or None: Value indicating which criterion to use in the :func:`~e13tools.sampling.lhd` function. """ return(self._criterion) @criterion.setter def criterion(self, criterion): # Make logger logger = getRLogger('CHECK') # If criterion is None, save it as such if criterion is None: self._criterion = None # If criterion is a bool, raise error elif criterion is True or criterion is False: err_msg = ("Input argument 'criterion' does not accept values of " "type 'bool'!") raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # If anything else is given, it must be a float or string else: # Try to use criterion to check validity try: lhd(3, 2, criterion=criterion) except Exception as error: err_msg = ("Input argument 'criterion' is invalid! (%s)" % (error)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) else: self._criterion = criterion @property def do_active_anal(self): """ bool: Whether or not to do an active parameters analysis during the construction of the emulator systems. """ return(bool(self._do_active_anal)) @do_active_anal.setter def do_active_anal(self, do_active_anal): self._do_active_anal = check_vals(do_active_anal, 'do_active_anal', 'bool') @property def freeze_active_par(self): """ bool: Whether or not previously active parameters always stay active if possible. """ return(bool(self._freeze_active_par)) @freeze_active_par.setter def freeze_active_par(self, freeze_active_par): self._freeze_active_par = check_vals(freeze_active_par, 'freeze_active_par', 'bool') @property def pot_active_par(self): """ list of str: The potentially active parameters. Only parameters from this list can become active during the active parameters analysis. If :attr:`~do_active_anal` is *False*, all parameters in this list will be active. """ return([self._modellink._par_name[i] for i in self._pot_active_par]) @pot_active_par.setter def pot_active_par(self, pot_active_par): # Make logger logger = getRLogger('CHECK') # If pot_active_par is None, save all model parameters if pot_active_par is None: self._pot_active_par = np_array(range(self._modellink._n_par)) # If pot_active_par is a bool, raise error elif pot_active_par is True or pot_active_par is False: err_msg = ("Input argument 'pot_active_par' does not accept values" "of type 'bool'!") raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # If anything else is given, it must be a sequence of model parameters else: # Convert the given sequence to an array of indices self._pot_active_par = np_array(self._modellink._get_model_par_seq( pot_active_par, 'pot_active_par')) @property def n_sam_init(self): """ int: Number of evaluation samples that will be used to construct the first iteration of the emulator systems. """ return(self._n_sam_init) @n_sam_init.setter def n_sam_init(self, n_sam_init): self._n_sam_init = check_vals(n_sam_init, 'n_sam_init', 'int', 'pos') @property def base_eval_sam(self): """ int: Base number of emulator evaluations used to analyze the emulator systems. This number is scaled up by the number of model parameters and the current emulator iteration to generate the true number of emulator evaluations (:attr:`~n_eval_sam`). """ return(self._base_eval_sam) @base_eval_sam.setter def base_eval_sam(self, base_eval_sam): self._base_eval_sam = check_vals(base_eval_sam, 'base_eval_sam', 'int', 'pos') @property def impl_cut(self): """ list of float: The non-wildcard univariate implausibility cut-off values for an emulator iteration. Setting it with the reduced implausibility cut-off list will change the values of :attr:`~cut_idx` and this property at the last emulator iteration. """ return(self._impl_cut) @impl_cut.setter def impl_cut(self, impl_cut): # Only the controller can set this value if self._is_controller: # Make logger logger = getRLogger('CHECK') # Get last emul_i emul_i = self._emulator._emul_i # Raise error if emul_i is 0 if not emul_i: err_msg = "Emulator is not built yet!" raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) # Do some logging"Checking compatibility of provided implausibility " "cut-off values.") # Check if analyze() is calling this setter caller_frame = get_outer_frame(self.analyze) # Check if the last iteration has already been analyzed try: if self._n_eval_sam[emul_i]: # If so, check if this setter was called by analyze() if caller_frame is None: # If not, raise error err_msg = ("Pipeline property 'impl_cut' can only be " "set if the current emulator iteration has " "not been analyzed yet!") raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) # If n_eval_sam at emul_i does not exist, no analyze has been done except IndexError: pass # Check if provided impl_cut contains solely non-negative floats impl_cut = check_vals(impl_cut, 'impl_cut', 'float', 'nneg') # Complete the impl_cut list # Loop over all values in impl_cut except the first for i in range(1, len(impl_cut)): # If value is zero, take on the value of the previous cut-off if not impl_cut[i]: impl_cut[i] = impl_cut[i-1] # If the value is higher than the previous value, it is invalid elif(impl_cut[i] > impl_cut[i-1] and impl_cut[i-1]): err_msg = ("Cut-off %i is higher than cut-off %i " "(%f > %f)!" % (i, i-1, impl_cut[i], impl_cut[i-1])) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Get the index identifying where the first real impl_cut is red_impl_cut = impl_cut[:self._emulator._n_data_tot[emul_i]] for i, impl in enumerate(red_impl_cut): if(impl != 0): cut_idx = i break # If the loop ends normally, there were only wildcards else: err_msg = ("No non-wildcard implausibility cut-off was " "provided!") raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Obtain impl_cut impl_cut = np_array(impl_cut)[cut_idx:] # Set impl_par try: self._impl_cut[emul_i] = impl_cut self._cut_idx[emul_i] = cut_idx except IndexError: self._impl_cut.append(impl_cut) self._cut_idx.append(cut_idx) # Analysis results/properties @property def cut_idx(self): """ int: The index of the first non-wildcard in a list of implausibility values. This is equivalent to the number of wildcards leading the cut-off values in :attr:`~impl_cut`. """ return(self._cut_idx) @property def n_eval_sam(self): """ int: The number of evaluation samples used to analyze an emulator iteration of the emulator systems. The number of plausible evaluation samples is stored in :attr:`~n_impl_sam`. It is zero if the specified iteration has not been analyzed yet. """ return(self._n_eval_sam) @property def n_impl_sam(self): """ int: Number of model evaluation samples that passed the implausibility checks during the analysis of an emulator iteration. It is zero if the specified iteration has not been analyzed yet or has no plausible samples. """ return(self._n_impl_sam) @property def impl_sam(self): """ :obj:`~numpy.ndarray`: The model evaluation samples that will be added to the next emulator iteration. """ return(self._impl_sam) # %% GENERAL CLASS METHODS # Function that sends a code string to all workers and executes it
[docs] @docstring_append(make_call_doc_a) def _make_call(self, exec_fn, *args, **kwargs): return(WorkerMode.make_call(self, exec_fn, *args, **kwargs))
# Function that sends a code string to all workers (does not execute it)
[docs] @docstring_append(make_call_doc_w) def _make_call_workers(self, exec_fn, *args, **kwargs): return(WorkerMode.make_call_workers(self, exec_fn, *args, **kwargs))
# This function evaluates the model for a given set of evaluation samples # TODO: If not MPI_call, all ranks evaluate part of sam_set simultaneously? # Requires check/flag that model can be evaluated in multiple instances # TODO: If not MPI_call, should OMP_NUM_THREADS be temporarily unset? # TODO: Find out how to check what the waiting mode is on an architecture
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _evaluate_model(self, emul_i, sam_set, data_idx): """ Evaluates the model for provided evaluation sample set `sam_set` at given data points `data_idx`. This method automatically distributes the samples according to the various flags set in the :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` subclass. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s sam_set : 1D or 2D array_like Parameter/sample set to evaluate in the model. data_idx : list of tuples The list of data identifiers for which the model is requested to return the corresponding data values. Returns ------- sam_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object of shape ``(n_sam, n_par)`` Array containing the sample set used to evaluate the model. mod_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object of shape ``(n_sam, n_data)`` Array containing the data values corresponding to the requested data points. """ # Log that evaluation of model samples is started logger = getCLogger('MODEL')"Evaluating model samples.") # Make sure that sam_set is at least 2D, a NumPy array and sorted sam_set = np_array(sam_set, ndmin=2) sam_set = sort2D(sam_set, order=list(range(self._modellink._n_par))) # Check who needs to call the model if self._is_controller or self._modellink._MPI_call: # Request all evaluation samples at once if self._modellink._multi_call: mod_set = self._multi_call_model(emul_i, sam_set, data_idx) # Request evaluation samples one-by-one else: # Initialize mod_set mod_set = np.empty([sam_set.shape[0], self._modellink._n_data]) # Loop over all requested evaluation samples for i, par_set in enumerate(sam_set): mod_set[i] = self._call_model(emul_i, par_set, data_idx) # If workers did not call model, give them a dummy mod_set else: mod_set = [] # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier() # Log that evaluation is completed and return mod_set"Finished evaluating model samples.") return(sam_set, mod_set)
# Function obtaining the model output for a given set of parameter values
[docs] @docstring_append(call_model_doc_s) def _call_model(self, emul_i, par_set, data_idx): # Make sure par_set is at least 1D and a NumPy array sam = np_array(par_set, ndmin=1) # Log that model is being called logger = getCLogger('CALL_MODEL')"Calling model at parameters %s." % (sam)) # Obtain model output mod_out = self._modellink.call_model( emul_i=emul_i, par_set=sdict(zip(self._modellink._par_name, sam)), data_idx=data_idx) # If mod_out is a dict, convert it to a NumPy array if isinstance(mod_out, dict): mod_out = np_array([mod_out[idx] for idx in data_idx]).T # Log that calling model has been finished"Model returned %s." % (mod_out)) # Return it return(np_array(mod_out))
# Function containing the model output for a given set of parameter samples
[docs] @docstring_append(call_model_doc_m) def _multi_call_model(self, emul_i, sam_set, data_idx): # Make sure sam_set is at least 2D and a NumPy array sam_set = np_array(sam_set, ndmin=2) # Log that model is being multi-called logger = getCLogger('CALL_MODEL')"Multi-calling model for sample set of size %i." % (sam_set.shape[0])) # Obtain set of model outputs mod_set = self._modellink.call_model( emul_i=emul_i, par_set=sdict(zip(self._modellink._par_name, sam_set.T)), data_idx=data_idx) # If mod_set is a dict, convert it to a NumPy array if isinstance(mod_set, dict): mod_set = np_array([mod_set[idx] for idx in data_idx]).T # Log that multi-calling model has been finished"Finished model multi-call.") # Return it return(np_array(mod_set))
# This function reads in the parameters from the provided parameters
[docs] def _read_parameters(self, prism_par): """ Reads in all parameters in the provided `prism_par` and saves them as a dict in the current :obj:`~Pipeline` instance. """ # Make a logger logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Reading in PRISM parameters.") # If no PRISM parameters were provided if prism_par is None: prism_dict = sdict() # If a PRISM parameter file was provided elif isinstance(prism_par, str): # Check if prism_par was given as an absolute path if path.exists(prism_par): prism_par = path.abspath(prism_par) # If not, check if it was relative to root_dir elif path.exists(path.join(self._root_dir, prism_par)): prism_par = path.join(self._root_dir, prism_par) # If not either, it is invalid else: err_msg = ("Input argument 'prism_par' is a non-existing path" " (%r)!" % (prism_par)) raise_error(err_msg, OSError, logger) # Read in the contents of the given prism_par file prism_par = np.genfromtxt(prism_par, dtype=(str), delimiter=':', autostrip=True) # Make sure that prism_par is 2D prism_par = np_array(prism_par, ndmin=2) # Make prism_dict prism_dict = sdict(prism_par) # If a PRISM parameters dict was provided elif isinstance(prism_par, dict): # Save parameters dict prism_dict = sdict(prism_par) # If anything else is given else: # Check if it can be converted to a dict try: prism_dict = sdict(prism_par) except Exception: err_msg = ("Input argument 'prism_par' cannot be converted to " "type 'dict'!") raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # Save prism_dict self._prism_dict = prism_dict # Log again"Finished reading in PRISM parameters.")
# This function returns default pipeline parameters
[docs] @docstring_append(def_par_doc.format("pipeline")) def _get_default_parameters(self): # Create parameter dict with default parameters par_dict = {'n_sam_init': '500', 'base_eval_sam': '800', 'impl_cut': '[0, 4.0, 3.8, 3.5]', 'criterion': "None", 'do_active_anal': 'True', 'freeze_active_par': 'True', 'pot_active_par': 'None'} # Return it return(sdict(par_dict))
# Set the parameters that were read-in from the provided parameter dict # TODO: May want to use configparser.Configparser for this
[docs] @docstring_append(set_par_doc.format("Pipeline")) def _set_parameters(self): # Log that the pipeline parameters are being set logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Setting pipeline parameters.") # Obtaining default pipeline parameter dict par_dict = self._get_default_parameters() # Add the read-in prism dict to it par_dict.update(self._prism_dict) # More logging"Checking compatibility of provided pipeline parameters.") # GENERAL # Set number of starting samples self.n_sam_init = split_seq(par_dict['n_sam_init'])[0] # Set base number of emulator evaluation samples self.base_eval_sam = split_seq(par_dict['base_eval_sam'])[0] # Convert criterion to a string criterion = str(par_dict['criterion']) # If criterion is None, True or False, try to save it as such if criterion.lower() in ('none', 'true', 'false'): self.criterion = literal_eval(criterion.capitalize()) # If anything else is given, it must be an int, float or string else: self.criterion = split_seq(criterion)[0] # Set the bool determining whether to do an active parameters analysis self.do_active_anal = par_dict['do_active_anal'] # Set the bool determining whether active parameters stay active self.freeze_active_par = par_dict['freeze_active_par'] # Convert pot_active_par to a string pot_active_par = str(par_dict['pot_active_par']) # If pot_active_par is None, True or False, try to save it as such if pot_active_par.lower() in ('none', 'true', 'false'): self.pot_active_par = literal_eval(pot_active_par.capitalize()) # If anything else is given, save it else: self.pot_active_par = pot_active_par # Log that setting has been finished"Finished setting pipeline parameters.")
# This function controls how n_eval_samples is calculated
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _get_n_eval_sam(self, emul_i): """ This function calculates the total number of emulator evaluation samples at a given emulator iteration `emul_i` from :attr:`~base_eval_sam`. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s Returns ------- n_eval_sam : int Total number of emulator evaluation samples. """ # Calculate n_eval_sam and return it return(emul_i*self._base_eval_sam*self._modellink._n_par)
# Obtains the paths for the root directory, working directory, pipeline # hdf5-file and prism parameters file # TODO: Start supporting and using pathlib.Path?
[docs] @docstring_substitute(paths=paths_doc_s) def _get_paths(self, root_dir, working_dir, prefix): """ Obtains the path for the root directory, working directory and parameters file for *PRISM*. Parameters ---------- %(paths)s Generates --------- The absolute paths to the root directory, working directory, emulator master HDF5-file and *PRISM* parameters file. """ # Set logging system logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Obtaining related directory and file paths.") # Controller obtaining the paths if self._is_controller: # Obtain root directory path # If one did not specify a root directory, set it to default if root_dir is None: self._root_dir = path.abspath('.')"No root directory specified, set to %r." % (self._root_dir)) # If one specified a root directory, use it elif isinstance(root_dir, str): self._root_dir = path.abspath(root_dir)"Root directory set to %r." % (self._root_dir)) # Check if this directory already exists and create it if not try: os.mkdir(self._root_dir) except OSError: pass else:"Root directory did not exist, created it.") # If anything else is given, it is invalid else: err_msg = "Input argument 'root_dir' is invalid!" raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # Check if a valid working directory prefix string is given if prefix is None: prefix_scan = '' prefix_new = 'prism_' elif isinstance(prefix, str): prefix_scan = prefix prefix_new = prefix else: err_msg = "Input argument 'prefix' is not of type 'str'!" raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # Obtain working directory path # If one did not specify a working directory, obtain it if working_dir in (None, False):"No working directory specified, trying to load " "last one created.") dirnames = next(os.walk(self._root_dir))[1] emul_dirs = [] # Check which directories in the root_dir satisfy the default # naming scheme of the emulator directories for dirname in dirnames: # If the prefix is the same as the scan prefix if dirname.startswith(prefix_scan): # Obtain full path to this directory dir_path = path.join(self._root_dir, dirname) # Check if this directory contains a 'prism_log.log' if 'prism_log.log' in os.listdir(dir_path): # Obtain creation time and append to emul_dirs ctime = path.getctime(dir_path) emul_dirs.append([dir_path, ctime]) # Sort list of emul_dirs on creation time emul_dirs.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) # If no working directory exists, create a new one if not len(emul_dirs): working_dir = ''.join([prefix_new, '0']) self._working_dir = path.join(self._root_dir, working_dir) os.mkdir(self._working_dir)"No working directories found, created %r." % (working_dir)) # If working directories exist, load last one created else: self._working_dir = emul_dirs[0][0]"Working directories found, set to %r." % (path.basename(self._working_dir))) # If one requested a new working directory elif working_dir is True: # Obtain list of working directories that satisfy naming scheme dirnames = next(os.walk(self._root_dir))[1] n_dirs = 0 # Check if there are any directories with the same prefix for dirname in dirnames: if dirname.startswith(prefix_scan): # Obtain full path to this directory dir_path = path.join(self._root_dir, dirname) # Check if this directory contains a 'prism_log.log' if 'prism_log.log' in os.listdir(dir_path): n_dirs += 1 # Check if working directories already exist with the same # prefix and append a number to the name if this is the case while True: working_dir = path.join(self._root_dir, ''.join([prefix_new, str(n_dirs)])) try: os.mkdir(working_dir) except OSError: n_dirs += 1 else: break # Save path to new working directory self._working_dir = working_dir"New working directory requested, created %r." % (path.basename(working_dir))) # If one specified a working directory, use it elif isinstance(working_dir, str): self._working_dir = path.join(self._root_dir, working_dir)"Working directory set to %r." % (working_dir)) # Check if this directory already exists and create it if not try: os.mkdir(self._working_dir) except OSError: pass else:"Working directory did not exist, created it.") # If one provided an integer, raise warning about it elif isinstance(working_dir, int): err_msg = ("Input argument 'working_dir' cannot be of type " "int!") raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # If anything else is given, it is invalid else: err_msg = "Input argument 'working_dir' is invalid!" raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # Obtain hdf5-file path self._hdf5_file = path.join(self._working_dir, 'prism.hdf5') # Workers get dummy paths else: self._root_dir = None self._working_dir = None self._hdf5_file = None # Broadcast paths to workers self._root_dir = self._comm.bcast(self._root_dir, 0) self._working_dir = self._comm.bcast(self._working_dir, 0) self._hdf5_file = self._comm.bcast(self._hdf5_file, 0) # Generate custom File class using the path to the master HDF5-file self._File = get_PRISM_File(self._hdf5_file)
# This function generates mock data and loads it into ModelLink # TODO: Find a way to use mock data without changing ModelLink properties
[docs] def _get_mock_data(self, mock_par): """ Generates mock data and loads it into the :obj:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` object that was provided during class initialization. This function overwrites the :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` properties holding the parameter estimates, data values and data errors. Parameters ---------- mock_par : 1D array_like or None If 1D array_like, use the provided parameter estimates to create the mock data. If *None*, a random parameter set will be generated as parameter estimates. Generates --------- Overwrites the corresponding :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` class properties with the generated values. """ # Start logger logger = getCLogger('MOCK_DATA') # Log new mock_data being created"Generating mock data for new emulator.") # Controller only if self._is_controller: # If mock parameter estimates were provided, use them if mock_par is not None: self._modellink._par_est = mock_par.tolist() # Else, generate mock parameter estimates else: self._modellink._par_est = self._modellink._to_par_space( random(self._modellink._n_par)).tolist() # Controller broadcasting new parameter estimates to workers self._modellink._par_est = self._comm.bcast(self._modellink._par_est, 0) # Obtain non-default model data values _, data_val = self._evaluate_model(0, self._modellink._par_est, self._modellink._data_idx) # Controller only if self._is_controller: # Set non-default model data values self._emulator._data_val[0] = data_val[0].tolist() # Use model discrepancy variance as model data errors md_var = self._get_md_var(0, self._modellink._par_est) err = np.sqrt(md_var).tolist() self._modellink._data_err = err # Add model data errors as noise to model data values noise = normal(size=self._modellink._n_data) for i in range(self._modellink._n_data): # If value space is linear if(self._modellink._data_spc[i] == 'lin'): if(noise[i] > 0): noise[i] *= err[i][0] else: noise[i] *= err[i][1] # If value space is log10 elif(self._modellink._data_spc[i] == 'log10'): if(noise[i] > 0): noise[i] = np.log10((pow(10, err[i][0])-1)*noise[i]+1) else: noise[i] =\ np.log10((pow(10, -1*err[i][1])-1)*-1*noise[i]+1) # If value space is ln elif(self._modellink._data_spc[i] == 'ln'): if(noise[i] > 0): noise[i] = np.log((pow(np.e, err[i][0])-1)*noise[i]+1) else: noise[i] =\ np.log((pow(np.e, -1*err[i][1])-1)*-1*noise[i]+1) # If value space is anything else else: raise NotImplementedError # Add noise to the data values self._modellink._data_val =\ (self._emulator._data_val[0]+noise).tolist() # Logger"Generated mock data.") # Broadcast updated modellink properties to workers self._modellink._data_val = self._comm.bcast(self._modellink._data_val, 0) self._modellink._data_err = self._comm.bcast(self._modellink._data_err, 0)
# This function loads pipeline data
[docs] def _load_data(self): """ Loads in all the important pipeline data into memory for the controller rank. If it is detected that the last emulator iteration has not been analyzed yet, the implausibility analysis parameters are taken from the *PRISM* parameters dict and temporarily stored in memory. Generates --------- All relevant pipeline data up to the last emulator iteration is loaded into memory. """ # Set the logger logger = getCLogger('LOAD_DATA') # Initialize all data sets with empty lists"Initializing pipeline data sets.") self._n_impl_sam = [[]] self._impl_cut = [[]] self._cut_idx = [[]] self._n_eval_sam = [[]] self._impl_sam = [] # If an emulator currently exists, load in all data if self._emulator._emul_i: # Open hdf5-file with self._File('r', None) as file: # Read in the data up to the last emulator iteration for i in range(1, self._emulator._emul_i+1): # Get this emulator emul = file['%i' % (i)] # Check if analysis has been carried out (only if i=emul_i) try: self._impl_cut.append(emul.attrs['impl_cut']) # If not, use prism_dict to set the impl_par except KeyError: self._set_impl_par(None) # If so, load the cut_idx as well else: self._cut_idx.append(emul.attrs['cut_idx']) # Load the remaining data (which is always available) finally: self._n_impl_sam.append(emul.attrs['n_impl_sam']) self._n_eval_sam.append(emul.attrs['n_eval_sam']) # Read in the samples that survived the implausibility check self._impl_sam = emul['impl_sam'][()] self._impl_sam.dtype = float # Log that loading has been finished"Finished loading pipeline data sets.")
# This function saves pipeline data to hdf5
[docs] @docstring_substitute(save_data=save_data_doc_p) def _save_data(self, data_dict): """ Saves a given data dict ``{keyword: data}`` at the last emulator iteration to the HDF5-file and as an data attribute to the current :obj:`~Pipeline` instance. %(save_data)s """ # Do some logging logger = getRLogger('SAVE_DATA') # Obtain last emul_i emul_i = self._emulator._emul_i # Open hdf5-file with self._File('r+', None) as file: # Obtain the dataset this data needs to be saved to data_set = file['%i' % (emul_i)] # Loop over entire provided data dict for keyword, data in data_dict.items(): # Log what data is being saved"Saving %r data at iteration %i to HDF5." % (keyword, emul_i)) # Check what data keyword has been provided # IMPL_PAR if(keyword == 'impl_par'): # Save impl_par data self._impl_cut[emul_i] = data['impl_cut'] self._cut_idx[emul_i] = data['cut_idx'] data_set.attrs['impl_cut'] = data['impl_cut'] data_set.attrs['cut_idx'] = data['cut_idx'] # IMPL_SAM elif(keyword == 'impl_sam'): # Check if any plausible regions have been found at all n_impl_sam = np.shape(data)[0] # Convert data to a compound data set dtype = [(n, float) for n in self._modellink._par_name] data_c = data.copy() data_c.dtype = dtype # Check if impl_sam data has been saved before try: self._n_impl_sam[emul_i] = n_impl_sam except IndexError: data_set.create_dataset('impl_sam', data=data_c) self._n_impl_sam.append(n_impl_sam) else: del data_set['impl_sam'] data_set.create_dataset('impl_sam', data=data_c) finally: self._impl_sam = data data_set.attrs['n_impl_sam'] = n_impl_sam # N_EVAL_SAM elif(keyword == 'n_eval_sam'): # Check if n_eval_sam has been saved before try: self._n_eval_sam[emul_i] = data except IndexError: self._n_eval_sam.append(data) finally: data_set.attrs['n_eval_sam'] = data # INVALID KEYWORD else: err_msg = "Invalid keyword argument provided!" raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger)
# This function saves a statistic to hdf5
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _save_statistics(self, emul_i, stat_dict): """ Saves a given statistics dict ``{keyword: [value, unit]}`` at emulator iteration `emul_i` to the HDF5-file. The provided values are always saved as strings. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s Dict variables -------------- keyword : str String containing the name/keyword of the statistic that is being saved. value : int, float or str The value of the statistic. unit : str The unit of the statistic. """ # Do logging logger = getCLogger('STATISTICS')"Saving statistics to HDF5.") # Open hdf5-file with self._File('r+', None) as file: # Loop over all statistics in stat_dict and save them for keyword, (value, unit) in stat_dict.items(): file['%i/statistics' % (emul_i)].attrs[keyword] =\ [str(value).encode('ascii', 'ignore'), unit.encode('ascii', 'ignore')]
# This function evaluates and distributes the model evaluations samples # This is function 'k'
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc, ext_sam=ext_sam_set_doc, ext_mod=ext_mod_set_doc) def _get_iteration_data(self, emul_i, sam_set, ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set): """ Obtains the model realization data for given emulator iteration `emul_i` by evaluating the provided `sam_set` in the model and distributing model outputs to the correct emulator systems. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s sam_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the model evaluation samples. %(ext_sam)s %(ext_mod)s Generates --------- sam_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the model evaluation samples for emulator iteration `emul_i`. mod_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the model outputs of all specified model evaluation samples for emulator iteration `emul_i`. """ # Log that evaluation of model samples is started logger = getCLogger('MODEL_REAL')"Obtaining model realization data for emulator iteration " "%i." % (emul_i)) # Save the current time start_time = time() # Obtain number of samples n_sam = np.shape(sam_set)[0] # Do some preparations on the controller if self._is_controller: # Flatten the corresponding data_idx_to_core data_idx_flat = [] n_data = [] for data_idx_rank in self._emulator._data_idx_to_core[emul_i]: data_idx_rank = delist(data_idx_rank) data_idx_flat.extend(data_idx_rank) n_data.append(len(data_idx_rank)) # Sort ext_mod_set accordingly to data_idx_flat if provided if ext_mod_set.shape[0]: sort_idx = [self._modellink._data_idx.index(idx) for idx in data_idx_flat] ext_mod_set = ext_mod_set[sort_idx] # Use dummy data_idx_flat on workers else: data_idx_flat = None # For sake of consistency, broadcast data_idx_flat to workers data_idx_flat = self._comm.bcast(data_idx_flat, 0) # If there are any samples in sam_set, evaluate them in the model if n_sam: sam_set, mod_set =\ self._evaluate_model(emul_i, sam_set, data_idx_flat) # Transpose obtained mod_set on controller if self._is_controller: mod_set = mod_set.T # Controller processing the received data values if self._is_controller: # Get end time end_time = time()-start_time # Check if ext_real_set and/or sam_set were provided if ext_sam_set.shape[0] and n_sam: sam_set = np.concatenate([sam_set, ext_sam_set], axis=0) mod_set = np.concatenate([mod_set, ext_mod_set], axis=1) use_ext_real_set = 1 elif ext_sam_set.shape[0]: sam_set = ext_sam_set mod_set = ext_mod_set use_ext_real_set = 1 else: use_ext_real_set = 0 # Determine what data needs to go to what rank disps = np.cumsum([0, *n_data[:-1]]) idx = [np.arange(disp, disp+i) for i, disp in zip(n_data, disps)] mod_set_list = [mod_set[i] for i in idx] # Sent the specific mod_set parts to the corresponding workers"Distributing model realization data to corresponding " "emulator systems.") sam_set = self._comm.bcast(sam_set, 0) mod_set = self._comm.scatter(mod_set_list, 0) # MPI Barrier to make sure that workers have saved their data self._comm.Barrier() # Save controller data self._emulator._save_data(emul_i, None, { 'mod_real_set': { 'sam_set': sam_set, 'mod_set': mod_set, 'use_ext_real_set': use_ext_real_set}}) # Workers waiting for controller to send them their data values else: # Obtain sam_set and mod_set from the controller sam_set = self._comm.bcast(None, 0) mod_set = self._comm.scatter(None, 0) # Save all the data to the specific hdf5-files for lemul_s, mod_out in zip(self._emulator._active_emul_s[emul_i], mod_set): self._emulator._save_data(emul_i, lemul_s, { 'mod_real_set': { 'mod_set': mod_out}}) # Save sam_set data to memory self._emulator._sam_set[emul_i] = sam_set self._emulator._n_sam[emul_i] = np.shape(sam_set)[0] # MPI Barrier to let controller know data was saved self._comm.Barrier() # Controller finishing up if self._is_controller: # Log that this is finished eval_rate = end_time/n_sam if n_sam else 0 msg = ("Finished obtaining and distributing model realization data" " in %#.3g seconds, averaging %#.3g seconds per model " "evaluation." % (end_time, eval_rate)) self._save_statistics(emul_i, { 'tot_model_eval_time': ['%#.3g' % (end_time), 's'], 'avg_model_eval_time': ['%#.3g' % (eval_rate), 's'], 'MPI_comm_size_model': ['%i' % (self._size), '']}) print(msg) # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier()
# This function generates a large Latin Hypercube sample set to analyze # the emulator at
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _get_eval_sam_set(self, emul_i): """ Generates an emulator evaluation sample set to be used for analyzing an emulator iteration. Currently uses the :func:`~e13tools.sampling.lhd` function. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s Returns ------- eval_sam_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the evaluation samples. """ # Log about this logger = getCLogger('EVAL_SAMS') # Obtain number of samples n_eval_sam = self._get_n_eval_sam(emul_i) # Create array containing all samples for analyzing the emulator"Creating emulator evaluation sample set with size %i." % (n_eval_sam)) eval_sam_set = lhd(n_eval_sam, self._modellink._n_par, self._modellink._par_rng, 'center', self._criterion, 100, constraints=self._emulator._sam_set[emul_i])"Finished creating sample set.") # Return it return(eval_sam_set)
# This function performs an implausibility cut-off check on a given sample # TODO: Implement dynamic impl_cut
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _do_impl_check(self, emul_i, uni_impl_val): """ Performs an implausibility cut-off check on the provided implausibility values `uni_impl_val` at emulator iteration `emul_i`. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s uni_impl_val : 1D array_like Array containing all univariate implausibility values corresponding to a certain parameter set for all data points. Returns ------- result : bool 1 if check was successful, 0 if it was not. impl_cut_val : float Implausibility value at the first real implausibility cut-off. """ # Sort impl_val to compare with the impl_cut list sorted_impl_val = np.flip(np.sort( uni_impl_val, axis=-1), axis=-1)[self._cut_idx[emul_i]:] # Save the implausibility value at the first real cut-off impl_cut_val = sorted_impl_val[0] # Scan over all data points in this sample for impl_val, cut_val in zip(sorted_impl_val, self._impl_cut[emul_i]): # If impl_val is not below impl_cut, break if(impl_val > cut_val): return(0, impl_cut_val) else: # If for-loop ended in a normal way, the check was successful return(1, impl_cut_val)
# This function calculates the univariate implausibility values # This is function 'I²(x)'
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _get_uni_impl(self, emul_i, par_set, adj_exp_val, adj_var_val): """ Calculates the univariate implausibility values at a given emulator iteration `emul_i` for specified expectation and variance values `adj_exp_val` and `adj_var_val`, corresponding to given `par_set`. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s par_set : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Model parameter value set to calculate the univariate implausibility values for. Only used to pass to the :meth:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink.get_md_var` method. adj_exp_val, adj_var_val : 1D array_like The adjusted expectation and variance values to calculate the univariate implausibility for. Returns ------- uni_impl_val : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Univariate implausibility value for all requested emulator systems. """ # Obtain model discrepancy variance md_var = self._get_md_var(emul_i, par_set) # Determine the active emulator systems for this iteration active_emul_s = self._emulator._active_emul_s[emul_i] # Initialize empty univariate implausibility uni_impl_val_sq = np.zeros(len(active_emul_s)) # Calculate the univariate implausibility values for i, emul_s in enumerate(active_emul_s): # Use the upper errors by default err_idx = 0 # If adj_exp_val < data_val, use the lower error instead if(adj_exp_val[i] < self._emulator._data_val[emul_i][emul_s]): err_idx = 1 # Calculate the univariate implausibility value uni_impl_val_sq[i] =\ pow(adj_exp_val[i]-self._emulator._data_val[emul_i][emul_s], 2)/(adj_var_val[i]+md_var[i][err_idx] + pow(self._emulator._data_err[emul_i][emul_s][err_idx], 2)) # Take square root uni_impl_val = np.sqrt(uni_impl_val_sq) # Return it return(uni_impl_val)
# This function calculates the model discrepancy variance
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _get_md_var(self, emul_i, par_set): """ Retrieves the model discrepancy variances, which includes all variances that are created by the model provided by the :obj:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` instance. This method tries to call the :meth:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink.get_md_var` method, and assumes a default model discrepancy variance of ``1/6th`` the data value if it cannot be called. If the data value space is not linear, then this default value is calculated such to reflect that. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s par_set : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Model parameter value set to calculate the model discrepancy variances for. Returns ------- var_md : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Variance of the model discrepancy. """ # Obtain md variances # Try to use the user-defined md variances try: md_var = self._modellink.get_md_var( emul_i=emul_i, par_set=sdict(zip(self._modellink._par_name, par_set)), data_idx=delist(self._emulator._data_idx[emul_i])) # If it was not user-defined, use a default value except NotImplementedError: # Use factor 2 difference on 2 sigma as acceptable # Imagine that 2 sigma range is given if lower and upper are factor # 2 apart. This gives that sigma must be 1/6th of the data value # Create empty md_var list md_var = [] # Loop over all data points and check their values spaces for data_val, data_spc in zip( delist(self._emulator._data_val[emul_i]), delist(self._emulator._data_spc[emul_i])): # If value space is linear, take 1/6th of the data value if(data_spc == 'lin'): md_var.append([pow(data_val/6, 2)]*2) # If value space is log10, take log10(7/6) and log10(5/6) elif(data_spc == 'log10'): md_var.append([0.0044818726418455815, 0.006269669725654501]) # If value space is ln, take ln(7/6) and ln(5/6) elif(data_spc == 'ln'): md_var.append([0.023762432091205918, 0.03324115007177121]) # If value space is anything else else: raise NotImplementedError # Make sure that md_var is a NumPy array md_var = np_array(md_var, ndmin=2) # If it was user-defined, check if the values are compatible else: # If md_var is a dict, convert it to a NumPy array if isinstance(md_var, dict): data_idx = self._emulator._data_idx[emul_i] md_var = np_array([md_var[idx] for idx in data_idx]) # Make sure that md_var is a NumPy array md_var = np_array(md_var) # If single values were given, duplicate them if(md_var.ndim == 1): md_var = np_array([md_var]*2).T # Return it return(md_var)
# This function sets the impl_cut list from read-in parameter dict # TODO: Make impl_cut dynamic
[docs] @docstring_substitute(impl_cut=impl_cut_doc) def _set_impl_par(self, impl_cut): """ Sets the :attr:`~impl_cut` and :attr:`~cut_idx` properties for implausibility evaluations using :attr:`~prism.Pipeline.prism_dict` and the provided `impl_cut`. Parameters ---------- impl_cut : list of float or None Incomplete, shortened impl_cut-offs list to be used during the analysis of this emulator iteration. If *None*, use :attr:`~prism.Pipeline.prism_dict` instead. Generates --------- %(impl_cut)s """ # Do some logging logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Setting implausibility cut-off values.") # If impl_cut is None, set the impl_par the standard way if impl_cut is None: # Obtaining default pipeline parameter dict par_dict = self._get_default_parameters() # Add the read-in prism dict to it par_dict.update(self._prism_dict) # Remove auxiliary characters from impl_cut impl_cut = split_seq(par_dict['impl_cut']) # Set the impl_par self.impl_cut = impl_cut # Finish logging"Finished setting implausibility cut-off values.")
# This function processes an externally provided real_set # TODO: Additionally allow for an old PRISM master file to be provided
[docs] @docstring_substitute(ext_set=ext_real_set_doc_s, ext_sam=ext_sam_set_doc, ext_mod=ext_mod_set_doc) def _get_ext_real_set(self, ext_real_set): """ Processes an externally provided model realization set `ext_real_set`, containing the used sample set and the corresponding data value set. Parameters ---------- %(ext_set)s Returns ------- %(ext_sam)s %(ext_mod)s """ # If no ext_real_set is provided, return empty arrays without logging if ext_real_set is None: return(np_array([]), np_array([])) # Do some logging logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Processing externally provided model realization set.") # If a list is given if isinstance(ext_real_set, list): # Check if ext_real_set contains 2 elements if(len(ext_real_set) != 2): err_msg = "Input argument 'ext_real_set' is not of length 2!" raise_error(err_msg, ShapeError, logger) # Try to extract ext_sam_set and ext_mod_set try: ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set = ext_real_set except Exception as error: err_msg = ("Input argument 'ext_real_set' is invalid! (%s)" % (error)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # If a dict is given elif isinstance(ext_real_set, dict): # Check if ext_real_set contains correct keys if 'sam_set' not in ext_real_set.keys(): err_msg = ("Input argument 'ext_real_set' does not contain key" " 'sam_set'!") raise_error(err_msg, KeyError, logger) if 'mod_set' not in ext_real_set.keys(): err_msg = ("Input argument 'ext_real_set' does not contain key" " 'mod_set'!") raise_error(err_msg, KeyError, logger) # Try to extract ext_sam_set and ext_mod_set try: ext_sam_set = ext_real_set['sam_set'] ext_mod_set = ext_real_set['mod_set'] except Exception as error: err_msg = ("Input argument 'ext_real_set' is invalid! (%s)" % (error)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # If anything else is given, it is invalid else: err_msg = "Input argument 'ext_real_set' is invalid!" raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # Check that ext_sam_set and ext_mod_set are dicts if not isinstance(ext_sam_set, dict): err_msg = "Input argument 'ext_sam_set' is not of type 'dict'!" raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) if not isinstance(ext_mod_set, dict): err_msg = "Input argument 'ext_mod_set' is not of type 'dict'!" raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # Check ext_sam_set and ext_mod_set ext_sam_set = self._modellink._check_sam_set(ext_sam_set, 'ext_sam_set') ext_mod_set = self._modellink._check_mod_set(ext_mod_set, 'ext_mod_set') # Make sure that ext_sam_set and ext_mod_set are 2D ext_sam_set = np_array(ext_sam_set, ndmin=2) ext_mod_set = np_array(ext_mod_set, ndmin=2) # Check if both arrays contain the same number of samples if not(ext_sam_set.shape[0] == ext_mod_set.shape[0]): err_msg = ("External sample and model output sets do not contain " "the same number of samples (%i != %i)!" % (ext_sam_set.shape[0], ext_mod_set.shape[0])) raise_error(err_msg, ShapeError, logger) # Log that processing has been finished"Finished processing externally provided model realization" " set of size %i." % (ext_sam_set.shape[0])) # If all checks are passed, return ext_sam_set and ext_mod_set return(ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set.T)
# This function compiles pre-defined built-in code snippets and saves them
[docs] def _compile_code_snippets(self): """ Compiles all pre-defined built-in code snippets to code objects and saves them to :attr:`~code_objects`. These code objects are used for performing standard operations in the :meth:`~_evaluate_sam_set` method. """ # Log that code snippets are being compiled logger = getCLogger('INIT')"Compiling built-in code snippets.") # Define dict of code snippet tuples code_objects = {} # ANALYZE # Define the various code snippets pre_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') eval_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') anal_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') post_code = compile("self.results = sam_set[sam_idx]", '<string>', 'exec') exit_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') # Combine code snippets into a tuple and add to dict code_objects['analyze'] = (pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code) # EVALUATE # Define the various code snippets # We have to use lists here to account for n_data differing with emul_i pre_code = compile(dedent(""" adj_exp_val = [[] for _ in range(n_sam)] adj_var_val = [[] for _ in range(n_sam)] uni_impl_val_list = [[] for _ in range(n_sam)] emul_i_stop = np.zeros([n_sam], dtype=int) """), '<string>', 'exec') eval_code = compile(dedent(""" adj_exp_val[sam_idx[j]] = adj_val[0] adj_var_val[sam_idx[j]] = adj_val[1] uni_impl_val_list[sam_idx[j]] = uni_impl_vals[j] """), '<string>', 'exec') anal_code = compile("emul_i_stop[sam_idx[j]] = i", '<string>', 'exec') post_code = compile(dedent(""" adj_exp_val = self._comm.gather(np_array(adj_exp_val), 0) adj_var_val = self._comm.gather(np_array(adj_var_val), 0) uni_impl_val_list = self._comm.gather(np_array(uni_impl_val_list), 0) """), '<string>', 'exec') exit_code = compile(dedent(""" adj_exp_val = np.concatenate(adj_exp_val, axis=1) adj_var_val = np.concatenate(adj_var_val, axis=1) uni_impl_val = np.concatenate(uni_impl_val_list, axis=1) self.results = (adj_exp_val, adj_var_val, uni_impl_val, emul_i_stop, impl_check) """), '<string>', 'exec') # Combine code snippets into a tuple and add to dict code_objects['evaluate'] = (pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code) # HYBRID # Define the various code snippets pre_code = compile("lnprior = 0", '<string>', 'exec') eval_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') anal_code = compile(dedent(""" lnprior = (np.log(1-impl_cut_val/self._impl_cut[i][0]) if impl_check_val else -np.infty) """), '<string>', 'exec') post_code = compile(dedent(""" lnprior = self._comm.bcast(lnprior, 0) self.results = (sam_set[sam_idx], lnprior) """), '<string>', 'exec') exit_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') # Combine code snippets into a tuple and add to dict code_objects['hybrid'] = (pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code) # PROJECT # Define the various code snippets pre_code = compile("impl_cut = np.zeros([n_sam])", '<string>', 'exec') eval_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') anal_code = compile("impl_cut[sam_idx[j]] = impl_cut_val", '<string>', 'exec') post_code = compile("", '<string>', 'exec') exit_code = compile("self.results = (impl_check, impl_cut)", '<string>', 'exec') # Combine code snippets into a tuple code_objects['project'] = (pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code) # Save code_objects dict to memory self._code_objects = code_objects # Log again"Finished compiling code snippets.")
# This function evaluates given sam_set in the emulator using code snippets
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=std_emul_i_doc) def _evaluate_sam_set(self, emul_i, sam_set, exec_code): """ Evaluates a provided set of emulator evaluation samples `sam_set` at a given emulator iteration `emul_i`. The provided tuple of code snippets `exec_code` are executed using Python's :func:`~exec` function at specific points during the analysis. Parameters ---------- %(emul_i)s sam_set : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing model parameter value sets to be evaluated in all emulator systems in emulator iteration `emul_i`. exec_code : {'analyze', 'evaluate', 'hybrid', 'project'} or tuple Tuple of five code snippets ``(pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code)`` to be executed at specific points during the analysis. If string, use one of the built-in tuples in :attr:`~code_objects` instead. Other parameters ---------------- pre_code : str or code object Code snippet to be executed before the evaluation of `sam_set` starts. eval_code : str or code object Code snippet to be executed after the evaluation of each sample in `sam_set`. anal_code : str or code object Code snippet to be executed after the analysis of each sample in `sam_set`. This code snippet is only executed by the controller. post_code : str or code object Code snippet to be executed after the evaluation of `sam_set` ends. exit_code : str or code object Code snippet to be executed before returning the results of the evaluation of `sam_set`. This code snippet is only executed by the controller. Returns ------- results : object The object that is assigned to :attr:`~results`, which is defaulted to *None* if no code snippet changes it. Preferably, the execution of `post_code` and/or `exit_code` modifies :attr:`~results`. All MPI ranks return it. Notes ----- If any of the code snippets is provided as a string, it will be compiled into a code object before starting the evaluation. """ # Determine number of samples n_sam = sam_set.shape[0] # Start logging logger = getCLogger('EVAL_SS')"Starting evaluation of sample set of size %i." % (n_sam)) # Obtain code snippets if isinstance(exec_code, str): # If string is provided, use built-in tuple of code snippets pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code =\ self._code_objects[exec_code] else: # If not, use provided code snippets pre_code, eval_code, anal_code, post_code, exit_code = exec_code # Compile any code snippets that were provided as a string if isinstance(pre_code, str): pre_code = compile(pre_code, '<string>', 'exec') if isinstance(eval_code, str): eval_code = compile(eval_code, '<string>', 'exec') if isinstance(anal_code, str): anal_code = compile(anal_code, '<string>', 'exec') if isinstance(post_code, str): post_code = compile(post_code, '<string>', 'exec') if isinstance(exit_code, str): exit_code = compile(exit_code, '<string>', 'exec') # Make a filled bool list containing which samples are plausible impl_check = np.ones(n_sam, dtype=bool) # Make a list of plausible sample indices sam_idx_full = np_array(range(n_sam)) sam_idx = sam_idx_full[impl_check] # Mark all samples as plausible eval_sam_set = sam_set # Set the results property to None self.results = None # Execute the pre_code snippet exec(pre_code) # If the default emulator type is used if(self._emulator._emul_type == 'default'): # Analyze sam_set in every emulator iteration for i in range(1, emul_i+1): # Determine the number of samples n_sam = len(sam_idx) # Log that this iteration is being evaluated"Analyzing evaluation sample set of size %i in " "emulator iteration %i." % (n_sam, i)) # Make empty uni_impl_vals list uni_impl_vals = np.zeros([n_sam, self._emulator._n_data[i]]) # Loop over all still plausible samples in sam_set for j, par_set in enumerate(eval_sam_set): # Evaluate par_set adj_val = self._emulator._evaluate(i, par_set) # Calculate univariate implausibility value uni_impl_vals[j] = self._get_uni_impl(i, par_set, *adj_val) # Execute the eval_code snippet exec(eval_code) # Gather the results on the controller after evaluating uni_impl_vals_list = self._comm.gather(uni_impl_vals, 0) # Controller performs implausibility analysis if self._is_controller: # Convert uni_impl_vals_list to an array uni_impl_vals_array =\ np.concatenate(uni_impl_vals_list, axis=1) # Perform implausibility cutoff check on all elements for j, uni_impl_val in enumerate(uni_impl_vals_array): impl_check_val, impl_cut_val =\ self._do_impl_check(i, uni_impl_val) # Modify impl_check with obtained impl_check_val impl_check[sam_idx[j]] = impl_check_val # Execute the anal_code snippet exec(anal_code) # Modify sam_idx with those that are still plausible sam_idx = sam_idx_full[impl_check] # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier() # Broadcast the updated sam_idx to the workers sam_idx = self._comm.bcast(sam_idx, 0) # Check that sam_idx is still holding plausible samples if not len(sam_idx): # If not, stop analysis break else: # If so, determine which samples are still plausible eval_sam_set = sam_set[sam_idx] # If any other emulator type is used else: raise NotImplementedError # Execute the post_code snippet exec(post_code) # Log that analysis is finished"Finished analyzing evaluation sample set.") # Execute the exit_code snippet on the controller if self._is_controller: exec(exit_code) # Retrieve the results and delete the attribute results = self.results del self.results # Return the results return(results)
# %% VISIBLE CLASS METHODS # This function analyzes the emulator and determines the plausible regions
[docs] def analyze(self, *, impl_cut=None): """ Analyzes the emulator at the last emulator iteration for a large number of emulator evaluation samples. All samples that survive the implausibility checks set by the provided `impl_cut`, are used in the construction of the next emulator iteration. Optional -------- impl_cut : list of float or None. Default: None Incomplete, shortened impl_cut-offs list to be used during the analysis of this emulator iteration. If *None*, the currently set implausibility cut-off values (:attr:`~impl_cut`) will be used if this is the first analysis or the 'impl_cut' value in :attr:`~prism_dict` is used if this is a reanalysis. Generates --------- impl_sam : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing all emulator evaluation samples that survived the implausibility checks. """ # Get last emul_i emul_i = self._emulator._get_emul_i(None) # Begin logging logger = getCLogger('ANALYZE')"Analyzing emulator iteration %i." % (emul_i)) # Controller checking whether this iteration can still be (re)analyzed if self._is_controller: # Try to access the ccheck of the next iteration try: self._emulator._ccheck[emul_i+1] # If it does not exist, current iteration can be analyzed except IndexError: pass # If it does exist, check if mod_real_set has been evaluated else: # If it has been evaluated, reanalysis is not possible if 'mod_real_set' not in self._emulator._ccheck[emul_i+1]: err_msg = ("Construction of next emulator iteration (%i) " "has already been started. Reanalysis of the " "current iteration is not possible." % (emul_i+1)) raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) # Controller obtaining the emulator evaluation sample set if self._is_controller: # Save current time start_time1 = time() # Set the impl_cut list if analyzed before or impl_cut is not None # This is to keep the impl_par set by the user if initial analyze if impl_cut is not None or self._n_eval_sam[emul_i]: self._set_impl_par(impl_cut) # Save impl_par to hdf5 self._save_data({ 'impl_par': { 'impl_cut': self._impl_cut[emul_i], 'cut_idx': self._cut_idx[emul_i]}}) # Create an emulator evaluation sample set eval_sam_set = self._get_eval_sam_set(emul_i) n_eval_sam = eval_sam_set.shape[0] # Remaining workers get dummy eval_sam_set else: eval_sam_set = [] # Broadcast eval_sam_set to workers eval_sam_set = self._comm.bcast(eval_sam_set, 0) # Save current time again start_time2 = time() # Analyze eval_sam_set impl_sam = self._evaluate_sam_set(emul_i, eval_sam_set, 'analyze') # Controller finishing up if self._is_controller: # Obtain some timers end_time = time() time_diff_total = end_time-start_time1 time_diff_eval = end_time-start_time2 # Calculate the number of plausible samples left n_impl_sam = len(impl_sam) # Raise warning if no plausible samples were found if not n_impl_sam: warn_msg = ("No plausible regions were found. Constructing the" " next iteration will not be possible.") raise_warning(warn_msg, RequestWarning, logger, 2) # Raise warning if n_impl_sam is less than n_cross_val elif(n_impl_sam < self._emulator._n_cross_val): warn_msg = ("Number of plausible samples is lower than the " "number of cross validations used during " "regression (%i < %i). Constructing the next " "iteration will not be possible." % (n_impl_sam, self._emulator._n_cross_val)) raise_warning(warn_msg, RequestWarning, logger, 2) # Raise warning if n_impl_sam is less than n_sam_init elif(n_impl_sam < self._emulator._n_sam[1]): warn_msg = ("Number of plausible samples is lower than the " "number of samples in the first iteration (%i < " "%i). Constructing the next iteration might not " "produce a more accurate emulator." % (n_impl_sam, self._emulator._n_sam[1])) raise_warning(warn_msg, RequestWarning, logger, 2) # Save the results self._save_data({ 'impl_sam': impl_sam, 'n_eval_sam': n_eval_sam}) # Save statistics about analyze time, evaluation rate, par_space avg_eval_rate = n_eval_sam/time_diff_eval par_space_rem = (n_impl_sam/n_eval_sam)*100 self._save_statistics(emul_i, { 'tot_analyze_time': ['%.2f' % (time_diff_total), 's'], 'avg_emul_eval_rate': ['%.2f' % (avg_eval_rate), '1/s'], 'par_space_remaining': ['%#.3g' % (par_space_rem), '%'], 'MPI_comm_size_anal': ['%i' % (self._size), '']}) # Log that analysis has been finished msg1 = ("Finished analysis of emulator iteration in %.2f seconds, " "averaging %.2f emulator evaluations per second." % (time_diff_total, n_eval_sam/time_diff_eval)) msg2 = ("There is %#.3g%% of parameter space remaining." % (par_space_rem)) print(msg1) print(msg2) # Display details about current state of pipeline self.details()
# This function constructs a specified iteration of the emulator system # TODO: Make time and RAM cost plots # TODO: Fix the timers for interrupted constructs
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=call_emul_i_doc, ext_set=ext_real_set_doc_d) def construct(self, emul_i=None, *, analyze=True, ext_real_set=None, force=False): """ Constructs the emulator at the specified emulator iteration `emul_i`, and performs an implausibility analysis on the emulator iteration right afterward if requested (:meth:`~analyze`). Optional -------- %(emul_i)s analyze : bool. Default: True Bool indicating whether or not to perform an analysis after the specified emulator iteration has been successfully constructed, which is required for constructing the next iteration. %(ext_set)s force : bool. Default: False Controls what to do if the specified emulator iteration `emul_i` already (partly) exists. If *False*, finish construction of the specified iteration or skip it if already finished. If *True*, reconstruct the specified iteration entirely. Generates --------- A new HDF5-group with the emulator iteration as its name, in the loaded emulator master file, containing emulator data required for this emulator iteration. Notes ----- Using an emulator iteration that has been (partly) constructed before, will finish construction or skip it if already finished when `force` is *False*; or it will delete that and all following iterations, and reconstruct the specified iteration when `force` is *True*. Using `emul_i` = 1 and `force` is *True* is equivalent to reconstructing the entire emulator. If no implausibility analysis is requested, then the implausibility parameters are taken from the *PRISM* parameters dict and temporarily stored in memory in order to enable the usage of the :meth:`~evaluate` and :meth:`~project` methods. """ # Log that a new emulator iteration is being constructed logger = getCLogger('CONSTRUCT') # Set emul_i correctly emul_i = self._emulator._get_emul_i(emul_i, False) # Controller performing checks regarding construction progress if self._is_controller: # Save current time start_time = time() # Check if force-parameter received a bool force = check_vals(force, 'force', 'bool') # Check if iteration was interrupted or not, or if force is True"Checking state of emulator iteration %i." % (emul_i)) try: # If force is True, reconstruct full iteration if force:"Emulator iteration %i has been requested to " "be (re)constructed." % (emul_i)) c_from_start = 1 # If interrupted at start, reconstruct full iteration elif('mod_real_set' in self._emulator._ccheck[emul_i]):"Emulator iteration %i does not contain " "evaluated model realization data. Will be " "constructed from start." % (emul_i)) c_from_start = 1 # If already finished, skip everything elif(emul_i <= self._emulator._emul_i): msg = ("Emulator iteration %i has already been fully " "constructed. Skipping construction process." % (emul_i)) print(msg) c_from_start = None # If interrupted midway, do not reconstruct full iteration else:"Construction of emulator iteration %i was " "interrupted. Continuing from point of " "interruption." % (emul_i)) c_from_start = 0 # If never constructed before, construct full iteration except IndexError:"Emulator iteration %i has not been constructed." % (emul_i)) c_from_start = 1 # Remaining workers else: c_from_start = None # Check if analyze-parameter received a bool analyze = check_vals(analyze, 'analyze', 'bool') # Broadcast construct_emul_i to workers c_from_start = self._comm.bcast(c_from_start, 0) # If iteration is already finished, analyze or show the details if c_from_start is None: # Controller broadcasts to workers if analysis has been done yet if self._is_controller: n_eval_sam = self._comm.bcast(self._n_eval_sam[emul_i], 0) else: n_eval_sam = self._comm.bcast(None, 0) # If analyze was requested and has not been done yet, do analysis if analyze and not n_eval_sam: self.analyze() # Else, show details else: self.details(emul_i) return # If iteration needs to be constructed from the beginning if c_from_start: # Log that construction of emulator iteration is being started"Starting construction of emulator iteration %i." % (emul_i)) # Activate worker mode with self.worker_mode: if self._is_controller: # If this is the first iteration if(emul_i == 1): # Process ext_real_set ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set =\ self._get_ext_real_set(ext_real_set) # Obtain number of externally given model realizations n_ext_sam = np.shape(ext_sam_set)[0] # Create a new emulator self._make_call('_emulator._create_new_emulator') # Reload the data self._load_data() # Create initial set of model evaluation samples n_sam_init = max(0, self._n_sam_init-n_ext_sam) if n_sam_init:"Creating initial model evaluation " "sample set of size %i." % (n_sam_init)) add_sam_set =\ lhd(n_sam_init, self._modellink._n_par, self._modellink._par_rng, 'center', self._criterion, constraints=ext_sam_set)"Finished creating initial sample " "set.") else: add_sam_set = np_array([]) # If this is any other iteration else: # Get dummy ext_real_set ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set = self._get_ext_real_set(None) # Check if last iteration was analyzed, do so if not if not self._n_eval_sam[emul_i-1]: # Analyze previous iteration"Previous emulator iteration has not " "been analyzed. Performing analysis " "first.") self._make_call('analyze') # Check if a new emulator iteration can be constructed # If no plausible regions were found if not self._n_impl_sam[emul_i-1]: err_msg = ("No plausible regions were found in the" " analysis of the previous emulator " "iteration. Construction is not " "possible!") raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) # If n_impl_sam is less than n_cross_val elif(self._n_impl_sam[emul_i-1] < self._emulator._n_cross_val): err_msg = ("Number of plausible samples found in " "the analysis of the previous iteration" " is lower than the number of cross " "validations used during regression" " (%i < %i). Construction is not " "possible!" % (self._n_impl_sam[emul_i-1], self._emulator._n_cross_val)) raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) # Make the emulator prepare for a new iteration reload = self._make_call( '_emulator._prepare_new_iteration', emul_i) # Make sure the correct pipeline data is loaded in if reload: self._load_data() # Obtain additional sam_set add_sam_set = self._impl_sam # Obtain corresponding set of model evaluations self._make_call('_get_iteration_data', emul_i, add_sam_set, ext_sam_set, ext_mod_set) # If iteration needs to be constructed from midway else: # Log that construction of emulator iteration is continued"Continuing construction of emulator iteration %i." % (emul_i)) # Construct emulator iteration self._emulator._construct_iteration(emul_i) # Controller finishing up construction process if self._is_controller: # Save that emulator iteration has not been analyzed yet self._save_data({ 'impl_sam': np_array([]), 'n_eval_sam': 0}) self._set_impl_par(None) # Log that construction has been completed time_diff_total = time()-start_time self._save_statistics(emul_i, { 'tot_construct_time': ['%.2f' % (time_diff_total), 's']}) msg = ("Finished construction of emulator iteration in %.2f " "seconds." % (time_diff_total)) print(msg) # Analyze the emulator iteration if requested if analyze: self.analyze() # If not, show details else: self.details(emul_i)
# This function allows one to view the pipeline details/properties
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=user_emul_i_doc) def details(self, emul_i=None): """ Prints the details/properties of the currently loaded :obj:`~Pipeline` instance at given emulator iteration `emul_i`. See ``Props`` for detailed descriptions of all printed properties. Optional -------- %(emul_i)s Props ----- Working directory The relative path to the working directory of the emulator starting at the current working directory. Emulator type The type of this emulator, corresponding to the :attr:`~prism.emulator.Emulator.emul_type` of the provided `emul_type` during :class:`~Pipeline` initialization. If no emulator type was provided during initialization, this is 'default'. ModelLink subclass Name of the :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` subclass used to construct this emulator. Emulation method Indicates the combination of regression and Gaussian emulation methods that have been used for this emulator. Mock data used? Whether or not mock data has been used to construct this emulator. If so, the printed estimates for all model parameters are the parameter values used to create the mock data. ---- Emulator iteration The iteration of the emulator this details overview is about. By default, this is the last (partly) constructed iteration. Construction completed? Whether or not the construction of this emulator iteration is completed. If not, the missing components for each emulator system are listed and the remaining information of this iteration is not printed. Plausible regions? Whether or not plausible regions have been found during the analysis of this emulator iteration. If no analysis has been done yet, "N/A" will be printed. Projections available? Whether or not projections have been created for this emulator iteration. If projections are available and analysis has been done, but with different implausibility cut-offs, a "desync" note is added. Also prints number of available projections versus maximum number of projections in parentheses. ---- # of model evaluation samples The total number of model evaluation samples used to construct all emulator iterations up to this iteration, with the number for every individual iteration in parentheses. # of plausible/analyzed samples The number of emulator evaluation samples that passed the implausibility check out of the total number of analyzed samples in this emulator iteration. This is the number of model evaluation samples that was/will be used for the construction of the next emulator iteration. If no analysis has been done, the numbers show up as "-". %% of parameter space remaining The percentage of the total number of analyzed samples that passed the implausibility check in this emulator iteration. If no analysis has been done, the number shows up as "-". # of active/total parameters The number of model parameters that was considered active during the construction of this emulator iteration, compared to the total number of model parameters defined in the used :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` subclass. # of emulated data points The number of data points that have been emulated in this emulator iteration. # of emulator systems The total number of emulator systems that are required in this emulator. The number of active emulator systems is equal to the number of data points. ---- Parameter space Lists the name, lower and upper value boundaries and estimate (if provided) of all model parameters defined in the used :class:`~prism.modellink.ModelLink` subclass. An asterisk is printed in front of the parameter name if this model parameter was considered active during the construction of this emulator iteration. A question mark is used instead if the construction of this emulator iteration is not finished. """ # If emulator has not been built yet, return immediately if(len(self._emulator._ccheck) == 1): return # Define details logger logger = getCLogger("DETAILS")"Collecting details about current pipeline instance.") # Check if last emulator iteration is finished constructing ccheck_flag = (delist(self._emulator._ccheck[-1]) == []) # Gather the ccheck_flags on all ranks to see if all are finished ccheck_flag = self._comm.allreduce(ccheck_flag, op=MPI.MIN) # Obtain correct emul_i depending on the construction progress emul_i = self._emulator._get_emul_i(emul_i, ccheck_flag) # Gather ccheck information on the controller ccheck_list = self._comm.gather(self._emulator._ccheck[emul_i], 0) # Controller generating the entire details overview if self._is_controller: # Flatten the received ccheck_list ccheck_flat = [[] for _ in range(self._emulator._n_emul_s_tot)] ccheck_flat.extend(ccheck_list[0][self._emulator._n_emul_s:]) for rank, ccheck_rank in enumerate(ccheck_list): for emul_s, ccheck in zip(self._emulator._emul_s_to_core[rank], ccheck_rank): ccheck_flat[emul_s] = ccheck # Generate function for getting string lengths of floats def f(x): return(len("{:,.5f}".format(x)) if x is not None else 0) # Get max lengths of various strings for parameter space section name_len = max(map(len, self._modellink._par_name)) lower_len = max(map(f, self._modellink._par_rng[:, 0])) upper_len = max(map(f, self._modellink._par_rng[:, 1])) est_len = max(map(f, self._modellink._par_est)) # Open hdf5-file with self._File('r', None) as file: # Check if projection data is available by trying to access it try: data_set = file['%i/proj_hcube' % (emul_i)] except KeyError: proj = 0 n_proj = 0 # If projection data is available else: # Get the number of projections and used impl_cut-offs proj = 0 n_proj = len(data_set.keys()) for hcube in data_set.values(): p_impl_cut = hcube.attrs['impl_cut'] p_cut_idx = hcube.attrs['cut_idx'] # Check if projections were made with the same impl_cut if(len(p_impl_cut) == len(self._impl_cut[emul_i]) and (p_impl_cut == self._impl_cut[emul_i]).all() and p_cut_idx == self._cut_idx[emul_i]): # If it was, projections are synced proj = 1 else: # If not, projections are desynced proj = 2 break # Log file being closed"Finished collecting details about current pipeline " "instance.") # Obtain number of model parameters n_par = self._modellink._n_par # Obtain number of data points n_data = self._emulator._n_data_tot[emul_i] # Obtain number of emulator systems n_emul_s = self._emulator._n_emul_s_tot # Update ccheck_flag with requested emulator iteration ccheck_flag = (delist(ccheck_flat) == []) # Determine the relative path to the working directory pwd = os.getcwd() if(path.splitdrive(self._working_dir)[0].lower() != path.splitdrive(pwd)[0].lower()): # pragma: no cover working_dir_rel_path = self._working_dir else: working_dir_rel_path = path.relpath(self._working_dir, pwd) # Set width of first details column width = 31 # PRINT DETAILS # HEADER print("\nPIPELINE DETAILS") print("="*width) # GENERAL print("\nGENERAL") print("-"*width) # General details about loaded emulator print("{0: <{1}}\t{2!r}".format("Working directory", width, working_dir_rel_path)) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2!r}".format("Emulator type", width, self._emulator._emul_type)) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("ModelLink subclass", width, self._modellink._name)) if(self._emulator._method == 'regression'): print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Emulation method", width, "Regression")) elif(self._emulator._method == 'gaussian'): print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Emulation method", width, "Gaussian")) elif(self._emulator._method == 'full'): print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Emulation method", width, "Regression + Gaussian")) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Mock data used?", width, "Yes" if self._emulator._use_mock else "No")) # ITERATION DETAILS print("\nITERATION") print("-"*width) # Emulator iteration corresponding to this details overview print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Emulator iteration", width, emul_i)) # Availability flags # If this iteration is fully constructed, print flags and numbers if ccheck_flag: # Determine the number of (active) parameters n_active_par = len(self._emulator._active_par[emul_i]) # Calculate the maximum number of projections n_proj_max = n_active_par n_proj_max += nCr(n_active_par, 2) if(n_par > 2) else 0 # Flag details print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Construction completed?", width, "Yes")) if not self._n_eval_sam[emul_i]: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Plausible regions?", width, "N/A")) else: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "Plausible regions?", width, "Yes" if self._n_impl_sam[emul_i] else "No")) if not proj: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Projections available?", width, "No")) else: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2} ({3}/{4}){5}".format( "Projections available?", width, "Yes", n_proj, n_proj_max, "" if proj == 1 else ", desynced")) print("-"*width) # Number details if(self._emulator._emul_type == 'default'): print("{0: <{1}}\t{2:,} ({3})".format( "# of model evaluation samples", width, sum(self._emulator._n_sam[1:emul_i+1]), self._emulator._n_sam[1:emul_i+1])) else: raise NotImplementedError if not self._n_eval_sam[emul_i]: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}/{3}".format( "# of plausible/analyzed samples", width, "-", "-")) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "% of parameter space remaining", width, "-")) else: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2:,}/{3:,}".format( "# of plausible/analyzed samples", width, self._n_impl_sam[emul_i], self._n_eval_sam[emul_i])) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2:#.3%}".format( "% of parameter space remaining", width, (self._n_impl_sam[emul_i] / self._n_eval_sam[emul_i]))) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}/{3}".format( "# of active/total parameters", width, n_active_par, n_par)) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("# of emulated data points", width, n_data)) print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("# of emulator systems", width, n_emul_s)) # If not, print which components are still missing else: print("{0: <{1}}\t{2}".format("Construction completed?", width, "No")) print(" - {0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "'mod_real_set'?", width-4, "No" if 'mod_real_set' in ccheck_flat else "Yes")) # Check if all active parameters have been determined ccheck_i = [i for i in range(n_emul_s) if 'active_par_data' in ccheck_flat[i]] print(" - {0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "'active_par_data'?", width-4, "No (%s)" % (ccheck_i) if len(ccheck_i) else "Yes")) # Check if all regression processes have been done if requested if self._emulator._method in ('regression', 'full'): ccheck_i = [i for i in range(n_emul_s) if 'regression' in ccheck_flat[i]] print(" - {0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "'regression'?", width-4, "No (%s)" % (ccheck_i) if len(ccheck_i) else "Yes")) # Check if all covariance matrices have been determined ccheck_i = [i for i in range(n_emul_s) if 'cov_mat' in ccheck_flat[i]] print(" - {0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "'cov_mat'?", width-4, "No (%s)" % (ccheck_i) if len(ccheck_i) else "Yes")) # Check if all exp_dot_terms have been determined ccheck_i = [i for i in range(n_emul_s) if 'exp_dot_term' in ccheck_flat[i]] print(" - {0: <{1}}\t{2}".format( "'exp_dot_term'?", width-4, "No (%s)" % (ccheck_i) if len(ccheck_i) else "Yes")) print("-"*width) # PARAMETER SPACE print("\nPARAMETER SPACE") print("-"*width) # Define string format if no par_ests are provided str_format1 = "{6}{0: <{1}}: [{2: >{3},.5f}, {4: >{5},.5f}]" # Define string format if this par_est was provided str_format2 = ("{8}{0: <{1}}: [{2: >{3},.5f}, {4: >{5},.5f}] " "({6: >{7},.5f})") # Define string format if this par_est was not provided str_format3 = ("{8}{0: <{1}}: [{2: >{3},.5f}, {4: >{5},.5f}] " "({6:->{7}})") # Print details about every model parameter in parameter space for i in range(n_par): # Determine what string to use for the active flag if not ccheck_flag: active_str = "?" elif i in self._emulator._active_par[emul_i]: active_str = "*" else: active_str = " " # Check if par_est is given and use correct string formatting if not est_len: print(str_format1.format( self._modellink._par_name[i], name_len, self._modellink._par_rng[i, 0], lower_len, self._modellink._par_rng[i, 1], upper_len, active_str)) elif self._modellink._par_est[i] is not None: print(str_format2.format( self._modellink._par_name[i], name_len, self._modellink._par_rng[i, 0], lower_len, self._modellink._par_rng[i, 1], upper_len, self._modellink._par_est[i], est_len, active_str)) else: print(str_format3.format( self._modellink._par_name[i], name_len, self._modellink._par_rng[i, 0], lower_len, self._modellink._par_rng[i, 1], upper_len, "", est_len, active_str)) # FOOTER print("="*width) # Flush the console sys.stdout.flush() # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier()
# This function allows the user to evaluate a given sam_set in the emulator # TODO: Rewrite entire function to enable clarity about what is returned
[docs] @docstring_substitute(emul_i=user_emul_i_doc) def evaluate(self, sam_set, emul_i=None): """ Evaluates the given model parameter sample set `sam_set` up to given emulator iteration `emul_i`. The output of this function depends on the number of dimensions in `sam_set`. The output is always provided on the controller rank. Parameters ---------- sam_set : 1D or 2D array_like or dict Array containing model parameter value sets to be evaluated in the emulator up to emulator iteration `emul_i`. Optional -------- %(emul_i)s Returns (if 2D `sam_set`) ------------------------- impl_check : list of bool List of bool indicating whether or not the given samples passed the implausibility check at the given emulator iteration `emul_i`. emul_i_stop : list of int List containing the last emulator iterations at which the given samples are still within the plausible region of the emulator. adj_exp_val : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the adjusted expectation values for all given samples. adj_var_val : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the adjusted variance values for all given samples. uni_impl_val : 2D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object Array containing the univariate implausibility values for all given samples. Prints (if 1D `sam_set`) ------------------------ emul_i_stop : int Last emulator iteration at which the given sample is still within the plausible region of the emulator. adj_exp_val : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object The adjusted expectation values for the given sample. adj_var_val : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object The adjusted variance values for the given sample. sigma_val : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object The corresponding sigma value for the given sample. uni_impl_val : 1D :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object The univariate implausibility values for the given sample. Notes ----- If given emulator iteration `emul_i` has been analyzed before, the implausibility parameters of the last analysis are used. If not, then the values are used that were read in when the emulator was loaded or that have been set by the user. """ # Get emulator iteration emul_i = self._emulator._get_emul_i(emul_i) # Do some logging logger = getCLogger('EVALUATE')"Evaluating emulator iteration %i for provided set of " "model parameter samples." % (emul_i)) # Check if sam_set was provided as a dict if isinstance(sam_set, dict): # Make sure that sam_set is a SortedDict sam_set = sdict(sam_set) # Return it to normal sam_set = np_array(sam_set.values()).T # Controller checking the contents of sam_set if self._is_controller: # Check sam_set sam_set = self._modellink._check_sam_set(sam_set, 'sam_set') # If ndim == 1, convert to 2D array and print output later if(sam_set.ndim == 1): sam_set = np_array(sam_set, ndmin=2) print_output = 1 # If ndim == 2, return output later else: print_output = 0 # The workers make sure that sam_set is also two-dimensional else: sam_set = np_array(sam_set, ndmin=2) # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier() # Analyze sam_set results = self._evaluate_sam_set(emul_i, sam_set, 'evaluate') # Do more logging"Finished evaluating emulator.") # Controller finishing up if self._is_controller: # Extract data arrays from results adj_exp_val, adj_var_val, uni_impl_val, emul_i_stop, impl_check =\ results # If print_output is True, print the results if print_output: # Convert sam_set to a dict for printing purposes par_dict = dict(zip(self._modellink._par_name, sam_set[0])) # Print results pr_str = "Evaluation results for %s" % (par_dict) print(pr_str) print("-"*len(pr_str)) if impl_check[0]: print("Plausible? Yes") else: print("Plausible? No") print("emul_i_stop = %i" % (emul_i_stop[0])) print("adj_exp_val = %s" % (adj_exp_val[0])) print("adj_var_val = %s" % (adj_var_val[0])) print("sigma_val = %s" % (np.sqrt(adj_var_val[0]))) print("uni_impl_val = %s" % (uni_impl_val[0])) # Else, return the results else: # MPI Barrier for controller self._comm.Barrier() # Return results return({'impl_check': impl_check.tolist(), 'emul_i_stop': emul_i_stop, 'adj_exp_val': adj_exp_val, 'adj_var_val': adj_var_val, 'uni_impl_val': uni_impl_val}) # MPI Barrier self._comm.Barrier()
# This function simply executes self.__call__
[docs] @docstring_copy(__call__) def run(self, emul_i=None, *, force=False): self(emul_i, force=force)
# %% SUPPORT CLASSES # Define a worker mode context manager
[docs]class WorkerMode(object): # Initialize the WorkerMode class
[docs] def __init__(self, pipeline_obj): """ Initialize the :class:`~WorkerMode` class using the MPI ranks defined in the provided `pipeline_obj`. This class should solely be initialized and finalized through the :class:`~prism.Pipeline` class. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 Parameters ---------- pipeline_obj : :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` object The instance of the :class:`~prism.Pipeline` class that is enabling this worker mode. """ # Save provided Pipeline object self.pipe = pipeline_obj
# This function enters/enables the worker mode def __enter__(self): """ The provided :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` object enters worker mode, making all worker ranks start listening for calls from the controller rank until this context manager exits. """ # MPI Barrier self.pipe._comm.Barrier() # Save whether worker mode is already active self.was_active = bool(self.pipe._worker_mode) # Get the key required for disabling this worker mode on the controller if self.pipe._is_controller: # Generate a random 32-bit integer key = randint(0, 2**31-1) # Broadcast this key to all workers self.__key = self.pipe._comm.bcast(key, 0) # Obtain disable-key from the controller else: self.__key = self.pipe._comm.bcast(None, 0) # All workers start listening for calls self.listen_for_calls() # This function exits/disables the worker mode def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ The provided :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` objects exits worker mode, making all worker ranks stop listening for calls from the controller rank and resume normal code execution. """ # Disable this worker mode if self.pipe._is_controller: self.pipe._comm.bcast(self.__key, 0) # If this is the final worker mode, tell this to the Pipeline if not self.was_active: self.pipe._worker_mode = 0 self.pipe._comm.Barrier() # Function that locks workers into listening for controller calls
[docs] def listen_for_calls(self): """ All worker ranks in the :attr:`~prism.Pipeline.comm` communicator start listening for calls from the corresponding controller rank and will attempt to execute the received message. Listening for calls continues until this context manager exits (:meth:`~__exit__` is called). This method is automatically initialized and finalized when using the :attr:`~prism.Pipeline.worker_mode` context manager. """ # Tell the Pipeline that at least 1 worker mode is being used right now self.pipe._worker_mode = 1 # All workers start listening for calls and process calls received if self.pipe._is_worker: while self.pipe._worker_mode: # Receive the message from the controller msg = self.pipe._comm.bcast([], 0) # If this message is the disable-key, break the while-loop if(msg == self.__key): break # Else, process the received message else: self._process_call(self.pipe, *msg)
# Function that sends a code string to all workers and executes it
[docs] @staticmethod @docstring_append(make_call_doc_aw) def make_call(pipeline_obj, exec_fn, *args, **kwargs): # Make abbreviation for pipeline_obj pipe = pipeline_obj # If worker mode is active if pipe._worker_mode: # Then the controller sends received exec_fn to all workers if pipe._is_controller: pipe._comm.bcast([exec_fn, args, kwargs], 0) # Make sure workers never call anything directly in worker mode else: return # Execute exec_fn on all callers as well return(WorkerMode._process_call(pipe, exec_fn, args, kwargs))
# Function that sends a code string to all workers (does not execute it)
[docs] @staticmethod @docstring_append(make_call_doc_ww) def make_call_workers(pipeline_obj, exec_fn, *args, **kwargs): # Make abbreviation for pipeline_obj pipe = pipeline_obj # If worker mode is active if pipe._worker_mode: # Then the controller sends received exec_fn to all workers if pipe._is_controller: pipe._comm.bcast([exec_fn, args, kwargs], 0) # Make sure workers never call anything directly in worker mode else: return # Execute exec_fn on all workers if pipe._is_worker: return(WorkerMode._process_call(pipe, exec_fn, args, kwargs))
# This function processes a call made by _make_call
[docs] @staticmethod @docstring_substitute(pipeline=make_call_pipeline_doc) def _process_call(pipeline_obj, exec_fn, args, kwargs): """ Processes a call that was made with the :meth:`~make_call` or :meth:`~make_call_workers` method. This function should solely be called through either of these methods and never directly. Parameters ---------- %(pipeline)s exec_fn : str or callable If string, a callable attribute of this :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` instance or a callable object that should be executed if not. args : tuple Positional arguments that need to be provided to `exec_fn`. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that need to be provided to `exec_fn`. Returns ------- out : object The object returned by executing `exec_fn`. Note ---- If any entry in `args` or `kwargs` is a string written as 'pipe.XXX', it is assumed that 'XXX' refers to a :class:`~prism.Pipeline` attribute of the MPI rank receiving the call. It will be replaced with the corresponding attribute before `exec_fn` is called. """ # Make abbreviation for pipeline_obj pipe = pipeline_obj # Process the input arguments # EXEC_FN # If exec_fn is given as a string, get corresponding Pipeline attribute if isinstance(exec_fn, str): exec_fn = "pipe.%s" % (exec_fn) exec_fn = WorkerMode._process_call_str(pipe, exec_fn) # If exec_fn is not _make_call(_workers), process args and kwargs if exec_fn not in (pipe._make_call, pipe._make_call_workers): # ARGS # Make sure that args is a list, such that it can be edited args = list(args) # Loop over all args and process it further if it is a string for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, str): args[i] = WorkerMode._process_call_str(pipe, arg) # KWARGS # Loop over all args and process it further if it is a string for key, value in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(value, str): kwargs[key] = WorkerMode._process_call_str(pipe, value) # Execute exec_fn with provided args and kwargs, and return the result return(exec_fn(*args, **kwargs))
# This function converts a provided string into an attribute if possible
[docs] @staticmethod @docstring_substitute(pipeline=make_call_pipeline_doc) def _process_call_str(pipeline_obj, string): """ Processes a provided `string` that was provided as an argument value to :meth:`~_process_call`. Parameters ---------- %(pipeline)s string : str String value that must be processed. Returns ------- out : str or object If `string` starts with 'pipe.', the corresponding :class:`~prism.Pipeline` attribute will be returned. Else, `string` is returned. """ # Make abbreviation for pipeline_obj pipe = pipeline_obj # Split string up into individual elements str_list = string.split('.') # If the first element is 'pipe', it refers to a Pipeline attribute if str_list.pop(0) == 'pipe': # Remove 'pipe' again in case '' was provided if len(str_list) and str_list[0] == 'pipe': str_list.pop(0) # Retrieve the attribute that string refers to string = pipe for attr in str_list: string = getattr(string, attr) # Return string return(string)