Source code for prism._gui.widgets.main

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

GUI Main Window
Provides the definition of the main window of the Projection GUI.


# Built-in imports
from collections import OrderedDict as odict
from contextlib import redirect_stdout
from functools import partial
from io import StringIO
import sys
from textwrap import dedent
import warnings

# Package imports
from e13tools.utils import docstring_substitute
from PyQt5 import QtCore as QC, QtGui as QG, QtWidgets as QW

# PRISM imports
from prism.__version__ import __version__
from prism._docstrings import kwargs_doc, qt_slot_doc
from prism._internal import RequestError, RequestWarning
from prism._gui import APP_ICON_PATH, APP_NAME
from prism._gui.widgets import QW_QAction, QW_QMenu, show_exception_details
from prism._gui.widgets.overview import OverviewDockWidget
from prism._gui.widgets.preferences import OptionsDialog
from prism._gui.widgets.viewing_area import ViewingAreaDockWidget

# All declaration
__all__ = ['MainViewerWindow']

# Define class for main viewer window
[docs]class MainViewerWindow(QW.QMainWindow): """ Defines the :class:`~MainViewerWindow` class for the Projection GUI. This class provides the main window for the GUI and combines all other widgets; layouts; and elements together. """ # Create signal for exception that are raised exception = QC.pyqtSignal() # Initialize MainViewerWindow class
[docs] @docstring_substitute(optional=kwargs_doc.format( 'PyQt5.QtWidgets.QMainWindow')) def __init__(self, pipeline_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~MainViewerWindow` class. Parameters ---------- pipeline_obj : :obj:`~prism.Pipeline` object Instance of the :class:`~prism.Pipeline` class for which the GUI needs to be initialized. %(optional)s """ # Save pipeline_obj as pipe self.pipe = pipeline_obj # Call super constructor super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Set up the main window self.init()
# This function sets up the main window
[docs] def init(self): """ Sets up the main window after it has been initialized. This function is mainly responsible for initializing all other widgets that are required to make the GUI work, and connecting them together. """ # Tell the Projection class that the GUI is being used self.all_set_proj_attr('use_GUI', 1) # Determine the last emulator iteration emul_i = self.pipe._make_call('_emulator._get_emul_i', None) # Prepare projections to be made for all iterations for i in range(1, emul_i+1): # Try to prepare this iteration try: self.all_call_proj_attr('prepare_projections', i, None, force=False, figure=True) # If this iteration raises a RequestError, it cannot be prepared except RequestError as error: # If that happens, emit a warning about it warnings.warn("%s. Falling back to previous iteration." % (error), RequestWarning, stacklevel=2) # Reprepare the previous iteration and break self.all_call_proj_attr('prepare_projections', i-1, None, force=False, figure=True) break # Save some statistics about pipeline and modellink self.n_par = self.pipe._modellink._n_par # Make sure that the viewer is deleted when window is closed self.setAttribute(QC.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) # Disable the default context menu (right-click menu) self.setContextMenuPolicy(QC.Qt.NoContextMenu) # Set window icon and title self.setWindowTitle(APP_NAME) self.setWindowIcon(QG.QIcon(APP_ICON_PATH)) # Create statusbar self.create_statusbar() # Prepare the windows and toolbars menus self.windows_menu = QW_QMenu(self, '&Windows') self.toolbars_menu = QW_QMenu(self, '&Toolbars') # Get default positions of all dock widgets self.default_pos = self.get_default_dock_positions() # OVERVIEW DOCK WIDGET # Create the projection overview dock widget self.overview_dock = OverviewDockWidget(self) # Create an action for enabling/disabling the overview proj_overview_act = self.overview_dock.toggleViewAction() proj_overview_act.setShortcut(QC.Qt.ALT + QC.Qt.SHIFT + QC.Qt.Key_O) proj_overview_act.setStatusTip("Enable/disable the 'Overview' window") self.windows_menu.addAction(proj_overview_act) # VIEWING AREA DOCK WIDGET # Create the projection viewing area dock widget self.area_dock = ViewingAreaDockWidget(self) # Create an action for enabling/disabling the viewing area proj_area_act = self.area_dock.toggleViewAction() proj_area_act.setShortcut(QC.Qt.ALT + QC.Qt.SHIFT + QC.Qt.Key_V) proj_area_act.setStatusTip("Enable/disable the 'Viewing area' window") self.windows_menu.addAction(proj_area_act) # Create menubar self.create_menubar() self.menubar.setFocus() # Set resolution of window self.resize(800, 600) # Set all dock widgets to their default positions self.set_default_dock_positions() # Set the exception handler to an internal message window gui_excepthook = partial(show_exception_details, self) sys.excepthook = gui_excepthook # Turn off all regular logging in Pipeline self.was_logging = bool(self.pipe.do_logging) self.pipe._make_call('__setattr__', 'do_logging', False)
# This function creates the menubar in the viewer
[docs] def create_menubar(self): """ Creates the top-level menubar of the main window. Other widgets can modify this menubar to add additional actions to it. """ # Obtain menubar self.menubar = self.menuBar() # FILE # Create file menu file_menu = self.menubar.addMenu('&File') # Add save action to file menu save_act = QW_QAction( self, '&Save view as...', shortcut=QG.QKeySequence.Save, statustip="Save current projection viewing area as an image", triggered=self.area_dock.save_view, role=QW_QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole) file_menu.addAction(save_act) # Add quit action to file menu quit_act = QW_QAction( self, '&Quit', shortcut=QG.QKeySequence.Quit, statustip="Quit %s" % (APP_NAME), triggered=self.close, role=QW_QAction.QuitRole) file_menu.addAction(quit_act) # TOOLS # Create tools menu, which includes all actions in the proj_toolbar tools_menu = self.menubar.addMenu('&Tools') tools_menu.addActions(self.area_dock.proj_toolbar.actions()) # VIEW # Create view menu view_menu = self.menubar.addMenu('&View') # Add the windows submenu to view menu view_menu.addMenu(self.windows_menu) # Add default layout action to view menu default_layout_act = QW_QAction( self, '&Default layout', statustip=("Reset all windows and toolbars back to their default " "layout"), triggered=self.set_default_dock_positions) view_menu.addAction(default_layout_act) # Add a separator view_menu.addSeparator() # Add the toolbars submenu to view menu view_menu.addMenu(self.toolbars_menu) # HELP # Create help menu help_menu = self.menubar.addMenu('&Help') # Add options action to help menu self.options = OptionsDialog(self) options_act = QW_QAction( self, '&Preferences', shortcut=QC.Qt.CTRL + QC.Qt.Key_P, statustip="Adjust viewer preferences", triggered=self.options, role=QW_QAction.PreferencesRole) help_menu.addAction(options_act) # Add details action to help menu details_act = QW_QAction( self, '&Details', shortcut=QC.Qt.CTRL + QC.Qt.Key_D, statustip=("Show the pipeline details overview of a specified " "iteration"), triggered=self.show_pipeline_details_overview, role=QW_QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole) help_menu.addAction(details_act) # Add a separator help_menu.addSeparator() # Add API reference action to help menu apiref_act = QW_QAction( self, 'API reference', statustip="Open %s's API reference in a webbrowser" % (APP_NAME), triggered=self.api_reference, role=QW_QAction.ApplicationSpecificRole) help_menu.addAction(apiref_act) # Add a separator help_menu.addSeparator() # Add about action to help menu about_act = QW_QAction( self, '&About...', statustip="About %s" % (APP_NAME), triggered=self.about, role=QW_QAction.AboutRole) help_menu.addAction(about_act) # Add aboutQt action to help menu aboutqt_act = QW_QAction( self, 'About &Qt...', statustip="About Qt framework", triggered=QW.QApplication.aboutQt, role=QW_QAction.AboutQtRole) help_menu.addAction(aboutqt_act)
# This function creates the statusbar in the viewer
[docs] def create_statusbar(self): """ Creates the bottom-level statusbar of the main window, primarily used for displaying extended descriptions of actions. """ # Obtain statusbar self.statusbar = self.statusBar()
# This function creates a message box with the 'about' information
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def about(self): """ Displays a small section with information about the GUI. %(qt_slot)s """ # Make shortcuts for certain links github_repo = "" # Create the text for the 'about' dialog text = dedent(r""" <b>{name} | <a href="{github}">PRISM</a> v{version}</b><br> Copyright &copy; 2019 Ellert van der Velden<br> Distributed under the <a href="{github}/raw/master/LICENSE">BSD-3 License</a>. """.format(name=APP_NAME, version=__version__, github=github_repo)) # Create the 'about' dialog QW.QMessageBox.about(self, "About %s" % (APP_NAME), text)
# This function opens the RTD API reference documentation in a webbrowser
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def api_reference(self): """ Opens the API reference documentation of the GUI in a webbrowser. %(qt_slot)s """ # Open webbrowser QG.QDesktopServices.openUrl(QC.QUrl( ""))
# This function is called when the viewer is closed
[docs] def closeEvent(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Special :meth:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget.closeEvent` event that automatically performs some clean-up operations before the main window closes. """ # Call the closeEvent of the dock widgets self.overview_dock.close() self.area_dock.close() # Save that Projection GUI is no longer being used self.all_set_proj_attr('use_GUI', 0) # Set data parameters in Projection class back to defaults self.options.reset_options() # Set logging in Pipeline back to what it was before self.pipe._make_call('__setattr__', 'do_logging', self.was_logging) # Set the excepthook back to its default value sys.excepthook = sys.__excepthook__ # Close the main window super().closeEvent(*args, **kwargs)
# This function allows for projection attributes to be set more easily
[docs] def set_proj_attr(self, name, value): """ Sets the requested :class:`~prism._projection.Projection` attribute `name` to `value` on the controller rank. """ # Set the attribute setattr(self.pipe, '_Projection__%s' % (name), value)
# This function is an MPI-version of set_proj_attr
[docs] def all_set_proj_attr(self, name, value): """ Sets the requested :class:`~prism._projection.Projection` attribute `name` to `value` on all ranks. """ # Set the attribute on all ranks self.pipe._make_call('__setattr__', '_Projection__%s' % (name), value)
# This function allows for projection attributes to be read more easily
[docs] def get_proj_attr(self, name): """ Gets the value of the requested :class:`~prism._projection.Projection` attribute `name` on the controller rank. """ # Retrieve the attribute return(getattr(self.pipe, '_Projection__%s' % (name)))
# This function allows for projection attributes to be called more easily
[docs] def call_proj_attr(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the requested :class:`~prism._projection.Projection` attribute `name` using the provided `args` and `kwargs` on the controller rank. """ # Call the attribute return(getattr(self.pipe, '_Projection__%s' % (name))(*args, **kwargs))
# This function is an MPI-version of call_proj_attr
[docs] def all_call_proj_attr(self, name, *args, **kwargs): """ Calls the requested :class:`~prism._projection.Projection` attribute `name` using the provided `args` and `kwargs` on all ranks. """ # Call the attribute on all ranks return(self.pipe._make_call('_Projection__%s' % (name), *args, **kwargs))
# This function returns the default positions of dock widgets and toolbars
[docs] def get_default_dock_positions(self): """ Returns the default positions of all dock widgets connected to the main window. """ # Make dict including the default docking positions default_pos = { 'Viewing area': QC.Qt.RightDockWidgetArea, 'Overview': QC.Qt.LeftDockWidgetArea} # Return it return(default_pos)
# This function sets dock widgets and toolbars to their default position
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def set_default_dock_positions(self): """ Sets the positions of all dock widgets connected to the main window to their default positions. %(qt_slot)s """ # Set the dock widgets and toolbars to their default positions # OVERVIEW self.overview_dock.setVisible(True) self.overview_dock.setFloating(False) self.addDockWidget(self.default_pos['Overview'], self.overview_dock) # VIEWING AREA self.area_dock.setVisible(True) self.area_dock.setFloating(False) self.addDockWidget(self.default_pos['Viewing area'], self.area_dock) self.area_dock.set_default_dock_positions()
# This function shows the details() overview of a given emulator iteration
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def show_pipeline_details_overview(self): """ Creates and shows a dialog containing the output of the :meth:`~prism.Pipeline.details` method for all emulator iterations. %(qt_slot)s """ # Make a details dialog details_box = QW.QDialog(self) details_box.setWindowModality(QC.Qt.NonModal) details_box.setAttribute(QC.Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) details_box.setWindowFlags( QC.Qt.MSWindowsOwnDC | QC.Qt.Window | QC.Qt.WindowTitleHint | QC.Qt.WindowSystemMenuHint | QC.Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint) details_box.setWindowTitle("%s: Pipeline details" % (APP_NAME)) # Create a layout for this dialog layout = QW.QVBoxLayout(details_box) # Obtain the latest emul_i emul_i = self.pipe._emulator._emul_i # Create a details tab widget tab_widget = QW.QTabWidget() tab_widget.setCornerWidget(QW.QLabel("Emulator iteration:"), QC.Qt.TopLeftCorner) tab_widget.setUsesScrollButtons(True) tab_widget.setStyleSheet( """ QTabWidget::pane { padding: 1px;} QTabWidget::tab-bar { left: 10px;} """) layout.addWidget(tab_widget) # Loop over all emulator iterations and add their pages for i in range(1, emul_i+1): # Initialize a StringIO stream to capture the output with with StringIO() as string_stream: # Use this stream to capture the overview of details() with redirect_stdout(string_stream): # Obtain the details at specified emulator iteration self.pipe._make_call('details', i) # Save the entire string stream as a separate object details = string_stream.getvalue() # Strip gathered details of all whitespaces details = details.strip() # Cut everything off before "GENERAL" index = details.find("GENERAL") details = details[index:] # Now split details up line-by-line details = details.splitlines() # Remove all empty lines in details while True: try: details.remove('') except ValueError: break # Search for lines that are in all caps, which are group titles group_idx = [j for j, line in enumerate(details) if line.isupper() and line[0].isalpha()] group_idx.append(-1) # Create an empty ordered dict with groups groups = odict() # Split details at these indices for j, k in zip(group_idx[:-1], group_idx[1:]): # Extract the part of the list for this group group = details[j:k] # Extract the name and entry for this group name = group[0].capitalize() entry = group[1:] # If first or last lines contain dashes, remove if(entry[-1].count('-') == len(entry[-1])): entry.pop(-1) if(entry[0].count('-') == len(entry[0])): entry.pop(0) # Loop over all remaining lines in entry and split at \t entry = [line.split('\t') for line in entry] # Add this group entry to the dict groups[name] = entry # Make a details layout details_layout = QW.QVBoxLayout() details_layout.setSizeConstraint(QW.QLayout.SetFixedSize) # Make QGroupBoxes for all groups for name, entry in groups.items(): # Make a QGroupBox for this group group = QW.QGroupBox(name) details_layout.addWidget(group) group_layout = QW.QFormLayout() group.setLayout(group_layout) # Loop over all lines in this group's entry for line in entry: # If line is a list with one element, it spans both columns if(len(line) == 1): # Extract this one element line = line[0] # If line is solely dashes, add a separator if(line.count('-') == len(line)): sep_line = QW.QFrame() sep_line.setFrameShape(sep_line.HLine) sep_line.setFrameShadow(sep_line.Sunken) group_layout.addRow(sep_line) # If not, add line as a QLabel else: group_layout.addRow(QW.QLabel(line)) # Else, it contains two elements else: group_layout.addRow(*map(QW.QLabel, line)) # Add a stretch to the layout details_layout.addStretch() # Add this details_layout to a new widget details_tab = QW.QWidget(details_box) details_tab.setLayout(details_layout) # Add the tab to a scrollarea scrollarea = QW.QScrollArea(details_box) scrollarea.setFrameStyle(QW.QFrame.NoFrame) scrollarea.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) scrollarea.setWidgetResizable(True) scrollarea.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(QC.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) scrollarea.horizontalScrollBar().setEnabled(False) scrollarea.setWidget(details_tab) # Set size constraints on the scrollarea scrollarea.setMaximumHeight(details_tab.height() + 2) # Add it to the tab_widget tab_widget.addTab(scrollarea, "&%i" % (i)) # Set size constraints on the details box details_box.setFixedWidth(tab_widget.sizeHint().width() + scrollarea.verticalScrollBar().width() + layout.contentsMargins().left() + layout.contentsMargins().right()) details_box.setMaximumHeight(scrollarea.maximumHeight() + tab_widget.tabBar().sizeHint().height() + layout.contentsMargins().top() + layout.contentsMargins().bottom()) # Show the details message box