Source code for prism._gui.widgets.base_widgets

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

GUI Base Widget Classes
Provides a collection of custom :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` base classes
that allow for certain widgets to be standardized.


# Built-in imports
from sys import platform

# Package imports
from qtpy import QtCore as QC, QtWidgets as QW

# All declaration
__all__ = ['QW_QAction', 'QW_QComboBox', 'QW_QDoubleSpinBox',
           'QW_QEditableComboBox', 'QW_QLabel', 'QW_QMenu', 'QW_QSpinBox',

# Make subclass of QW.QAction that automatically sets details based on status
[docs]class QW_QAction(QW.QAction): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QAction` class. This class provides default settings and extra options for the :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction` class. """ # Override constructor
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, text, *, shortcut=None, tooltip=None, statustip=None, icon=None, triggered=None, role=None): """ Initializes the :class:`~QW_QAction` class. Parameters ---------- parent : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object or None The parent widget for this dialog or *None* for no parent. text : str The label that this action must have. Optional -------- shortcut : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtGui.QKeySequence` or None. Default: None The key sequence that must be set as the shortcut for this action. If *None*, no shortcut will be set. tooltip : str or None. Default: None The text that must be set as the tooltip for this action. If *None*, the tooltip is set to `text`. If `shortcut` is not *None*, the tooltip will also include the shortcut. statustip : str or None. Default: None The text that must be set as the statustip for this action. If *None*, the statustip is set to `tooltip`. icon : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtGui.QIcon` object or None. Default: None The icon that must be set as the icon for this action. If *None*, no icon will be set. triggered : function or None. Default: None The Qt slot function that must be called whenever this action is triggered. If *None*, no slot will connected to this action's signal. role : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAction.MenuRole` object or None. \ Default: None The menu role that must be set as the role of this action. If *None*, it is set to :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.NoRole`. """ # Call super constructor if icon is None: super().__init__(text, parent) else: super().__init__(icon, text, parent) # Set all the details self.setDetails(shortcut=shortcut, tooltip=tooltip, statustip=statustip) # Set the signal trigger if triggered is not None: self.triggered.connect(triggered) # Set the action menu role self.setMenuRole(self.NoRole if role is None else role)
# Make new method that automatically sets Shortcut, ToolTip and StatusTip
[docs] def setDetails(self, *, shortcut=None, tooltip=None, statustip=None): """ Uses the provided `shortcut`; `tooltip`; and `statustip` to set the details of this action. Parameters ---------- shortcut : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtGui.QKeySequence` or None. Default: None The key sequence that must be set as the shortcut for this action. If *None*, no shortcut will be set. tooltip : str or None. Default: None The text that must be set as the tooltip for this action. If *None*, the tooltip is set to `text`. If `shortcut` is not *None*, the tooltip will also include the shortcut. statustip : str or None. Default: None The text that must be set as the statustip for this action. If *None*, the statustip is set to `tooltip`. """ # If shortcut is not None, set it if shortcut is not None: super().setShortcut(shortcut) shortcut = self.shortcut().toString() # If tooltip is None, its base is set to the action's name if tooltip is None: base_tooltip = self.text().replace('&', '') tooltip = base_tooltip # Else, provided tooltip is used as the base else: base_tooltip = tooltip # If shortcut is not None, add it to the tooltip if shortcut is not None: tooltip = "%s (%s)" % (base_tooltip, shortcut) # Set tooltip super().setToolTip(tooltip) # If statustip is None, it is set to base_tooltip if statustip is None: statustip = base_tooltip # Set statustip super().setStatusTip(statustip)
# Override setShortcut to raise an error when used def setShortcut(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("Using this method is not allowed! Use " "'setDetails()' instead!") # Override setToolTip to raise an error when used def setToolTip(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("Using this method is not allowed! Use " "'setDetails()' instead!") # Override setStatusTip to raise an error when used def setStatusTip(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("Using this method is not allowed! Use " "'setDetails()' instead!")
# Create custom combobox class with more signals
[docs]class QW_QComboBox(QW.QComboBox): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QComboBox` class. This class provides default settings and extra options for the :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QComboBox` class. """ popup_shown = QC.Signal([int], [str]) popup_hidden = QC.Signal([int], [str]) # Override the showPopup to emit a signal whenever it is triggered def showPopup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.popup_shown[int].emit(self.currentIndex()) self.popup_shown[str].emit(self.currentText()) return(super().showPopup(*args, **kwargs)) # Override the hidePopup to emit a signal whenever it is triggered. def hidePopup(self, *args, **kwargs): self.popup_hidden[int].emit(self.currentIndex()) self.popup_hidden[str].emit(self.currentText()) return(super().hidePopup(*args, **kwargs))
# Create custom QComboBox class that is editable
[docs]class QW_QEditableComboBox(QW_QComboBox): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QEditableComboBox` class. This class makes the :class:`~QW_QComboBox` class editable. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setEditable(True) self.setInsertPolicy(self.NoInsert) self.completer().setCompletionMode(QW.QCompleter.PopupCompletion) self.completer().setFilterMode(QC.Qt.MatchContains)
# Create custom QAbstractSpinBox that automatically sets some properties class QW_QAbstractSpinBox(QW.QAbstractSpinBox): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QAbstractSpinBox` class. This class provides default settings and extra options for the :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAbstractSpinBox` class. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setStepType(self.AdaptiveDecimalStepType) self.setAccelerated(True) self.setGroupSeparatorShown(True) self.setStyleSheet( """ QAbstractSpinBox {{ margin: {0}px 0px {0}px 0px; max-height: 24px;}} """.format("-1" if platform.startswith('linux') else '0')) # Create custom QDoubleSpinBox class QW_QDoubleSpinBox(QW.QDoubleSpinBox, QW_QAbstractSpinBox): pass # Create custom QSpinBox class QW_QSpinBox(QW.QSpinBox, QW_QAbstractSpinBox): pass # Create custom label class with more signals
[docs]class QW_QLabel(QW.QLabel): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QLabel` class. This class provides default settings and extra options for the :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QLabel` class. """ mousePressed = QC.Signal() # Override the mousePressEvent to emit a signal whenever it is triggered def mousePressEvent(self, event): self.mousePressed.emit() event.accept()
# Create custom QMenu class that swaps the order of inputs
[docs]class QW_QMenu(QW.QMenu): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QMenu` class. This class provides default settings and extra options for the :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMenu` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, title): super().__init__(title, parent)
# Create custom QToolbar class that swaps the order of inputs
[docs]class QW_QToolBar(QW.QToolBar): """ Defines the :class:`~QW_QToolBar` class. This class provides default settings and extra options for the :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QToolBar` class. """ def __init__(self, parent, window_title): super().__init__(window_title, parent)