Source code for prism._gui.widgets.preferences.options

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

GUI Options
Provides the main :class:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog` subclass that creates the
preferences menu and keeps track of all internally saved options.
The window used for the kwargs dicts is defined in


# Package imports
from e13tools.utils import docstring_substitute
from PyQt5 import QtCore as QC, QtWidgets as QW
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict as sdict

# PRISM imports
from prism._docstrings import (
    kwargs_doc, proj_depth_doc, proj_res_doc, qt_slot_doc)
from prism._gui.widgets import (
    QW_QDoubleSpinBox, QW_QSpinBox, get_box_value, get_modified_box_signal,
from prism._gui.widgets.preferences.kwargs_dicts import KwargsDictBoxLayout

# All declaration
__all__ = ['OptionsDialog']

# Define class for options dialog
[docs]class OptionsDialog(QW.QDialog): """ Defines the :class:`~OptionsDialog` class for the Projection GUI. This class provides both the 'Preferences' dialog and the functions that are required to load; save; set; and change them. """ # Create saving, resetting and discarding signals saving = QC.pyqtSignal() resetting = QC.pyqtSignal() discarding = QC.pyqtSignal()
[docs] @docstring_substitute(optional=kwargs_doc.format( 'PyQt5.QtWidgets.QDialog')) def __init__(self, main_window_obj, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~OptionsDialog` class. Parameters ---------- main_window_obj : :obj:`~prism._gui.widgets.MainViewerWindow` object Instance of the :class:`~prism._gui.widgets.MainViewerWindow` class that acts as the parent of this dialog. %(optional)s """ # Save provided MainWindow object self.main = main_window_obj self.pipe = self.main.pipe self.n_par = self.main.n_par self.set_proj_attr = self.main.set_proj_attr self.all_set_proj_attr = self.main.all_set_proj_attr self.get_proj_attr = self.main.get_proj_attr self.call_proj_attr = self.main.call_proj_attr self.all_call_proj_attr = self.main.all_call_proj_attr # Call super constructor super().__init__(self.main, *args, **kwargs) # Create the options window self.init()
# This function shows the options window @QC.pyqtSlot() def __call__(self): """ Qt slot that shows the options dialog in the center of the main window. """ # Show it # Move the options window to the center of the main window self.move(self.main.geometry().center()-self.rect().center()) # This function overrides the closeEvent method
[docs] def closeEvent(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Special :meth:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget.closeEvent` event that makes sure that all dialogs will be closed related to the options menu, and discards all changes made. """ # Make sure the kwargs dict dialog is closed self.dict_dialog.close() # Close the window super().closeEvent(*args, **kwargs) # Set all option boxes back to their saved values self.discard_options()
# This function creates the options window
[docs] def init(self): """ Sets up the options dialog after it has been initialized. This function is mainly responsible for initializing all option entries that the GUI has, and creating a database for them. It also creates the layout of the options dialog. """ # Create a window layout window_layout = QW.QVBoxLayout(self) # Create a tab widget window_tabs = QW.QTabWidget() window_layout.addWidget(window_tabs) # Create a options dict self.option_entries = sdict() # Define list with all tabs that should be available in what order option_tabs = ['general', 'appearance'] # Include all tabs named in options_tabs for tab in option_tabs: window_tabs.addTab(*getattr(self, 'create_tab_%s' % (tab))()) # Also add the buttons self.create_group_buttons(window_layout) # Set a few properties of options window self.setWindowModality(QC.Qt.WindowModal) # Modality self.setWindowTitle("Preferences") # Title # Add a new method to self.main self.main.get_option = self.get_option
# This function returns the value of a specific option
[docs] def get_option(self, name): """ Returns the value of the option entry associated with the given `name`. """ return(self.option_entries[name].value)
# This function creates a new options entry
[docs] def create_entry(self, name, box, default): """ Creates a new :class:`~OptionsEntry` instance, using the provided `name`, `box` and `default`, and registers it in the options dialog. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this options entry. box : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object The widget that will hold the values of this entry. default : object The default value of this entry. """ # Create new options entry entry = OptionsEntry(name, box, default) # Connect box signals get_modified_box_signal(box).connect(self.enable_save_button) # Connect entry slots self.saving.connect(entry.save_value) self.resetting.connect(entry.reset_value) self.discarding.connect(entry.discard_value) # Add new entry to option_entries self.option_entries[name] = entry
# This function creates a new tab
[docs] def create_tab(self, name, groups_list): """ Creates a new options tab with the given `name` and adds the groups defined in `groups_list` to it. This function acts as a base function called by `create_tab_` functions. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this options tab. groups_list : list of str A list containing the names of all option groups that need to be added to this tab. Returns ------- tab : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object The created options tab. name : str The name of this options tab as provided with `name`. This variable is mainly returned such that it is easier to pass tab names between functions. """ # Create a tab tab = QW.QWidget() layout = QW.QVBoxLayout() tab.setLayout(layout) # Include all groups named in groups_list for group in groups_list: layout.addWidget(getattr(self, 'create_group_%s' % (group))()) # Add a stretch layout.addStretch() # Return tab return(tab, name)
# This function creates a new group
[docs] def create_group(self, name, options_list): """ Creates a new option group with the given `name` and adds the options defined in `options_list` to it. This function acts as a base function called by `create_group_` functions. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this option group. options_list : list of str A list containing the names of all options that need to be added to this group. Returns ------- group : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QGroupBox` object The created option group. """ # Create a group group = QW.QGroupBox(name) layout = QW.QFormLayout() group.setLayout(layout) # Include all options named in options_list for option in options_list: layout.addRow(*getattr(self, 'create_option_%s' % (option))()) # Return group return(group)
[docs] def create_tab_general(self): """ Creates the 'General' tab and returns it. """ self.proj_defaults = sdict(self.get_proj_attr('proj_kwargs')) self.proj_keys = list(self.proj_defaults.keys()) self.proj_keys.remove('align') self.proj_keys.extend(['align_col', 'align_row']) return(self.create_tab("General", ['proj_grid', 'proj_kwargs']))
[docs] def create_tab_appearance(self): """ Creates the 'Appearance' tab and returns it. """ return(self.create_tab("Appearance", ['interface']))
[docs] def create_group_proj_grid(self): """ Creates the 'Projection grid' group and returns it. """ return(self.create_group("Projection grid", ['proj_res', 'proj_depth']))
[docs] def create_group_proj_kwargs(self): """ Creates the 'Projection keywords' group and returns it. """ return(self.create_group("Projection keywords", ['align', 'show_cuts', 'smooth', 'kwargs_dicts']))
[docs] def create_group_interface(self): """ Creates the 'Interface' group and returns it. """ return(self.create_group("Interface", ['auto_show', 'auto_tile', 'progress_dialog']))
[docs] def create_group_fonts(self): # pragma: no cover """ Creates the 'Fonts' group and returns it. """ return(self.create_group("Fonts", ['text_fonts']))
# TEXT_FONTS OPTION # TODO: Further implement this
[docs] def create_option_text_fonts(self): # pragma: no cover """ Creates the 'text_fonts' option and returns it. This option allows for the fonts used in the GUI to be modified. """ # PLAIN TEXT # Create a font families combobox plain_box = QW.QFontComboBox() plain_box.setFontFilters(QW.QFontComboBox.MonospacedFonts) plain_box.setEditable(True) plain_box.setInsertPolicy(plain_box.NoInsert) plain_box.completer().setCompletionMode(QW.QCompleter.PopupCompletion) # Create a font size spinbox plain_size = QW_QSpinBox() plain_size.setRange(7, 9999999) plain_size.setSuffix(" pts") # RICH TEXT # Create a font families combobox rich_box = QW.QFontComboBox() rich_box.setEditable(True) rich_box.setInsertPolicy(rich_box.NoInsert) rich_box.completer().setCompletionMode(QW.QCompleter.PopupCompletion) # Create a font size spinbox rich_size = QW_QSpinBox() rich_size.setRange(7, 9999999) rich_size.setSuffix(" pts") # Create a grid for the families and size boxes font_grid = QW.QGridLayout() font_grid.setColumnStretch(1, 2) font_grid.setColumnStretch(3, 1) # Add everything to this grid font_grid.addWidget(QW.QLabel("Plain text:"), 0, 0) font_grid.addWidget(plain_box, 0, 1) font_grid.addWidget(QW.QLabel("Size:"), 0, 2) font_grid.addWidget(plain_size, 0, 3) font_grid.addWidget(QW.QLabel("Rich text:"), 1, 0) font_grid.addWidget(rich_box, 1, 1) font_grid.addWidget(QW.QLabel("Size:"), 1, 2) font_grid.addWidget(rich_size, 1, 3) font_grid.addWidget(QW.QLabel("NOTE: Does not work yet"), 2, 0, 1, 4) # Return the grid return(font_grid,)
# DPI OPTION # TODO: Further implement this one as well
[docs] def create_option_dpi(self): # pragma: no cover """ Creates the 'dpi' option and returns it. This option allows for the DPI used in the GUI to be modified. """ # Make a checkbox for setting a custom DPI scaling dpi_check = QW.QCheckBox("Custom DPI scaling:") dpi_check.setToolTip("Set this to enable custom DPI scaling of the " "GUI") self.create_entry('dpi_flag', dpi_check, False) # Make a spinbox for setting the DPI scaling dpi_box = QW_QDoubleSpinBox() dpi_box.setRange(0, 100) dpi_box.setSuffix("x") dpi_box.setSpecialValueText("Auto") dpi_box.setToolTip("Custom DPI scaling factor to use. " "'1.0' is no scaling. " "'Auto' is automatic scaling.") dpi_check.toggled.connect(dpi_box.setEnabled) dpi_box.setEnabled(False) self.create_entry('dpi_scaling', dpi_box, 1.0) # Return DPI box return(dpi_check, dpi_box)
[docs] def create_option_auto_tile(self): """ Creates the 'auto_tile' option and returns it. This option sets whether the projection subwindows are automatically tiled. """ # Make check box for auto tiling auto_tile_box = QW.QCheckBox("Auto-tile subwindows") auto_tile_box.setToolTip("Set this to automatically tile all " "projection subwindows whenever a new one is " "added") self.create_entry('auto_tile', auto_tile_box, True) # Return auto_tile box return(auto_tile_box,)
[docs] def create_option_auto_show(self): """ Creates the 'auto_show' option and returns it. This option sets whether the projection subwindows are automatically shown whenever created. """ # Make check box for auto showing projection figures/subwindows auto_show_box = QW.QCheckBox("Auto-show subwindows") auto_show_box.setToolTip("Set this to automatically show a projection " "subwindow after it has been drawn") self.create_entry('auto_show', auto_show_box, True) # Return auto_show box return(auto_show_box,)
[docs] def create_option_progress_dialog(self): """ Creates the 'progress_dialog' option and returns it. This option sets whether a threaded progress dialog is used for some operations. """ # Make check box for using a threaded progress dialog progress_dialog_box = QW.QCheckBox("Use threaded progress dialog") progress_dialog_box.setToolTip( "Set this to use a threaded progress dialog whenever projections " "are created or drawn.\nThis allows for the operation to be " "monitored and/or aborted, but also slows down the execution") self.create_entry('use_progress_dialog', progress_dialog_box, True) # Return progress_dialog box return(progress_dialog_box,)
[docs] def create_option_proj_res(self): """ Creates the 'proj_res' option and returns it. This option sets the value of the 'proj_res' projection parameter. """ # Make spinbox for option proj_res proj_res_box = QW_QSpinBox() proj_res_box.setRange(0, 9999999) proj_res_box.setToolTip(proj_res_doc) self.create_entry('proj_res', proj_res_box, self.proj_defaults['proj_res']) # Return resolution box return('Resolution:', proj_res_box)
[docs] def create_option_proj_depth(self): """ Creates the 'proj_depth' option and returns it. This option sets the value of the 'proj_depth' projection parameter. """ # Make spinbox for option proj_depth proj_depth_box = QW_QSpinBox() proj_depth_box.setRange(0, 9999999) proj_depth_box.setToolTip(proj_depth_doc) self.create_entry('proj_depth', proj_depth_box, self.proj_defaults['proj_depth']) # Return depth box return('Depth:', proj_depth_box)
[docs] def create_option_align(self): """ Creates the 'align' option and returns it. This option sets the value of the 'align' projection parameter. """ # Column align align_col_box = QW.QRadioButton('Column') align_col_box.setToolTip("Align the projection subplots in a single " "column") self.create_entry('align_col', align_col_box, self.proj_defaults['align'] == 'col') # Row align align_row_box = QW.QRadioButton('Row') align_row_box.setToolTip("Align the projection subplots in a single " "row") self.create_entry('align_row', align_row_box, self.proj_defaults['align'] == 'row') # Create layout for align and add it to options layout align_box = QW.QHBoxLayout() align_box.addWidget(align_col_box) align_box.addWidget(align_row_box) align_box.addStretch() # Return alignment box return('Alignment:', align_box)
[docs] def create_option_show_cuts(self): """ Creates the 'show_cuts' option and returns it. This option sets the value of the 'show_cuts' projection parameter. """ # Make check box for show_cuts show_cuts_box = QW.QCheckBox() show_cuts_box.setToolTip("Enable/disable showing all implausibility " "cut-off lines in 2D projections") self.create_entry('show_cuts', show_cuts_box, self.proj_defaults['show_cuts']) # Return shot_cuts box return('Show cuts?', show_cuts_box)
[docs] def create_option_smooth(self): """ Creates the 'smooth' option and returns it. This option sets the value of the 'smooth' projection parameter. """ # Make check box for smooth smooth_box = QW.QCheckBox() smooth_box.setToolTip("Enable/disable smoothing the projections. When " "smoothed, the minimum implausibility is forced " "to be above the first cut-off for implausible " "regions") self.create_entry('smooth', smooth_box, self.proj_defaults['smooth']) # Return smooth box return('Smooth?', smooth_box)
[docs] def create_option_kwargs_dicts(self): """ Creates the 'kwargs_dicts' option and returns it. This option allows for the :class:`~prism._gui.widgets.preferences.KwargsDictDialog` to be shown to the user. This dialog is able to set the values of all 'XXX_kwargs' projection parameters. """ # Create a kwargs_dict_box kwargs_dict_box = KwargsDictBoxLayout(self) self.kwargs_dict_box = kwargs_dict_box # Add all kwargs_dicts to it # FIG_KWARGS kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "Figure", 'fig_kwargs', std_entries=['dpi', 'figsize'], banned_entries=self.get_proj_attr('pop_fig_kwargs')) # IMPL_KWARGS_2D kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "2D implausibility", 'impl_kwargs_2D', std_entries=['linestyle', 'linewidth', 'marker', 'markersize', 'color', 'alpha'], banned_entries=[*self.get_proj_attr('pop_plt_kwargs'), 'cmap']) # IMPL_KWARGS_3D kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "3D implausibility", 'impl_kwargs_3D', std_entries=['cmap', 'alpha', 'xscale', 'yscale'], banned_entries=self.get_proj_attr('pop_plt_kwargs')) # LOS_KWARGS_2D kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "2D line-of-sight", 'los_kwargs_2D', std_entries=['linestyle', 'linewidth', 'marker', 'markersize', 'color', 'alpha'], banned_entries=[*self.get_proj_attr('pop_plt_kwargs'), 'cmap']) # LOS_KWARGS_3D kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "3D line-of-sight", 'los_kwargs_3D', std_entries=['cmap', 'alpha', 'xscale', 'yscale'], banned_entries=self.get_proj_attr('pop_plt_kwargs')) # LINE_KWARGS_EST kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "Estimate lines", 'line_kwargs_est', std_entries=['linestyle', 'color', 'alpha', 'linewidth'], banned_entries=[]) # LINE_KWARGS_CUT kwargs_dict_box.add_dict( "Cut-off lines", 'line_kwargs_cut', std_entries=['linestyle', 'color', 'alpha', 'linewidth'], banned_entries=[]) # Return kwargs_dict box return('Projection keyword dicts:', kwargs_dict_box)
[docs] def create_group_buttons(self, window_layout): """ Creates the button box that is shown at the bottom of the options dialog and registers it in the provided `window_layout`. """ # Create a button_box button_box = QW.QDialogButtonBox() window_layout.addWidget(button_box) # Make a 'Reset' button reset_but = button_box.addButton(button_box.Reset) reset_but.setToolTip("Reset to defaults") reset_but.clicked.connect(self.reset_options) self.reset_but = reset_but # Make an 'Apply' button save_but = button_box.addButton(button_box.Apply) save_but.setToolTip("Apply changes") save_but.clicked.connect(self.save_options) save_but.setEnabled(False) self.save_but = save_but # Make a 'Close' button close_but = button_box.addButton(button_box.Close) close_but.setToolTip("Close without saving") close_but.clicked.connect(self.close) close_but.setDefault(True) self.close_but = close_but
# This function saves the new options values
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def save_options(self): """ Saves all current values of all option entries. Option entries that affect projection parameters are automatically modified as well. %(qt_slot)s """ # Emit the saving signal self.saving.emit() # Save all new values for key, entry in self.option_entries.items(): # If key is a projection parameter, save it in the Pipeline as well if key in self.proj_keys: # Align if key in ['align_col', 'align_row']: if self.set_proj_attr('align', key[6:]) else: self.set_proj_attr(key, entry.value) # Disable the save button self.disable_save_button()
# This function enables the save button
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() def enable_save_button(self): """ Qt slot that enables the save button at the bottom of the options dialog. The save button is enabled if at least one change has been made to any option entry. """ self.save_but.setEnabled(True)
# This function disables the save button
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() def disable_save_button(self): """ Qt slot that disables the save button at the bottom of the options dialog. The save button is disabled whenever no changes have been made to any option entry. """ self.save_but.setEnabled(False)
# This function resets the options to default
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def reset_options(self): """ Resets the saved and current values of all option entries back to their default values. %(qt_slot)s """ # Emit the resetting signal self.resetting.emit() # Save current options self.save_options()
# This function discards all changes to the options
[docs] @QC.pyqtSlot() @docstring_substitute(qt_slot=qt_slot_doc) def discard_options(self): """ Discards the current values of all option entries and sets them back to their saved values. %(qt_slot)s """ # Emit the discarding signal self.discarding.emit() # Disable the save button self.disable_save_button()
# Define class used as a container for options entries class OptionsEntry(QC.QObject): """ Defines the :class:`~OptionsEntry` class. This class is used as a container for making option entries in the :class:`~OptionsDialog` class. """ # Initialize options entry def __init__(self, name, box, default): """ Initialize an instance of the :class:`~OptionsEntry` class. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this options entry. box : :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object The widget that will hold the values of this entry. default : object The default value of this entry. """ # Save provided name, box and default self._name = name self._box = box self._default = default # Call super constructor super().__init__() # Initialize the options entry self.init() # Create a representation of this entry def __repr__(self): return("OptionsEntry(name=%s, box=%s, default=%s, value=%s)" % (,, self.default, self.value)) # This function creates the options entry def init(self): """ Sets up the options entry after it has been initialized. This function is mainly responsible for making sure that the current and saved values of this entry are set to its default value. """ # Set the box value to the default value and save it self.reset_value() self.save_value() # This property contains the name of this entry @property def name(self): """ str: The name of this options entry. """ return(self._name) # This property contains the associated QWidget object of this entry @property def box(self): """ :obj:`~PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget` object: The widget box that contains this options entry. """ return(self._box) # This property contains the default value of this entry @property def default(self): """ object: The default value of this options entry. """ return(self._default) # This property contains the currently saved value of this entry @property def value(self): """ object: The currently saved value of this options entry. """ return(self._value) # This function saves the value of this entry's box @QC.pyqtSlot() def save_value(self): """ Qt slot that saves the current value of this options entry. """ self._value = get_box_value(self._box) # This function resets the value of this entry's box to the default value @QC.pyqtSlot() def reset_value(self): """ Qt slot that resets the current value of this options entry to its default value. """ set_box_value(self._box, self._default) # This function sets the value of this entry's box to the saved value @QC.pyqtSlot() def discard_value(self): """ Qt slot that discards the current value and sets it back to its saved value. """ set_box_value(self._box, self._value)