Source code for prism._gui.widgets.helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

GUI Widget Helpers
Provides a collection of custom :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` subclasses
that provide specific functionalities.


# Built-in imports
import sys
import threading
from time import sleep
from traceback import format_exception_only, format_tb

# Package imports
import e13tools as e13
from matplotlib.backends.backend_qt5agg import FigureCanvasQTAgg
from qtpy import QtCore as QC, QtGui as QG, QtWidgets as QW

# PRISM imports
from prism._docstrings import qt_slot_doc
from prism._gui import APP_NAME

# All declaration
__all__ = ['ExceptionDialog', 'FigureCanvas', 'OverviewListWidget',
           'ThreadedProgressDialog', 'show_exception_details']

# Make special class for showing exception details
[docs]class ExceptionDialog(QW.QDialog): """ Defines the :class:`~ExceptionDialog` class for the Projection GUI. This class takes a set of exception details and converts it into a format that can be shown using a dialog. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, etype, value, tb): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~ExceptionDialog` class. Parameters ---------- parent : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object or None The parent widget for this dialog or *None* for no parent. etype : :class:`~Exception` class The :class:`~Exception` class that is associated with this error. value : :obj:`~Exception` object The :class:`~Exception` instance that is associated with this error. tb : traceback object The corresponding traceback object. """ # Save the provided values self.etype = etype self.value = value self.tb = tb # Call the super constructor super().__init__(parent) # Initialize the exception dialog self.init()
# This function creates the exception dialog
[docs] def init(self): """ Sets up the exception dialog after it has been initialized. This function is mainly responsible for gathering all required information; formatting it; and drawing the dialog. """ # Create a window layout grid_layout = QW.QGridLayout(self) grid_layout.setColumnStretch(2, 1) grid_layout.setRowStretch(3, 1) # Set properties of message box self.setWindowModality(QC.Qt.ApplicationModal) self.setAttribute(QC.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setWindowTitle("ERROR") self.setWindowFlags( QC.Qt.MSWindowsOwnDC | QC.Qt.Dialog | QC.Qt.WindowTitleHint | QC.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QC.Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint) # Set the icon of the exception on the left icon_label = QW.QLabel() pixmap = QW.QMessageBox.standardIcon(QW.QMessageBox.Critical) icon_label.setPixmap(pixmap) grid_layout.addWidget(icon_label, 0, 0, 2, 1, QC.Qt.AlignTop) # Add a spacer item spacer_item = QW.QSpacerItem(7, 1, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed, QW.QSizePolicy.Fixed) grid_layout.addItem(spacer_item, 0, 1, 2, 1) # Set the text of the exception exc_str = self.format_exception() exc_label = QW.QLabel(exc_str) grid_layout.addWidget(exc_label, 0, 2, 1, 1) # Create a button box for the buttons button_box = QW.QDialogButtonBox() grid_layout.addWidget(button_box, 2, 0, 1, grid_layout.columnCount()) # Create traceback box self.tb_box = self.create_traceback_box() grid_layout.addWidget(self.tb_box, 3, 0, 1, grid_layout.columnCount()) # Create traceback button self.tb_but =\ button_box.addButton(self.tb_labels[self.tb_box.isHidden()], button_box.ActionRole) self.tb_but.clicked.connect(self.toggle_traceback_box) # Create an 'ok' button ok_but = button_box.addButton(button_box.Ok) ok_but.clicked.connect(self.close) ok_but.setDefault(True) # Update the size self.update_size()
# This function formats the exception string
[docs] def format_exception(self): """ Formats the exception provided during initialization and returns it. """ # Format the exception exc_list = format_exception_only(self.etype, self.value) exc_str = ''.join(exc_list) # Return it return(exc_str)
# This function formats the traceback string
[docs] def format_traceback(self): """ Formats the traceback provided during initialization and returns it. """ # Format the traceback tb_list = format_tb(self.tb) tb_str = ''.join(tb_list) # Return it return(tb_str)
# This function creates the traceback box
[docs] def create_traceback_box(self): """ Creates a special box for the exception dialog that contains the traceback information and returns it. """ # Create a traceback box traceback_box = QW.QWidget(self) traceback_box.setHidden(True) # Create layout layout = QW.QVBoxLayout() layout.setContentsMargins(QC.QMargins()) traceback_box.setLayout(layout) # Add a horizontal line to the layout frame = QW.QFrame(traceback_box) frame.setFrameShape(frame.HLine) frame.setFrameShadow(frame.Sunken) layout.addWidget(frame) # Format the traceback tb_str = self.format_traceback() # Add a textedit to the layout tb_text_box = QW.QTextEdit(traceback_box) tb_text_box.setMinimumHeight(100) tb_text_box.setFocusPolicy(QC.Qt.NoFocus) tb_text_box.setReadOnly(True) tb_text_box.setText(tb_str) layout.addWidget(tb_text_box) # Create a 'show traceback' button self.tb_labels = ['Hide Traceback...', 'Show Traceback...'] # Return traceback box return(traceback_box)
# This function shows or hides the traceback box
[docs] @QC.Slot() @e13.docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def toggle_traceback_box(self): """ Toggles the visibility of the traceback box and updates the dimensions of the exception dialog accordingly. %(qt_slot)s """ # Toggle the visibility of the traceback box self.tb_box.setHidden(not self.tb_box.isHidden()) self.tb_but.setText(self.tb_labels[self.tb_box.isHidden()]) # Update the size of the message box self.update_size()
# This function updates the size of the dialog
[docs] def update_size(self): """ Updates the dimensions of the exception dialog depending on its current state (traceback box visibility). """ # Determine the minimum/maximum size required for making the dialog min_size = self.layout().minimumSize() max_size = self.layout().maximumSize() # Set the fixed width self.setFixedWidth(min_size.width()) # If the traceback box is shown, set minimum/maximum height if self.tb_box.isVisible(): self.setMinimumHeight(min_size.height()) self.setMaximumHeight(max_size.height()) # Else, set fixed height else: self.setFixedHeight(min_size.height())
# Class used for holding the projection figures in the projection viewing area class FigureCanvas(FigureCanvasQTAgg): pass # Class used for making the overview lists in the GUI
[docs]class OverviewListWidget(QW.QListWidget): """ Defines the :class:`~OverviewListWidget` class. This class defines the overview lists that are used by the :class:`~prism._gui.widgets.OverviewDockWidget` class. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~OverviewListWidget` class. Parameters ---------- args : positional arguments The positional arguments that need to be passed to :meth:`~init`. kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments that need to be passed to :meth:`~init`. """ # Call the super constructor super().__init__() # Create the overview list self.init(*args, **kwargs)
# Create the overview list widget
[docs] def init(self, *, hcubes_list, status_tip, context_menu, activated): """ Sets up the overview list after it has been initialized. This function is mainly responsible for creating the list; adding the items to it; and setting some properties. Parameters ---------- hcubes_list : list of str List of projection hypercube names that must be used to initialize this overview list with. statustip : str The statustip that will be displayed in the statusbar whenever this overview list is hovered. context_menu : function The function that must be called whenever the context menu is requested. activated : function The function that must be called whenever an item in this overview list is activated. This corresponds to the default action. """ # Add the items to the list self.addItems(hcubes_list) self.setStatusTip(status_tip) # Set some properties self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.setSelectionMode(self.ExtendedSelection) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QC.Qt.CustomContextMenu) # Set signal handling self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(context_menu) self.itemActivated.connect(activated) # Make sure the items in the list are sorted self.sortItems()
# Override keyPressEvent def keyPressEvent(self, event): # Check if the event involved pressing Enter or Return if event.key() in (QC.Qt.Key_Enter, QC.Qt.Key_Return): # If so, emit the itemActivated signal self.itemActivated.emit(self.currentItem()) # Else, check if the event involved pressing CTRL + A elif event.matches(QG.QKeySequence.SelectAll): # If so, select all items in the list self.selectAll() # Else, handle as normal else: super().keyPressEvent(event)
# Class that provides a special threaded progress dialog # FIXME: Figure out why this dialog can stall forever when used in MPI on Linux # This always happens on Travis CI, very rarely on Azure Pipelines and never on # any Linux machine (supercomputer or personal) I have access to.
[docs]class ThreadedProgressDialog(QW.QProgressDialog): """ Defines the :class:`~ThreadedProgressDialog` class for the Projection GUI. This class provides a :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QProgressDialog` class that automatically executes a provided operation on a separate thread, allowing for the user to interrupt it. """ # Make a signal that is emitted whenever the progress dialog finishes finished = QC.Signal()
[docs] def __init__(self, main_window_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~ThreadedProgressDialog` class. Parameters ---------- main_window_obj : :obj:`~prism._gui.widgets.MainViewerWindow` object Instance of the :class:`~prism._gui.widgets.MainViewerWindow` class that acts as the parent of progress dialog. args : positional arguments The positional arguments that need to be passed to :meth:`~init`. kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments that need to be passed to :meth:`~init`. """ # Save provided MainWindow obj self.main = main_window_obj self.pipe = self.main.pipe # Call the super constructor super().__init__(self.main) # Create the progress dialog self.init(*args, **kwargs)
# Create the threaded progress dialog
[docs] def init(self, label, func, *iterables): """ Sets up the progress dialog after it has been initialized. This function is mainly responsible for preparing the dialog to be opened and the `func` function to be executed. Parameters ---------- label : str The label that is used as the description of what operation is currently being executed. func : function The function that must be called iteratively using the arguments provided in `iterables`. iterables : positional arguments All iterables that must be used to call `func` with. """ # Set the label and cancel button self.setLabelText(label) self.setCancelButtonText("Abort") # Determine the minimum length of iterables min_len = min([len(iterable) for iterable in iterables]) # Set the range of this progress dialog self.setRange(0, min_len) # Make this progress dialog application modal self.setWindowModality(QC.Qt.ApplicationModal) self.setWindowTitle(APP_NAME) self.setWindowFlags( QC.Qt.WindowTitleHint | QC.Qt.Dialog | QC.Qt.CustomizeWindowHint) self.setAttribute(QC.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) self.setAutoReset(False) # Setup the run_map that will be used self.run_map = map(func, *iterables)
# This function simply calls open()
[docs] def __call__(self): """ Calls and returns the result of :meth:`~open`. """ return(
# This function executes the entire run_map until finished or aborted
[docs] def open(self): """ Opens the progress dialog and starts the execution of the requested operation. Returns ------- result : bool Whether or not the operations ended successfully, which can be used by other functions to determine if it should continue. """ # Initialize the traced thread self.thread = TracedControllerThread(self, self.run_map) # Connect the proper signals with each other self.thread.n_finished.connect(self.setValue) self.thread.finished.connect(self.set_successful_finish) self.thread.exception.connect(self.raise_exception) super().open(self.kill_threads) # Save that progress dialog has currently not finished successfully self.successful = False # Start the threads for all other MPI ranks self.pipe._make_call_workers(_run_traced_worker_threads, 'pipe') # Determine what the current QApplication instance is qapp = QW.QApplication.instance() # Start the thread self.thread.start() # While the thread is running, keep processing user input events while self.thread.is_alive(): qapp.processEvents() self.thread.join(0.1) # Process user input events one last time qapp.processEvents() # Emit that the progress dialog has finished self.finished.emit() # Return if dialog finished successfully or not return(self.successful)
# This function sets an attribute and serves as a slot
[docs] @QC.Slot() def set_successful_finish(self): """ Qt slot that marks the operation as 'successful'. """ self.successful = True
# This function raises an exception caught in the controller thread
[docs] @QC.Slot(Exception) def raise_exception(self, exception): """ Qt slot that raises a provided exception. """ raise exception
# This function kills all worker threads and then the controller thread
[docs] @QC.Slot() @e13.docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def kill_threads(self): """ Terminates all currently running threads besides the main thread (on all MPI ranks) and returns control to the main thread. This function is the sole way to abort the operation. %(qt_slot)s """ # Set all worker threads to 'killed' for rank in range(1, self.pipe._comm.size): self.pipe._comm.send(True, rank, 671589+rank) # Set this thread to killed self.thread.killed = True # Make all workers wait for 1 second to force their system trace self.pipe._make_call_workers(sleep, 1) # Wait for this thread to be killed self.thread.join() # Use an MPI Barrier to make sure that all threads were killed # This means that the controller also has to wait for a second self.pipe._make_call('_comm.Barrier')
# Special system traced thread that stops whenever killed is set to True class TracedThread(threading.Thread): """ Defines the :class:`~TracedThread` base class. This class is used to create traceable threads, which allows for those threads to be terminated from the outside. """ def __init__(self): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~TracedThread` class. """ # Set killed to False self.killed = False # Call super constructor super().__init__(None) # Make a custom system tracer def global_trace(self, frame, event, arg): # pragma: no cover """ Provides the global system tracer function that automatically terminates this thread if its :attr:`~killed` attribute is set to *True*. """ # If killed is True, kill thread at the next function call if self.killed and (event == 'call'): raise SystemExit # # System traced controller thread that loops over a provided map iterator class TracedControllerThread(QC.QObject, TracedThread): """ Defines the :class:`~TracedControllerThread` class. This class creates a traceable thread that simultaneously can also be used by Qt. """ # Define a signal that sends out the number of finished iterations n_finished = QC.Signal(int) # Define a signal that is emitted when the thread finishes executing finished = QC.Signal() # Define a signal that is emitted whenever an exception occurs exception = QC.Signal(Exception) def __init__(self, parent, run_map): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~TracedControllerThread` class. Parameters ---------- parent : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object or None The parent widget for this dialog or *None* for no parent. run_map : iterator The iterator that must be iterated over on the separate thread. """ # Save provided map iterator self.run_map = run_map # Call the super constructors super().__init__(parent) TracedThread.__init__(self) # This function gets called when TracedThread.start() is called def run(self): """ Executes the operations whenever this thread is started. """ # Set the system tracer sys.settrace(self.global_trace) # Emit that currently the number of finished iteration is 0 self.n_finished.emit(0) # Loop over the map iterator and send a signal after each iteration try: for i, _ in enumerate(self.run_map): self.n_finished.emit(i+1) except Exception as error: self.exception.emit(error) # Emit signal that execution has finished else: self.finished.emit() # # Special system traced worker thread that connects to the controller thread class TracedWorkerThread(TracedThread): """ Defines the :class:`~TracedWorkerThread` class. This class creates a traceable thread that simultaneously can also be used by *PRISM* in worker mode. """ def __init__(self, pipeline_obj): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~TracedWorkerThread` class. Parameters ---------- pipeline_obj : :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` object The :class:`~prism.Pipeline` instance this worker thread must use. This is required for entering the proper worker mode. """ # Save provided pipeline_obj self.pipe = pipeline_obj # Call the super constructor super().__init__() # This function gets called when TracedThread.start() is called def run(self): """ Executes the operations whenever this thread is started. """ # Set the system tracer sys.settrace(self.global_trace) # Start listening for calls on this thread as well worker_mode = self.pipe.worker_mode worker_mode._WorkerMode__key = -1 worker_mode.listen_for_calls() # %% FUNCTION DEFINITIONS # This function starts up the threads for all workers def _run_traced_worker_threads(pipeline_obj): """ All workers defined in the provided `pipeline_obj` create a :obj:`~TracedWorkerThread` object and use it to listen for calls from the controller rank. Parameters ---------- pipeline_obj : :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` object The :class:`~prism.Pipeline` object all created worker threads must use. This is required for entering the proper worker mode. """ # Abbreviate pipeline_obj pipe = pipeline_obj # Initialize a worker thread thread = TracedWorkerThread(pipe) # Start executing on this thread thread.start() # Keep listening for the controller telling to stop the worker thread thread.killed = pipe._comm.recv(None, 0, 671589+pipe._comm.rank) # Connect to the thread to make sure it ended properly thread.join() # This function creates a message box with exception information
[docs]def show_exception_details(parent, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates an instance of the :class:`~ExceptionDialog` class and shows it. Parameters ---------- parent : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object or None The parent widget for this dialog or *None* for no parent. Optional -------- args : positional arguments The positional arguments that must be passed to the constructor of the :class:`~prism._gui.widgets.helpers.ExceptionDialog` class. kwargs : keyword arguments The keyword arguments that must be passed to the constructor of the :class:`~prism._gui.widgets.helpers.ExceptionDialog` class. """ # Create exception message box exception_box = ExceptionDialog(parent, *args, **kwargs) # Emit the exception signal of the parent if it has it if hasattr(parent, 'exception'): parent.exception.emit() # Show the exception message box