Source code for prism._internal

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Contains a collection of support classes/functions/lists for the *PRISM*


# Future imports
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

# Built-in imports
from inspect import isclass
import logging
import logging.config
import os
from os import path
import platform
import shutil
from struct import calcsize
from tempfile import mkstemp
from textwrap import dedent
import warnings

# Package imports
from e13tools import InputError, compare_versions
import h5py
from import register_cmap
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap as LSC
import numpy as np
from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from six import string_types

# PRISM imports
    from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
    import prism._dummyMPI as MPI
from prism.__version__ import compat_version, prism_version

# All declaration
__all__ = ['CFilter', 'CLogger', 'PRISM_Comm', 'RFilter', 'RLogger',
           'RequestError', 'RequestWarning', 'aux_char_list',
           'check_compatibility', 'check_instance', 'check_vals',
           'convert_str_seq', 'delist', 'docstring_append', 'docstring_copy',
           'docstring_substitute', 'get_PRISM_File', 'get_info', 'getCLogger',
           'getRLogger', 'import_cmaps', 'move_logger', 'np_array',
           'raise_error', 'raise_warning', 'rprint', 'start_logger']

# Determine MPI size and ranks
size = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()
rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()

# Make a custom Filter class that only allows the controller to log messages
[docs]class CFilter(logging.Filter): """ Custom :class:`~logging.Filter` class that only allows the controller rank to log messages to the logfile. Calls from worker ranks are ignored. """ def __init__(self, MPI_rank): self.is_controller = 1 if not MPI_rank else 0 super(CFilter, self).__init__('CFilter') def filter(self, record): return(self.is_controller)
# Define custom Logger class that uses the CFilter filter
[docs]class CLogger(logging.Logger): """ Custom :class:`~logging.Logger` class that uses the :class:`~CFilter`. """ # Initialize Logger, adding the CFilter def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CLogger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.addFilter(CFilter(rank))
# Make a custom MPI.Comm class that uses a special broadcast method
[docs]class PRISM_Comm(object): """ Custom :class:`~MPI.Intracomm` class that automatically makes use of the :class:`~numpy.ndarray` buffers when using communications. Is functionally the same as the provided `comm` for everything else. Optional -------- comm : :obj:`~MPI.Intracomm` object or None. Default: None The MPI intra-communicator to use in this :class:`~PRISM_Comm` instance. If *None*, use :obj:`MPI.COMM_WORLD` instead. """ def __init__(self, comm=None): # If comm is None, use MPI.COMM_WORLD if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD # Else, raise error if provided comm is not an MPI intra-communicator elif not isinstance(comm, MPI.Intracomm): raise TypeError("Input argument 'comm' must be an instance of the " "MPI.Intracomm class!") # Bind provided communicator self._comm = comm self._rank = self._comm.Get_rank() self._size = self._comm.Get_size() # Override getattr property to use self._comm attributes if necessary def __getattribute__(self, name): try: return(super(PRISM_Comm, self).__getattribute__(name)) except AttributeError: return(getattr(self._comm, name)) # Override __dir__ attribute to use the one from self._comm def __dir__(self): return(dir(self._comm)) # Specialized bcast function that automatically makes use of NumPy buffers
[docs] def bcast(self, obj, root): """ Special broadcast method that automatically uses the appropriate method (:meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.bcast` or :meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.Bcast`) depending on the type of the provided `obj`. Parameters ---------- obj : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` or object The object to broadcast to all MPI ranks. If :obj:`~numpy.ndarray`, use :meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.Bcast`. If not, use :meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.bcast` instead. root : int The MPI rank that broadcasts `obj`. Returns ------- obj : object The broadcasted `obj`. """ # Sender if(self._rank == root): # Check if provided object is a NumPy array if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): # If so, send shape and dtype of the NumPy array self._comm.bcast(['NumPy ndarray', [obj.shape, obj.dtype]], root=root) # Then send the NumPy array as a buffer object self._comm.Bcast(obj, root=root) # If not, send obj the normal way else: # Try to send object try: self._comm.bcast([obj.__class__.__name__, obj], root=root) # If this fails, raise error about byte size except OverflowError: raise InputError("Input argument `obj` has a byte size " "that cannot be stored in a 32-bit int " "(%i > %i)!" % (obj.__sizeof__(), 2**31-1)) # Receivers wait for instructions else: # Receive object obj_type, obj = self._comm.bcast(obj, root=root) # If obj_type is NumPy ndarray, obj contains shape and dtype if(obj_type == 'NumPy ndarray'): # Create empty NumPy array with given shape and dtype obj = np.empty(*obj) # Receive NumPy array self._comm.Bcast(obj, root=root) # Return obj return(obj)
# Specialized gather function that automatically makes use of NumPy buffers
[docs] def gather(self, obj, root): """ Special gather method that automatically uses the appropriate method (:meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.gather` or :meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.Gatherv`) depending on the type of the provided `obj`. Parameters ---------- obj : :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` or object The object to gather from all MPI ranks. If :obj:`~numpy.ndarray`, use :meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.Gatherv`. If not, use :meth:`~MPI.Intracomm.gather` instead. root : int The MPI rank that gathers `obj`. Returns ------- obj : list or None If MPI rank is `root`, returns a list of the gathered objects. Else, returns *None*. Notes ----- If some but not all MPI ranks use a NumPy array, this method will hang indefinitely. When gathering NumPy arrays, all arrays must have the same number of dimensions and the same shape, except for one axis. """ # Check if provided object is a NumPy array if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): # If so, gather the shapes of obj on the receiver shapes = self._comm.gather(obj.shape, root=root) # If obj has an empty dimension anywhere, replace it with a dummy if not np.all(obj.shape): obj = np.empty([1]*obj.ndim) # Receiver sets up a buffer array and receives NumPy array if(self._rank == root): # Obtain the required shape of the buffer array buff_shape = (self._size, np.product(np.max(shapes, axis=0))) # Create buffer array buff = np.empty(buff_shape) # Gather all NumPy arrays self._comm.Gatherv(obj.ravel(), buff, root=root) # Make an empty list holding individual arrays arr_list = [] # Loop over gathered buff and transform back to single arrays for array, shape in zip(buff, shapes): array_temp = array[:np.product(shape)] arr_list.append(array_temp.reshape(shape)) # Replace buff by arr_list buff = arr_list # Senders send the array else: # Senders set up dummy buffer buff = None # Send array self._comm.Gatherv(obj.ravel(), buff, root=root) # If not, gather obj the normal way else: # Try to send the obj try: buff = self._comm.gather(obj, root=root) # If this fails, raise error about byte size except SystemError: raise InputError("Input argument 'obj' is too large!") # Return buff return(buff)
# Make a custom Filter class that logs the rank of the process that calls it
[docs]class RFilter(logging.Filter): """ Custom :class:`~logging.Filter` class that prepends the rank of the MPI process that calls it to the logging message. """ def __init__(self, MPI_rank): self.prefix = "Rank %i:" % (MPI_rank) super(RFilter, self).__init__('RFilter') def filter(self, record): record.msg = " ".join([self.prefix, record.msg]) return(1)
# Define custom Logger class that uses the RFilter filter
[docs]class RLogger(logging.Logger): """ Custom :class:`~logging.Logger` class that uses the :class:`~RFilter` if the size of the intra-communicator is more than 1. """ # Initialize Logger, adding the RFilter if size > 1 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(RLogger, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if(MPI.__name__ == 'mpi4py.MPI' and size > 1): self.addFilter(RFilter(rank))
# Define Exception class for when a requested action is not possible
[docs]class RequestError(Exception): """ Generic exception raised for invalid action requests in the *PRISM* pipeline. General purpose exception class, raised whenever a requested action cannot be executed due to it not being allowed or possible in the current state of the :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` instance. """ pass
# Define Warning class for when a (future) requested action may not be useful
[docs]class RequestWarning(Warning): """ Generic warning raised for (future) action requests in the *PRISM* pipeline that may not be useful. General purpose warning class, raised whenever a requested action may not produce appropriate or expected results due to the current state of the :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` instance. It is also raised if an obtained result can lead to such an action in the future. """ pass
# %% DECORATOR DEFINITIONS # Define custom decorator for appending docstrings to a function's docstring
[docs]def docstring_append(addendum, join=''): """ Custom decorator that allows a given string `addendum` to be appended to the docstring of the target function, separated by a given string `join`. """ def do_append(target): if target.__doc__: target.__doc__ = join.join([target.__doc__, addendum]) else: target.__doc__ = addendum return(target) return(do_append)
# Define custom decorator for copying docstrings from one function to another
[docs]def docstring_copy(source): """ Custom decorator that allows the docstring of a function `source` to be copied to the target function. """ def do_copy(target): if source.__doc__: target.__doc__ = source.__doc__ return(target) return(do_copy)
# Define custom decorator for substituting strings into a function's docstring
[docs]def docstring_substitute(*args, **kwargs): """ Custom decorator that allows either given positional arguments `args` or keyword arguments `kwargs` to be substituted into the docstring of the target function. """ if len(args) and len(kwargs): raise InputError("Either only positional or keyword arguments are " "allowed!") else: params = args or kwargs def do_substitution(target): if target.__doc__: target.__doc__ = target.__doc__ % (params) else: raise InputError("Target has no docstring available for " "substitutions!") return(target) return(do_substitution)
# %% FUNCTION DEFINITIONS # Function for checking if emulator system is compatible with PRISM version
[docs]def check_compatibility(emul_version): """ Checks if the provided `emul_version` is compatible with the current version of *PRISM*. Raises a :class:`~RequestError` if *False* and indicates which version of *PRISM* still supports the provided `emul_version`. """ # Do some logging logger = getCLogger('COMP_CHECK')"Performing version compatibility check.") # Loop over all compatibility versions for version in compat_version: # If a compat_version is the same or newer than the emul_version # then it is incompatible if compare_versions(version, emul_version): err_msg = ("The provided emulator is incompatible with the current" " version of PRISM (v%s). The last compatible version " "is v%s." % (prism_version, version)) raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) # Check if emul_version is not newer than prism_version if not compare_versions(prism_version, emul_version): err_msg = ("The provided emulator was constructed with a version later" " than the current version of PRISM (v%s). Use v%s or later" " to use this emulator." % (prism_version, emul_version)) raise_error(err_msg, RequestError, logger) else:"Version compatibility check was successful.")
# This function checks if a given instance was initialized properly
[docs]def check_instance(instance, cls): """ Checks if provided `instance` has been initialized from a proper `cls` (sub)class. Raises a :class:`~TypeError` if `instance` is not an instance of `cls`. Parameters ---------- instance : object Class instance that needs to be checked. cls : class The class which `instance` needs to be properly initialized from. Returns ------- result : bool Bool indicating whether or not the provided `instance` was initialized from a proper `cls` (sub)class. """ # Check if cls is a class if not isclass(cls): raise InputError("Input argument 'cls' must be a class!") # Check if instance was initialized from a cls (sub)class if not isinstance(instance, cls): raise TypeError("Input argument 'instance' must be an instance of the " "%s.%s class!" % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)) # Retrieve a list of all cls attributes class_attrs = dir(cls) # Check if all cls attributes can be called in instance for attr in class_attrs: try: getattr(instance, attr) except AttributeError: return(0) else: return(1)
# This function checks if the input values meet all given criteria
[docs]def check_vals(values, name, *args): """ Checks if all values in provided input argument `values` with `name` meet all criteria given in `args`. If no criteria are given, it is checked if all values are finite. Returns `values` (0 or 1 in case of bool) if *True* and raises a :class:`~ValueError` or :class:`~TypeError` if *False*. Parameters ---------- values : array_like of {int, float, str, bool} The values to be checked against all given criteria in `args`. It must be possible to convert `values` to a :obj:`~numpy.ndarray` object. name : str The name of the input argument, which is used in the error message if a criterion is not met. args : tuple of {'bool', 'float', 'int', 'neg', 'nneg', 'normal', 'npos', \ 'nzero', 'pos', 'str'} Sequence of strings determining the criteria that `values` must meet. If `args` is empty, it is checked if `values` are finite. Returns ------- return_values : array_like of {int, float, str} If `args` contained 'bool', returns 0s or 1s. Else, returns `values`. Notes ----- If `values` contains integers, but `args` contains 'float', `return_values` will be cast as float. """ # Define logger logger = getRLogger('CHECK') # Convert args to a list args = list(args) # Check type of values if isinstance(values, tuple): arr_type = 'tuple' elif isinstance(values, list): arr_type = 'list' elif isinstance(values, np.ndarray): arr_type = 'ndarray' elif np.isscalar(values): arr_type = 'scalar' else: err_msg = "Input argument %r is not array_like!" % (name) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # Convert values to a NumPy array try: values = np.asanyarray(values) except Exception as error: err_msg = ("Input argument %r cannot be converted to a NumPy array! " "(%s)" % (name, error)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) else: # Since NumPy v1.16.0, sequenced lists can be converted to NumPy arrays # So, check if the dtype is not np.object_ if issubclass(values.dtype.type, np.object_): err_msg = ("Input argument %r cannot be a sequenced container!" % (name)) raise_error(err_msg, InputError, logger) # Loop over all criteria while len(args): # Check for bool if 'bool' in args: # Convert values to str values = np.char.lower(np.asanyarray(values, dtype=str)) # Check if values available are accepted as bools check_list = np.zeros_like(values, dtype=int, subok=False) check_list[values == '0'] = 1 check_list[values == 'false'] = 1 values[values == 'false'] = '0' check_list[values == '1'] = 1 check_list[values == 'true'] = 1 values[values == 'true'] = '1' # Check if check_list solely contains 1s if not check_list.all(): # If not, raise error index = np.unravel_index(np.argmin(check_list), values.shape) err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not of type 'bool'!" % (name, list(index) if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) else: # If so, convert values to integers and break the loop values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=int) break # Check for string elif 'str' in args: # Check if str is provided and break if so if issubclass(values.dtype.type, string_types): break else: err_msg = "Input argument %r is not of type 'str'!" % (name) raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # Check for float elif 'float' in args: # Check if float is provided and continue if so if issubclass(values.dtype.type, (np.integer, np.floating)): # Remove 'float' from args and check it again args.remove('float') values = np.asanyarray(values, dtype=float) continue else: err_msg = "Input argument %r is not of type 'float'!" % (name) raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # Check for integer elif 'int' in args: # Check if int is provided and continue if so if issubclass(values.dtype.type, np.integer): # Remove 'int' from args and check it again args.remove('int') continue else: err_msg = "Input argument %r is not of type 'int'!" % (name) raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) # Check for negative value elif 'neg' in args: # Check if value is negative and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(values >= 0)[0]) except IndexError: args.remove('neg') continue else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not negative!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Check for non-negative value elif 'nneg' in args: # Check if value is non-negative and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(values < 0)[0]) except IndexError: args.remove('nneg') continue else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not non-negative!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Check for normalized value [-1, 1] elif 'normal' in args: # Check if value is normal and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(abs(values) > 1)[0]) except IndexError: args.remove('normal') continue else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not normalized!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Check for non-positive value elif 'npos' in args: # Check if value is non-positive and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(values > 0)[0]) except IndexError: args.remove('npos') continue else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not non-positive!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Check for non-zero value elif 'nzero' in args: # Check if value is non-zero and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(values == 0)[0]) except IndexError: args.remove('nzero') continue else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not non-zero!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Check for positive value elif 'pos' in args: # Check if value is positive and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(values <= 0)[0]) except IndexError: args.remove('pos') continue else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not positive!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # If none of the criteria is found, the criteria are invalid else: err_msg = ("Input argument 'args' contains invalid elements (%s)!" % (args)) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # If no criteria are left, it must be a finite value else: # Check if value is finite and continue if so try: index = list(np.argwhere(~np.isfinite(values))[0]) except IndexError: pass except TypeError: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not of type 'int' or 'float'!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, TypeError, logger) else: err_msg = ("Input argument '%s%s' is not finite!" % (name, index if values.ndim != 0 else '')) raise_error(err_msg, ValueError, logger) # Convert values back to its original type if(arr_type == 'tuple'): values = tuple(values.tolist()) elif(arr_type == 'list'): values = values.tolist() elif(arr_type == 'scalar'): values = values.item() # Return values return(values)
# Function for converting a string sequence to a sequence of elements
[docs]def convert_str_seq(seq): """ Converts a provided sequence to a string, removes all auxiliary characters from it, splits it up into individual elements and converts all elements back to integers, floats and/or strings. Parameters ---------- seq : str or array_like The sequence that needs to be converted to individual elements. If array_like, `seq` is first converted to a string. Returns ------- new_seq : list A list with all individual elements converted to integers, floats and/or strings. """ # Convert sequence to a string seq = str(seq) # Remove all unwanted characters from the string for char in aux_char_list: seq = seq.replace(char, ' ') # Split sequence up into elements seq = seq.split() # Loop over all elements in seq for i, val in enumerate(seq): # Try to convert to int or float try: # If string contains an E or e, try to convert to float first if 'e' in val.lower(): tmp_val = float(val) else: tmp_val = val # If string contains a dot, check if it is a float if '.' in val: seq[i] = float(tmp_val) # If string contains no dot, check if it is an int else: seq[i] = int(tmp_val) # If it cannot be converted to int or float, save as string except ValueError: seq[i] = val # Return it return(seq)
# Function that returns a copy of a list with all empty lists/tuples removed
[docs]def delist(list_obj): """ Returns a copy of `list_obj` with all empty lists and tuples removed. Parameters ---------- list_obj : list A list object that requires its empty list/tuple elements to be removed. Returns ------- delisted_copy : list Copy of `list_obj` with all empty lists/tuples removed. """ # Check if list_obj is a list if(type(list_obj) != list): raise TypeError("Input argument 'list_obj' is not of type 'list'!") # Make a copy of itself delisted_copy = list(list_obj) # Remove all empty lists/tuples from this copy off_dex = len(delisted_copy)-1 for i, element in enumerate(reversed(delisted_copy)): # Remove empty lists if(isinstance(element, list) and element == []): delisted_copy.pop(off_dex-i) # Remove empty tuples elif(isinstance(element, tuple) and element == ()): delisted_copy.pop(off_dex-i) # Return the copy return(delisted_copy)
# Define custom getLogger function that calls the custom CLogger instead
[docs]def getCLogger(name=None): """ Create a :class:`~CLogger` instance with `name` and return it. """ # Temporarily set the default class to CLogger and return an instance of it logging.setLoggerClass(CLogger) logger = logging.getLogger(name) logging.setLoggerClass(logging.Logger) return(logger)
# Define function that returns a string with all PRISM package information
[docs]def get_info(): """ Prints a string that gives an overview of all information relevant to the PRISM package distribution. """ # Create info list info_list = [] # Add header to info_list info_list.append(dedent(""" PRISM configuration information -------------------------------""")) # Add platform to info_list info_list.append("Platform: %s %i-bit" % (platform.system(), calcsize('P')*8)) # Add python version to info_list info_list.append("Python: %s" % (platform.python_version())) # Access PRISM metadata prism_dist = get_distribution('prism') # Add PRISM version to info_list info_list.append("prism: %s" % (prism_dist.version)) # Get list of all PRISM requirements req_list = [ for req in prism_dist.requires()] # If imported MPI is mpi4py, add it to the list as well if(MPI.__name__ == 'mpi4py.MPI'): req_list.append('mpi4py') # Sort the requirements list req_list.sort() # Get distribution version of every requirement of PRISM for req in req_list: dist = get_distribution(req) info_list.append("%s: %s" % (req, dist.version)) # Combine all strings in info_list to info_str info_str = '\n'.join(info_list) # Print info_str, stripping any additional whitespaces print(info_str.strip())
# Define class factory that returns a specialized h5py.File class
[docs]def get_PRISM_File(prism_hdf5_file): """ Returns a class definition ``PRISM_File(mode, emul_s=None, **kwargs)``. This class definition is a specialized version of the :class:`~h5py.File` class with the filename automatically set to `prism_hdf5_file` and added logging to the constructor and destructor methods. Parameters ---------- prism_hdf5_file : str Absolute path to the master HDF5-file that is used in a :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` instance. Returns ------- PRISM_File : class Definition of the class ``PRISM_File(mode, emul_s=None, **kwargs)``. """ # Override h5py's File.__init__() and __exit__() methods class PRISM_File(h5py.File): """ Custom :class:`~h5py.File` class that automatically knows where all *PRISM* HDF5-files are located when created by the :func:`~get_PRISM_File` class factory. Additionally, certain keyword arguments have default values and the opening/closing of an HDF5-file is logged. """ # Override __init__() to include default settings and logging def __init__(self, mode, emul_s=None, **kwargs): """ Opens the master HDF5-file `prism_hdf5_file` in `mode` according to some set of default parameters. Parameters ---------- mode : {'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w-'/'x', 'a'} String indicating how the HDF5-file needs to be opened. Optional -------- emul_s : int or None. Default: None If int, number indicating the requested emulator system file to open. If *None*, the master HDF5-file itself is opened. kwargs : dict. Default: ``{'driver': None, 'libver': 'earliest'}`` Other keyword arguments that need to be given to the :func:`~h5py.File` function. """ # Save emul_s as a property self.emul_s = emul_s # Set default settings hdf5_kwargs = {'driver': None, 'libver': 'earliest'} # Check emul_s and obtain proper logger if self.emul_s is None: # Only controller opens master file for writing, so use CLogger sub_str = '' logger = getCLogger('M-HDF5') else: sub_str = '_%i' % (self.emul_s) logger = getRLogger('S-HDF5') # Add sub_str to filename parts = path.splitext(prism_hdf5_file) filename = ''.join([parts[0], sub_str, parts[1]]) # Update hdf5_kwargs with provided ones hdf5_kwargs.update(kwargs) # Log that an HDF5-file is being opened if self.emul_s is None:"Opening master HDF5-file (mode: %r)." % (mode)) else:"Opening system HDF5-file %i (mode: %r)." % (self.emul_s, mode)) # Inheriting File __init__() super(PRISM_File, self).__init__(filename, mode, **hdf5_kwargs) # Override __exit__() to include logging def __exit__(self, *args): # Log that an HDF5-file will be closed if self.emul_s is None: logger = getCLogger('M-HDF5')"Closing master HDF5-file.") else: logger = getRLogger('S-HDF5')"Closing system HDF5-file %i." % (self.emul_s)) # Inheriting File __exit__() super(PRISM_File, self).__exit__(*args) # Return PRISM_File class definition return(PRISM_File)
# Define custom getLogger function that calls the custom RLogger instead
[docs]def getRLogger(name=None): """ Create a :class:`~RLogger` instance with `name` and return it. """ # Temporarily set the default class to RLogger and return an instance of it logging.setLoggerClass(RLogger) logger = logging.getLogger(name) logging.setLoggerClass(logging.Logger) return(logger)
# Function to import all custom colormaps in a directory
[docs]def import_cmaps(cmap_dir): """ Reads in custom colormaps from a provided directory `cmap_dir`, transforms them into :obj:`~matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap` objects and registers them in the :mod:`` module. Both the imported colormap and its reversed version will be registered. This function is called automatically when *PRISM* is imported. Parameters ---------- cmap_dir : str Relative or absolute path to the directory that contains custom colormap files. A colormap file can be a NumPy binary file ('.npy' or '.npz') or any text file. Notes ----- All colormap files in `cmap_dir` must have names starting with 'cm\\_'. The resulting colormaps will have the name of their file without the prefix and extension. """ # Obtain path to directory with colormaps cmap_dir = path.abspath(cmap_dir) # Check if provided directory exists if not path.exists(cmap_dir): raise OSError("Input argument 'cmap_dir' is a non-existing path (%r)!" % (cmap_dir)) # Obtain the names of all files in cmap_dir filenames = next(os.walk(cmap_dir))[2] cm_files = [] # Extract the files with defined colormaps for filename in filenames: if(filename[:3] == 'cm_'): cm_files.append(filename) cm_files.sort() # Read in all the defined colormaps, transform and register them for cm_file in cm_files: # Split basename and extension base_str, ext_str = path.splitext(cm_file) cm_name = base_str[3:] # Process colormap files try: # Obtain absolute path to colormap data file cm_file_path = path.join(cmap_dir, cm_file) # Read in colormap data if ext_str in ('.npy', '.npz'): # If file is a NumPy binary file colorlist = np.load(cm_file_path).tolist() else: # If file is anything else colorlist = np.genfromtxt(cm_file_path).tolist() # Transform colorlist into a Colormap cmap = LSC.from_list(cm_name, colorlist, N=len(colorlist)) cmap_r = LSC.from_list(cm_name+'_r', list(reversed(colorlist)), N=len(colorlist)) # Add cmap to matplotlib's cmap list register_cmap(cmap=cmap) register_cmap(cmap=cmap_r) except Exception as error: raise InputError("Provided colormap %r is invalid! (%s)" % (cm_name, error))
# Define function that can move the logging file of PRISM and restart logging
[docs]def move_logger(working_dir, filename): """ Moves the logging file `filename` from the current working directory to the given `working_dir`, and then restarts it again. Parameters ---------- working_dir : str String containing the directory the log-file needs to be moved to. filename : str String containing the name of the log-file that needs to be moved. """ # Shut down logging process to allow the log-file to be moved logging.shutdown() # Get source and destination paths source = path.abspath(filename) destination = path.join(working_dir, 'prism_log.log') # Check if file already exists and either combine files or move the file if path.isfile(destination): with open(destination, 'a') as dest, open(source, 'r') as src: for line in src: dest.write(line) os.remove(source) else: shutil.move(source, destination) # Restart the logger start_logger(filename=destination, mode='a')
# This function automatically does not make a copy of a NumPy array
[docs]def np_array(obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Returns ``np.array(obj, *args, copy=False, **kwargs)``. """ # Return NumPy array with copy=False return(np.array(obj, *args, copy=False, **kwargs))
# This function raises a given error after logging the error
[docs]def raise_error(err_msg, err_type=Exception, logger=None): """ Raises a given error `err_msg` of type `err_type` and logs the error using the provided `logger`. Parameters ---------- err_msg : str The message included in the error. Optional -------- err_type : :class:`Exception` subclass. Default: :class:`Exception` The type of error that needs to be raised. logger : :obj:`~logging.Logger` object or None. Default: None The logger to which the error message must be written. If *None*, the :obj:`~logging.RootLogger` logger is used instead. """ # Log the error and raise it right after logger = logging.root if logger is None else logger logger.error(err_msg) raise err_type(err_msg)
# This function raises a given warning after logging the warning
[docs]def raise_warning(warn_msg, warn_type=UserWarning, logger=None, stacklevel=1): """ Raises a given warning `warn_msg` of type `warn_type` and logs the warning using the provided `logger`. Parameters ---------- warn_msg : str The message included in the warning. Optional -------- warn_type : :class:`Warning` subclass. Default: :class:`UserWarning` The type of warning that needs to be raised. logger : :obj:`~logging.Logger` object or None. Default: None The logger to which the warning message must be written. If *None*, the :obj:`~logging.RootLogger` logger is used instead. stacklevel : int. Default: 1 The stack level of the warning message at the location of this function call. The actual used stack level is increased by one. """ # Log the warning and raise it right after logger = logging.root if logger is None else logger logger.warning(warn_msg) warnings.warn(warn_msg, warn_type, stacklevel=stacklevel+1)
# Redefine the print function to include the MPI rank if MPI is used
[docs]def rprint(*args, **kwargs): """ Custom :func:`~print` function that prepends the rank of the MPI process that calls it to the message if the size of the intra-communicator is more than 1. Takes the same input arguments as the normal :func:`~print` function. """ # If MPI is used and size > 1, prepend rank to message if(MPI.__name__ == 'mpi4py.MPI' and size > 1): args = list(args) args.insert(0, "Rank %i:" % (rank)) print(*args, **kwargs)
# Define function that can start the logging process of PRISM # TODO: Make a filter that only allows PRISM log messages to be logged to file # TODO: Find a way to bind the logging file to the Pipeline instance
[docs]def start_logger(filename=None, mode='w'): """ Opens a logging file called `filename` in the current working directory, opened with `mode` and starts the logger. Optional -------- filename : str or None. Default: None String containing the name of the log-file that is opened. If *None*, a new log-file will be created. mode : {'r', 'r+', 'w', 'w-'/'x', 'a'}. Default: 'w' String indicating how the log-file needs to be opened. """ # If filename is not defined, make a new one if filename is None: fd, filename = mkstemp('.log', 'prism_log_', '.') os.close(fd) # Define logging dict LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'default': { 'format': "[%(asctime)s][%(threadName)-10s][%(levelname)-4s] " "%(name)-10s \t%(message)s", 'datefmt': "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", }, }, 'handlers': { 'file': { '()': logging.FileHandler, 'level': 'DEBUG', 'formatter': 'default', 'filename': filename, 'mode': mode, 'encoding': 'utf-8', }, }, 'root': { 'handlers': ['file'], 'level': 'DEBUG', }, } # Start the logger from the dict above logging.config.dictConfig(LOGGING) # Return log-file name return(filename)
# %% LIST DEFINITIONS aux_char_list = ['(', ')', '[', ']', ',', "'", '"', '|', '/', '{', '}', '<', '>', '´', '¨', '`', '\\', '?', '!', '%', ';', '=', '$', '~', '#', '@', '^', '&', '*']